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Voting begins!

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I just want to remind everyone that if you're voting for 3 Regiment shows, 4 Cavaliers shows and 2 Bluecoats shows, you're essentially negating your own vote. They will only show one perfoemance by each corps. My suggestion is to pick ONE SHOW from each corps you really like and give that show a real chance. Otherwise, some abomination like "Through The looking Glass" will sneak through, and I really have no desire to see a guy in a bunny suit again.

Garry in Vegas

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I just want to remind everyone that if you're voting for 3 Regiment shows, 4 Cavaliers shows and 2 Bluecoats shows, you're essentially negating your own vote. They will only show one perfoemance by each corps. My suggestion is to pick ONE SHOW from each corps you really like and give that show a real chance. Otherwise, some abomination like "Through The looking Glass" will sneak through, and I really have no desire to see a guy in a bunny suit again.

Garry in Vegas

Unless you're voting for a specific corps to get in, no matter what show. IE if I wanted Crown in the countdown, I just vote for them all, so which ever show is closest, gets one more vote.

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Unless you're voting for a specific corps to get in, no matter what show. IE if I wanted Crown in the countdown, I just vote for them all, so which ever show is closest, gets one more vote.

Not necessarily. Up until this post, Regiment has the most votes, by far, at 50. But it's spread over all 6 years. They have the most votes for 08, 06 and 03, but only one of those shows will make it. Bluecoats are second in voting overall with 31 over all 6 years. Crown has 28, SCV 26, Blue Devils/Cavaliers 24, Cadets 20, Scouts 13, Spirit 9, Blue Knights 5, Boston 4, Blue Stars/Glassmen 3 and Magic 2.

Now, Regiment 08 leads all votes with 15. They also lead 03 by far with 12 and 06 with 10, but no show from 03 or 06 will have a shot because those years are effectively eliminated. (The next closest in 03 is SCV with 5, but they're already tied with BD for 11 votes in 04; next closest in 06 is Cavaliers, Bluecoats and Crown with 5).

If voting ended right now, it would be: Regiment 08; Blue Devils 04; SCV 04; Cadets 05; Crown 07; and Cavaliers 04 or Bluecoats 07. Bluecoats are on the bubble, even though they are the second highest vote getters, because their votes are spread out so far that an individual show by the Cadets would get in, even though Bluecoats have 50% more votes overall.

Now does my theory make sense?

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I get what you're saying Garry, and I thought about that as well, but then again my favorite show by a certain corps might not be the favorite of someone else. For example, my favorite Crown show is from 2006 and that's the only Crown show I voted for. However, just because I limited myself to one Crown vote doesn't make that show any more likely to appear on screen. Clearly the 2007 is more popular, and I'm guessing the 2008 show might be more popular as well. Limiting myself to one vote per corps makes sense if there's a coordinated effort to pick a specific show from a specific corps. Otherwise, everyone's going to pick their individual favorite and the votes for the Bluecoats are still going to be spread out over the years.

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I would like to see some of the moldy oldies up there on the big screen. I do understand, however, why they only want to go back as far as the highest quality video will let them.

A few years ago I went to this thing, mainly to see the Bridgemen on the screen. While the performance was still as much fun to me as it was back when they were competing, it was so grainy that it made my eyes and head hurt. The bunch of band kids in the audience (the ones who DON'T have all of the videos and DVDs) were polite about it, but you could tell that the quality of the video was hindering a more enthusiastic response, as demonstrated by the same kids when the "newer" stuff was shown.

Now, I go just to watch the features between the corps. The fact that the corps are up there is a bonus! And, it looks like they're doing something with a live audience this year, which should be fun.

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If voting ended right now, it would be: Regiment 08; Blue Devils 04; SCV 04; Cadets 05; Crown 07; and Cavaliers 04 or Bluecoats 07.

I'd take any Bluecoats show since 2003 over Crown 2007, but otherwise that's one heck of a line-up. Honestly there's not a single 'Coats show from the years we're selecting that I didn't enjoy, so it's no surprise to me that the voting would be so spread out.

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Not necessarily. Up until this post, Regiment has the most votes, by far, at 50. But it's spread over all 6 years. They have the most votes for 08, 06 and 03, but only one of those shows will make it. Bluecoats are second in voting overall with 31 over all 6 years. Crown has 28, SCV 26, Blue Devils/Cavaliers 24, Cadets 20, Scouts 13, Spirit 9, Blue Knights 5, Boston 4, Blue Stars/Glassmen 3 and Magic 2.

Now, Regiment 08 leads all votes with 15. They also lead 03 by far with 12 and 06 with 10, but no show from 03 or 06 will have a shot because those years are effectively eliminated. (The next closest in 03 is SCV with 5, but they're already tied with BD for 11 votes in 04; next closest in 06 is Cavaliers, Bluecoats and Crown with 5).

If voting ended right now, it would be: Regiment 08; Blue Devils 04; SCV 04; Cadets 05; Crown 07; and Cavaliers 04 or Bluecoats 07. Bluecoats are on the bubble, even though they are the second highest vote getters, because their votes are spread out so far that an individual show by the Cadets would get in, even though Bluecoats have 50% more votes overall.

Now does my theory make sense?

I see an error in your calculations for the votes in this thread. You have Glassmen at 3 and Magic at 2. I voted for Glassmen 2005 7 times and Magic 03 7 times.

And I've gone back and voted another 11 times for the same 12 shows. So that's 18 total votes for:

2008 Bluecoats

2007 Phantom Regiment

2007 Bluecoats

2006 Bluecoats

2006 Blue Knights

2005 Bluecoats

2005 Glassmen

2005 Spirit

2004 The Cadets

2004 Bluecoats

2003 Bluecoats

2003 The Magic

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