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Cadets Assault with Thunderous Goo

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When I hear comments like that, I seriously wonder if I'm wasting my money going to Allentown.

it...key word here...shouldn't....be as bad at an outdoor stadium than it is in a dome

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If you believe comments like that, then you are wasting your money. If you're not willing to accept drum corps for what it is on the field today, then you are wasting your money.


great rebuttal. let's keep chasing fans away. brilliant business strategy

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I just watched the Cadets performing at San Antonio via Fan Network. I must say this is a really great show EXCEPT ... why do they feel the need to assault our ears with that thunderous goo (aka electric bass)? It is very disturbing to me. Anyone else notice this problem? The imbalance is terrible. This has been a problem for them since electronics began but this year I really want to enjoy their show and it's tough. Oh well ... flame away.

have you not been on these forum pages before :tongue: complaints of "thunderous goo" are like the flavor of the month....but only its the season

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Agreed, which is part of why I'm going, so I can decide for myself.

I also agree that the kids are the future (do I hear a Whitney Huston song coming on?) but on that motivation, DCI needs to consider that there are hundreds of avenues that people can invest in that future by supporting local sports, boy scouts, girl guides, etc. and that means two things...

1 - they can't disenfranchise existing fans like me with frivolous rule changes

2 - the number of corps has shrunk drastically since the 1970s. They serve less and less of those kids as time goes by but charge some of the highest ticket prices to the supporters. Participation is expensive and getting worse all the time, from what I can see. As a contrbutor to the development of youth, DCI is not cost effective.

Even when I marched in 1989 there were talks of adding electronics......hard to say it is frivolous decision. Drum Corps have been (and still are) the bench mark of the marching activity in the lines of performance quality. But up until the recent rule changes many have believed that high school groups/independent wgi drumlines had passed what drum corps where doing from a design stand point musically. I guess the best way to explain it from a kids stand point would be like marching really complex difficult drill at high school, and then going to drum corps and marching symmetrical drill that never broke 136 bpm and had the drumline drill move up down the 50 yard line.......just an analogy.

As far as less corps nowadays......well how many of those corps don't exist anymore because they were run improperly......We can't forget that it is a youth activity and these corps need to be financially stable, have insurance etc.... I find it very hard to believe that every corps from the 70's had all their "business" taken care of for running a youth activity in order........it is in DCI's best interest, and the best interest of the kids, to make sure these corps are being run properly and legally......I really can't see how people could have a problem with that.

As far as prices getting higher for tickets and members fees......it is the reality of inflation.......everything has higher cost nowadays. Just look at the price of gas. Disneyland, NBA, and MBL all have higher ticket prices too from what they did 10, 20, 30 years ago....and their true fans can step back and look at reality. Does drum corps have some special magic around it that protects it from the reality of inflation?

Edited by dbg
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Even when I marched in 1989 there were talks of adding electronics--hard to say it is frivolous decision. Drum Corps have been (and still are) the benchmark of the marching activity in the lines of performance quality. But up until the recent rule changes, many have believed that high school groups/independent WGI drumlines had passed what drum corps where doing from a design stand point musically. I guess the best way to explain it from a kids' standpoint would be like marching really complex difficult drill at high school, and then going to drum corps and marching symmetrical drill that never broke 136 bpm and had the drumline drill move up down the 50 yard line. Just an analogy.

I'm not clear on why synthesizers would make drum lines better. (As for amplifying the pit, I've understand those arguments and disagree with them, because they remove the challenge of creating a big sound unaided outdoors. I mean, a high jumper would clear a much taller bar using a trampoline, but would it really be an improvement?)

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I'm not clear on why synthesizers would make drum lines better. (As for amplifying the pit, I've understand those arguments and disagree with them, because they remove the challenge of creating a big sound unaided outdoors. I mean, a high jumper would clear a much taller bar using a trampoline, but would it really be an improvement?)

synthesizers don't make the line better.....but they do give designers another tool to utilize.....how they use that tool is up to them.....if you choose to use it then use it well. There is no rule saying you have to use synth....there is also no rule saying you need a snare line....but corps have them....and they hope that they are used well......a bad snare line hurts a group....and bad use of electronics hurts a group.

about the reasons for amplification.....there is a difference between a big harsh sound (no amplification) and a big warm sound (amplification)......to some it is a minor differnece unfortunately some people can't hear the diffeence.

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great rebuttal. let's keep chasing fans away. brilliant business strategy

Lol he's not chasing fans away. Obviously those fans who left have already made up their minds well before things like that were said.

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The issue isn't what I believe. I believe attending drum corps shows is a privilege. So pardon me if I don't cry you a river because you're spending money to see something wonderful.

What do you believe? Do you believe electronics will ruin the show? If so, save your money. If not, enjoy the show. Then that gap will be bridged because I don't see myself not enjoying drum corps this summer, electronics and all.


The issue isn't what I believe, and then you tell me what you believe. An interesting insight into your thought processes.

Attending a drum corps show is not a privilege, it's a business transaction. I pay money, they let me in the gate. If the product is something I am interested in, I will continue to pay money to be let in the gate. If not, I won't. All intrinsic issues of "supporting the kids" to one side, that business model is the thing DCI needs to focus on the most, because if they don't, there will be no kids in DCI. There will be no DCI.

Here's the fundamental difference between us. While somewhat skeptical, I'm willing to give DCI a try again. Your mind however is closed and locked on my point of view.

Edited by Grandpa
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Lol he's not chasing fans away. Obviously those fans who left have already made up their minds well before things like that were said.

Not entirely true. While some, I know, have not returned (and neither has their money....) I'm living evidence that some of us old dinos are at least willing to give it another shot.

But if it's an electro-fest in Allentown, that will be the last time.

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They will figure things out by finals night. No need to complain/


I dislike this response. If this is the case then stay home until finals. If you do go to finals at Indy, make sure you sit in the first 25 rows on the 50.

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