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The Good Old Days weren't all that good


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Haha, we were much more sophisticated--we had a pulley system with belts, the subject's belt was removed and re-looped from front to back but only through to the side loops--two more belts were attached, one one either side and these two were fastened as to close the loop around the person's waist and then in turn was looped around the door handle--the old school bus handle lever system for the driver. When the subject moved forward the door would open automatically--because he was harnessed to it--and off ya' want. One door folds out and the other in and you in the middle. Kept you on the bus and your whizzlings outside! Problem was sometimes going 65 miles an hour, you'd get an updraft and a shower would rain through the windows along the right side of the bus. I'm still trying to decide if that was funny.....

Dang, by the time it took to get ready, I would have pee'd myself. :lol:

I have seen or tried most every method mentioned here, except for the hole in the floor, sorry HairBear. :lle: Although I have seen something similar as a truck driver. :tongue: Guy had a funnel, hose and hole in the floor, never stopped when he trucked. :lle:

I agree with most, sure there were negative situations BITD, but I won't trade it for the world! :lle:

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Issues? I've got a whole subscription!!!

Thank you, folks. Tip the barber on the way out, won't you?

"Apparently, you are offended by my response to your charge of "east coast bias" with regard to DCA. (or at the least, consider my opinion and the examples I listed to be irrelavent) I don't know

what the length of my hair, or the style thereof, has to do with the subject at hand, nor do I request or require an explanation for your comment(s).

While it is indeed true that the discussion of "Senior corps" ought to be on the appropriate forum,

I was not the one to steer the discussion in that direction. I will however, apologize for my involvement and cease to post on this particular subject. You are now free to steer the discussion in any direction you wish.

In the future, I shall post my opinions among those who share my 41 years of participation in this

activity. Those individuals frequent the "all age forums".

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I have an answer for you. DCI controls where the member corps (top 12) go on tour. The American International Open in Butler was boycotted by DCI, ticket sales dropped when the big guys stopped coming, show folds.

Amen to this.

I was there and saw it. I give Yaracs (AIO) credit for smelling a rat back then. In the 80s, we did as few DCI shows as necessary in order to support the smaller circuits. When DCI ran the AIO out of business, junior corps lost a good pay day, and smaller corps lost a chance to make an important finals. But that conception of drum corps did not fit with "Marching Major Leagues" with a single DCI controlled championship.

Edited by pearlsnaredrummer77
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I have to say that you guys have your issues in your region... BUT and this is a BIG BUT... If you know the weather is hot then make arrangements to be indoors or practice in morning hours outside and move things indoors later when it heats up... Or travel the 200 miles to another corps... It would be cheaper than having people use thousands of dollars of your equipment! But there is no cheap answer to marching corps... It costs me about $4,000.00 per year to march.

The one year I opted for the $4K+ option. Was 2006. Typically I got 2 to 6 action shots from Jolesch (2004+2005). 2006, zero, they bailed early. Typically I get a video where I can recognize at least the uniform. 2006, not so much. So my motivation to do that again for DCA is very low. Since in essence nothing is different now than it was back then. The 200 mile options aren't much better. 10,000 miles on the car, $500 in gas, plus corps dues and expenses. As far as weather considerations, we do do some of that. noon to 4pm is generally non-field show related. We've tried taking those hours off even, but it's kind of lame to go to camp twice (morning + evening) in one day. And being young / poor / lacking in assets as a corps, we don't get choice of facilities. While there may be a facility and we have permission to be there. Access to the great indoors is not always possible. And even if it is, it doesn't imply that the facility in question runs the A/C on the weekends. Been there done that. Saving 6+ hours of travel time per camps is just too convenient. Given that the 200 mile option is technically in the same boat(dallas 10F+ hotter / houston 80% more humidity).

Sorry for the DCA jump. But the thread is not junior specific. Not good old days in DCI as the subject, despite being in a DCI forum. As far as only 3 seniors in your state, I think you miscounted. California has several non-DCI and non-DCA corps. Freelancers alumni being one of the more recent additions. Which is 95% of my issue with that one rule. Corps never seen... Which dispite popular belief does not mean that they didn't exist and shouldn't be counted.

As far as assets in use. It's not the same as spending $XK per season. The assets as long as they don't get ruined or stolen have most of their value retained. Which is probably a better ROI than your 401K at the moment. At least when it comes to used instruments, that were bought used. The recording gear, does depreciate, particularly on the video side. While having some resale value, ultimately that's money thrown away.

As far as the good old days. Every once in while we got to stay in dorms. Well, once per year in Kansas. Of course back then the corps was known as a rain corps. i.e. The end of a several year drought would often coincide with our arrival into that particular town. To the point that probably 25 to 50 percent of the drumcorps shows that I've performed at with a drumcorps were either in the rain, on the same day that it rained at that venue. Ahh the good old days.

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I remember looking over from my seat on the bus one time and noticing a guy peeing into another guys shoes that he had taken off and layed on the floor while he was outside in his marching shoes. Later at a Corps Parents Club meeting his Mother asked the Manager if he had found out "who peed in her sons shoes". My mom was at the meeting and she said that when this woman asked the manager this question the whole meeting started laughing uncontrolably.

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Seems many of us only remember the good times when we marched oh so many years ago.

I think there were alot of bad times. Here are a few of my not so good memories.

My Ludwig french horm was junk and fell apart alot.

My uniform stunk from the last guy that used it who sweated alot.

The guy that got my solo always cracked the notes in the show.

The school bus seats were hard as rocks.

I was hungry most of the time since we didn't have chuck wagons.

Several times we practiced in old corn fields.

Since none of us could read music we had to learn it by rote, that was boring.

We slept in the most god awful places and ate cold hot dogs.

We routinely got beat by all-girl drum corps.

The daggone drummers beat on the back of my bus seat.

My shako didn't fit.

We marched so many parades, I still have nightmares of stepping in horsecrap.

Just trying to keep it real! :satisfied:

My flag pole broke; more than once :-(

Not applicable; btw silk shirts fade after years in the sun and too many washes

Not applicable...to me

School bus seats hard as rocks even with pillows!

Chuck wagon or not, the best was breakfast :-)

Several times we practised on parking lots

We had to read music, part of our drum corps program :-)

We got sick at a legion in 75 and ate cucumber sandwhiches

So did we! Small world!

Drummers beat on the back of my seat was best part of my trip, badabing :-)

had too much hair; fell out of my shako by the end of the contest even with 2 hairnets :-(

Marched in lots of parades out west in white high boots behind horses...kinda a regional thing; we got used to it ;-)

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The one year I opted for the $4K+ option. Was 2006. Typically I got 2 to 6 action shots from Jolesch (2004+2005). 2006, zero, they bailed early. Typically I get a video where I can recognize at least the uniform. 2006, not so much. So my motivation to do that again for DCA is very low. Since in essence nothing is different now than it was back then. The 200 mile options aren't much better. 10,000 miles on the car, $500 in gas, plus corps dues and expenses. As far as weather considerations, we do do some of that. noon to 4pm is generally non-field show related. We've tried taking those hours off even, but it's kind of lame to go to camp twice (morning + evening) in one day. And being young / poor / lacking in assets as a corps, we don't get choice of facilities. While there may be a facility and we have permission to be there. Access to the great indoors is not always possible. And even if it is, it doesn't imply that the facility in question runs the A/C on the weekends. Been there done that. Saving 6+ hours of travel time per camps is just too convenient. Given that the 200 mile option is technically in the same boat(dallas 10F+ hotter / houston 80% more humidity).

Sorry for the DCA jump. But the thread is not junior specific. Not good old days in DCI as the subject, despite being in a DCI forum. As far as only 3 seniors in your state, I think you miscounted. California has several non-DCI and non-DCA corps. Freelancers alumni being one of the more recent additions. Which is 95% of my issue with that one rule. Corps never seen... Which dispite popular belief does not mean that they didn't exist and shouldn't be counted.

As far as assets in use. It's not the same as spending $XK per season. The assets as long as they don't get ruined or stolen have most of their value retained. Which is probably a better ROI than your 401K at the moment. At least when it comes to used instruments, that were bought used. The recording gear, does depreciate, particularly on the video side. While having some resale value, ultimately that's money thrown away.

As far as the good old days. Every once in while we got to stay in dorms. Well, once per year in Kansas. Of course back then the corps was known as a rain corps. i.e. The end of a several year drought would often coincide with our arrival into that particular town. To the point that probably 25 to 50 percent of the drumcorps shows that I've performed at with a drumcorps were either in the rain, on the same day that it rained at that venue. Ahh the good old days.

Sounds like things have been a big pain in the rear end... My suggestion... Find another hobby cause you don't seem very happy with this one! :satisfied: I have to tell you... I have all kinds of stuff I could go on about all day long... But I just don't! Why because I would rather focus on the great times rather than wallow in my own sorrow and self pitty! JMO I choose half full... what is your choice?

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Wait a minute! I remember your gosh awful busses!!!! You used to have to push the darn things to get them started! :laughing:

No, Mike, that was OUR buses! :worthy:

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