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Mason, OH - June 25, 2018

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Baritones with the melody, followed by trumpets. Guard on red rifles and flags. Tempo is kicked up a few notches. This is the most energy of the show so far.

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Seriously, play with this much energy from the start, Pioneer, and you'll be in great shape. The clean will come.

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Pit and percussion building up to the return of the brass. Cymbals doing some WGI worthy playing.

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posted from the DrumScorps app

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Next on the field is the Madison Scouts from Madison, Wisconsin. Their 2018 program is entitled "Heart & Soul" and consists of:

You Are Variations
Serenada Schizophrana
Rhyme of Taigu
Shape of My Heart
Aurora Awakes
34 Klezma
End of the Game  

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There is a large heart prop on the field, side 1, backfield, on the 25. The corps lies down on the field to form a heart of their own. Not the heart we usually see, but an actual shape of a heart. Think aortas and stuff.

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Full corps doing choreography. Narration about the heart over the speakers as the pit performs.

Percussion comes out from the heart prop. Tubas play from far backfield. Now trumpets.

The music is a slow build to the impact we all know is coming.

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Horns and percussion are in red, guard in blue. So, the guard is the only one with oxygen in them?

Movement two is about stress we feel. We've had a stressful traffic report and the stressful sound of sirens. Meanwhile, the horns are going nuts with triplet runs.

Trumpet nails a high note from the heart prop backfield as this movement finishes.

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