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girl cavaliers?

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Well it never fails, that some girl always tells me she almost marched Cavaliers, but could not come up with the $5K to do so. And I believe her, since it's completely feasible. And since I aged out over a decade ago. Even though I should probably know better by now. That and DCI raised the age out age to 35. Completely within the realm of possibility, so why shouldn't I believe them? Having had no DCI ties for well over a decade.

Along that same line, 2 years ago I was approached by a young lady who told me a similar story and I, like you didn't know how to respond. Who knows the changes go through from season to season. But I had a connection - a girlfriend who had once dated a Cav (St. Rita's guys had a following, too being from the Big City & All and we gave away a lot of jackets every tour - probably our biggest source of revenue after Bingo) she called him and told me the real truth that after all these years they were still all male.

I have although seen a video that's bouncing around the web featuring a marching group of women dressed in green uniforms (of a type I'd like to see on any all female marching organization at my age!) the show is called Destination Unknown. It's on that tube that shall remain unnamed.



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not to continue the argument but as a "guest performer" did she have to pay member/tour fees? If she did....then in fact, she is a member and should be eligible for a jacket. If she truly was a "guest performer" and not paying dues than she does not need a members jacket.

From what I gather, it's completely legal jargon. In order for her to be classified as a "member," they would need to change the corps charter which currently doesn't allow female "members." I'm assuming, if they changed the charter, they could no longer turn down other female members without risking a sexual discrimination lawsuit. Again, I'm just surmising this from other people's contributions.

Some people believe all-male corps are intrinsically discriminatory; I don't. (Nobody says you can't start a new all-girl corps, there have been plenty in the past)

As for the jacket; Maybe she has one. If she doesn't, maybe she just didn't want one. I don't know. I do know her family (at least one sister) is still involved with the organization on certain levels. If they felt she was treated poorly because she was a girl, I doubt they would still be there.

And to bring it back to Cavies, so I'm not hijacking their thread. I was once at a Scout alum's house with a Cavie alum. Someone was cold in the garage and grabbed the Scout's member jacket to keep warm. The Cavie was appalled, but the Scout didn't seem to mind. Read into that what you will.

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Re the jacket...check me on this. Aside from the Cavie script on the back (which I don't think has significantly changed in decades), the jacket's basically blank, correct? Especially nolw that you moved the patches.

The jacket is bought blank as you discribed. Back in the old days they use to stich in your first name on one of the pockets. Other then that, that's it. In fact up until the late 70's you were not allowed to put ANYTHING on your jacket. Things loosened up later when they allowed a rainbow and/or a Standing man patch. Obvioulsy now, DCI patches are allowed.

Personally, a FMM jacket is a FMM jacket. Peroid. Now, I am not a jerk about and if someone wants to let their wife, daughter, whoever wear one, I am not going to go postal over it. It is just a jacket but I believe when you march (and initiated) that jacket should mean something more then a piece of cloth with a name on it. There are other jackets the corps sells that others could wear. Maybe I'm just an old fart with old fart views. Oh well. It's just drum corps :tongue:

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I know for a fact in the mid 90's a couple of female volunteers got member jackets.

Scouts Volunteers who meet certain requirements are at times authorized to order BLACK jackets that are otherwise pretty much the same as the regular corps jackets. The black clearly differentiates the members from the volunteers.

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There was a show at Soldier Field in Chicago, the VFW National Competition .I forget the exact year. I think it was in the late 60's early 70. All units were required to field an Honor Guard (National Colors, Sponsor Flag and 2 guards. Both the Cavaliers and Madison Scouts were in the competition. Both corps marched girls in the Honor Guard. They had painted fake mustaches to make them look like boys from a distance. I was there and they were obviously girls. To qualify for the contest they had to be listed as members even if they used fake names.


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There was a show at Soldier Field in Chicago, the VFW National Competition .I forget the exact year. I think it was in the late 60's early 70. All units were required to field an Honor Guard (National Colors, Sponsor Flag and 2 guards. Both the Cavaliers and Madison Scouts were in the competition. Both corps marched girls in the Honor Guard. They had painted fake mustaches to make them look like boys from a distance. I was there and they were obviously girls. To qualify for the contest they had to be listed as members even if they used fake names.


Did the honor guard HAVE to be women? If not, wouldn't have been easier to stuff the shirts of a few dudes?

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And to bring it back to Cavies, so I'm not hijacking their thread. I was once at a Scout alum's house with a Cavie alum. Someone was cold in the garage and grabbed the Scout's member jacket to keep warm. The Cavie was appalled, but the Scout didn't seem to mind. Read into that what you will.

If my wife or daughter were cold, and my jacket were around, I'd offer it to them. My son, probably not - since he could earn his own Cavaliers jacket if and when he wants to.

In the situation you describe, it'd strike me as odd to see a Madison jacket on a non-alum too, but hey, to each his own.

Edited by mobrien
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not to continue the argument but as a "guest performer" did she have to pay member/tour fees? If she did....then in fact, she is a member and should be eligible for a jacket. If she truly was a "guest performer" and not paying dues than she does not need a members jacket.

See that over there in the corner? It's a horse...it's dead....must you flog it?

On that note...Cavilers have girlfriends? Since when?

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