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Dear Mr. Acheson...

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Danielray, you pretty much nailed it.

As for taking action vs. posting long screeds here, in addition to your having lined up Microsoft, only to be ultimately rebuffed, I myself have some experience in that regard. WGN America comes to mind, who were quite hot on the idea of Finals, but grew discouraged at what they saw was increasing reluctance on the part of DCI when it came time to actually set up a meeting.

Lets just say that its pretty hard to get a project off the ground if the people who's product you're trying to sell stop returning phone calls. Potential advertisers tend to frown on temperamental artists who guard their work as closely as a starving pit bull guards his first meal in a week.

So an interesting question would be "why?" Why is DCI seemingly (with absolute respect and honesty, you and Danielray present one part of one side of a story) blowing off potentially beneficial opportunities? What are missing (besides the obvious answer of "DCI's side of the story") here? Is DCI reluctant to get into business with an "outside" company for some reason? Do they have exclusive distribution rights with a company we're not thinking of?

This is all interesting to me. I mean, it seems obvious that DCI stopped with the ESPN thing because it was really expensive and not necessarily in their best interests (arguably). We have no clue (at least I don't, and probably the general populace) why they might've been uninterested in these other alleged opportunities (and yes, I know we don't need to be appraised of DCI's business decisions). This type of stuff is oddly fascinating to me...

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And for the record, they're not all that receptive. As I have written on here before, a few years back, lined up an opportunity to have the broadcast and fan network underwritten by Microsoft as a sort of test rabbit for their bid to take on streaming for the Olympics. I got a group of guys from the video streaming team to the Seattle show to check things out and the GM of the group responsible out to finals.

They were really hot on the idea...but response was a two sentence email, simply thanks but they already have a solution.

Dismissing opportunities like this without exploration is absolutely a fireable offense for most normal businesses.

Think about it for a second....

Microsoft execs came out to DCI finals to explore the potential, see it first hand (not at all an easy feat). Interested to explore a partnership, but idea is dismissed without discussion. Killed in the crib.

Anyway, there needs to be a major shakeup or this thing isn't going anywhere. DCI is already dead in the water.

Drumline Battle (despite the

) and SoundSport are cute... but these aren't going to move the needle. Where is the tangible impact? It is preaching to the choir and there is no plan on how this can impact revenue or really grow a fanbase. It is just a vague idea, no data collection, no engagement strategy, no revenue, no tangible league or even unique content... just a sloppy side of slaw to DCI's bucket of chicken.

Cool, kids in

feel a part of it all.... but where's the money? DCI needs to change their
big time and refocus

Wow. Just wow. Who in the H e l l turns down support from Microsoft? As I have said for years, the current DCI Management team needs to be fired & replaced. This Indy organization is full of amateurs. What business would allow the steady decline & negative growth like DCI has experienced to continue without firing people? DCI equates Facebook like to TV viewers? What??? Really??? Unreal. All these guys in Indy care about is to continue the gravy train that is their job.

The house in Indy needs to be cleaned.

Edited by FlamMan
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How many years ago did DCI refuse to meet with Microsoft? And with WGN?

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How many years ago did DCI refuse to meet with Microsoft? And with WGN?

And why wasn't this revealed then? I would think that this would have been big news.

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And why wasn't this revealed then? I would think that this would have been big news.

It would be had a deal been made. Stuff like this is almost never discussed openly by the parties involved, and it's not like there's a crack press body doing investigative journalism in drum corps.

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The potential WGN America deal was in June of 2010.

As for why DCI never explored either this or the Microsoft deal, I really don't know. The G-7 controversy was playing itself out that summer, so perhaps that had something to do with it. Maybe its because of how DCI itself is structured that any major undertaking becomes slightly less onerous than passing a concealed carry law in a congress full of Buddhists.

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So an interesting question would be "why?" Why is DCI seemingly (with absolute respect and honesty, you and Danielray present one part of one side of a story) blowing off potentially beneficial opportunities? What are missing (besides the obvious answer of "DCI's side of the story") here? Is DCI reluctant to get into business with an "outside" company for some reason? Do they have exclusive distribution rights with a company we're not thinking of?

This is all interesting to me. I mean, it seems obvious that DCI stopped with the ESPN thing because it was really expensive and not necessarily in their best interests (arguably). We have no clue (at least I don't, and probably the general populace) why they might've been uninterested in these other alleged opportunities (and yes, I know we don't need to be appraised of DCI's business decisions). This type of stuff is oddly fascinating to me...

The simple fact is that there are personalities in positions of power within DCI who have stated flat out that they will not be a part of an organization where they, themselves, do not have control.

Any organization that is willing to commit significant money to the DCI effort is going to want to control how their funds are spent to maximize their own return (financial or otherwise). Giving up control to allow that to happen, even if it means being a benefactor of the effort, is simply not in the DNA of some key leaders. Even if it means languishing in an activity with little foresight, the devil you know is less threatening than the devil you don't know.

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Drumline Battle (despite the

) and SoundSport are cute...

I was holding my breath hoping that this didn't come to the fore, but I suppose it was only a matter of time and was not just my perception.

(funny vid, Dan)

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