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If BD Wins, We Riot!

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But some do...and some enjoy this type of show. Why do you want to take it away from them? Wouldn't a variety of styles be better for everyone?

Yes, it would be nice to have some variety of styles. Unfortunately, almost everyone is following the leader's ( current winner's) design choices, so we're getting less variety these days... I see so many compulsory elements in every design, that it's getting harder and harder for me to tell the groups apart in many ways.

Edited by jjeffeory
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The rest of the groups are copying aspects of BD's design.

I don't see much of this at all. I see lots of variety in styles, shows, music, instrumentation, marching styles and techniques, props, visuals, unis, etc in DCI with the other Corps. BD even has a few wringles in aspects of their show design that initially came from others, and not developed by them alone first.

Edited by BRASSO
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This is what I believe that SCV is trying to do; they're the anti-BD. Well as much as they can be and still be "successful" in competition. I mean, they still have props this year and they're using synth, but that's the one show that is the furthest away from BD's style as can be this year, and I believe that it is intentional. I believe that SCV is trying to respond.

I sincerely hope so.

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For example, if BD did some kind of remake of Big Bad and Blue...

Not trying to start a riot or denigrate anyone's opinion or any of that. But for my $.02, please, no remakes of good old material from the good old days. That that stuff absolutely stands on its own merit. But let it do so in the past. I don't want to see/hear it one more time, Chuck; give me something new, even at the risk of pushing me out of my comfort level.


Fred O.

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Not trying to start a riot or denigrate anyone's opinion or any of that. But for my $.02, please, no remakes of good old material from the good old days. That that stuff absolutely stands on its own merit. But let it do so in the past. I don't want to see/hear it one more time, Chuck; give me something new, even at the risk of pushing me out of my comfort level.


Fred O.

I won't argue with you on that. My point wasn't to say they should do a remake, but to use it as an example of a larger issue.

Edited by Granny Smith
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Thirdly, for someone who is so dogmatic about booing because it's boorish behavior to a group (whether BD directly or the judges) you're rather boorish and condescending in your posts to individuals.

Totally agree. I was thinking the same thing, Granny.

Isn't the internet grand? It's the only place where we need to worry about treating a group well but don't need to worry about how we treat the individual.

I've said it on here before.... I'm amazed how poorly we treat one another on here at times. We would never do the same thing face to face.

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Let me take a more macro approach because it's possible we've been down in the weeds too long.

The Blue Devils have historically been one of my top six favorite corps of all time. The other four are, the Cadets, Scouts, Troopers, SCV and Regiment). The reason I have loved these corps is because they all have had a distinct identity and each of them provided variety in very entertaining ways. Nobody can really argue this.

When I see the Scouts doing what they did several years back with all those (dare I say, crappy) shows that seemed to be written for some other corps then it makes me feel like writing on a forum. Same thing with the Cadets and Troopers. It just messes up the world's balance when corps forsake their DNA.

When these corps stay true to their identity people LOVE their shows. I will restate what I said earlier: For example, if BD did some kind of remake of Big Bad and Blue and if they beat everyone by 5 points next year you would hear ZERO booing and you would see no threads like this. Furthermore, they would not have to do this at the expense of their member's experience. In fact, I think the members would have a complete blast seeing people fainting in the stands.

Would busting free from this recent style cause an uproar with you or any of the other BD faithful?

Of course not....that's the point...I don't care what they do, It'll get it a hearing and I'll love it or just like it. Same with all other corps. I don't understand being angry at a corps for not doing what you loved them for years before. They're not doing it, they're doing something else, but they're doing the #### out of it. Let it go. I do have one question: Would you still say the things about BD's designs if they were placing 5th or 6th? Honestly?

Edited by Plan9
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People like shows,... or they don't like shows.... its all mostly good either way. Most DCP'ers on here arn't expressing the bitterness and the vitriol that you claim is on here. While this is a BD thread discission thread, BD is not even the dominent topic on DCP. There are multiple threads and multiple sections on DCP and the Devils are never mentioned at all on any of them. Broaden your outlook. Don't be so jaded regarding your fellow Drum Corps fans, nor DCP'ers. Browse some of the other threads and other sections of DCP. You'll find lots discussions that are not filled with the bitterness and the vitriol that you seemingly believe is somehow running wild on here. Its not. Whether folks like or don't like the BD show, so what ? Learn to live with it by just ignoring it. Current BD MM's are unconcerned. And they're the ones paying for the experience and working their fannies off.... not you. So take some friendly advice : just learn to live with the occasional naysayers that might express an opinion on the BD show thats not in keeping with your own personal approval. Ignore it. You'll feel much better about things.

You make it sound so benign. As I said to Granny, dislike what you will.....but to suggest that they are figuratively "flipping the finger" at the crowd is just ignorant and hurtful, whether it actually hurts or not. And I couldn't feel better than i already do. I just have concerns for the overly angry on here....stop and smell the ritual sacrifice.

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I just have concerns for the overly angry on here....stop and smell the ritual sacrifice.

This just might be the single funniest ( but unintended ) statement on DCP in a very long time.

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blink.gif/> I'm very confused by this line of argument. Crown's show looks and sounds nothing like a BD show.

Crown's visuals are filled with symmetries, uniformity, and representationalism. BD very explicitly rejects all of these visual traits--what symmetry exists among the props at the start fades away through entropy all during the show. Crown's guard has soloists that operate throughout the show as particular characters. BD eschews storyline almost entirely. Crown strives for resolution both visually and musically. BD's visuals only ever resolve into off-center random sets, and their music doesn't give even as much resolution as Stravinsky did. Crown's percussion book melds seamlessly with its brass/pit book. BD intentionally sets the pit and battery off each other at times, with different tempos and styles going on simultaneously.

...yet the overall form and feel of Crown's show this year is very BD-ish and copies the feel of BD's show last year in quite a few ways...

For me, the form of Crown's show and the pairing of seemingly random and unrelated music feels very BD. Also, the musical mashup of EotB with Abyss, is very BD. Pretty much the whole show has bits and piece of BD design sprinkled through out the show.

Thanks for giving specifics on how you see the two shows differing, as it helps me understand why someone would say that they're so different. You seem to have focus on the visual aspects, and I noticed the musical and pacing similarities...

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