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DCI and SOA being sued?

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So, does anyone with 'inside baseball' info know about the tour status of SOA? Unless there's a quick settlement, I'm thinking that a trial timeline, litigation, etc., would take it well into 2024 or even 2025?  I'm hoping they're able to maintain a semi-normal course, with limited distractions, while their legal team handle the case. 🧐       

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8 minutes ago, keystone3ply said:

So, does anyone with 'inside baseball' info know about the tour status of SOA? Unless there's a quick settlement, I'm thinking that a trial timeline, litigation, etc., would take it well into 2024 or even 2025?  I'm hoping they're able to maintain a semi-normal course, with limited distractions, while their legal team handle the case. 🧐       

If it does go to trial I suspect it will be a ways out.   There is discovery, depositions, & motions, plus the court has other cases in queue ahead of it.    Wouldn’t surprise me if it is a year plus before it takes place. 

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22 hours ago, Brass of the South said:

The problem I have with MASSIN is they try to be to many things at once. If you want to be the DEI advocate while promoting your own brand of politics then sure. They have the right to do so. But doing that in addition to claiming to be THE whistleblower / reporting center for issues in drum corps is unethical. That plus an interaction I had with one of their leadership makes me 100% skeptical of anything with the organization.


I see I'm a little late to the party but I was waiting for my account to be approved. This is Rand, I coordinate the MAASIN PROSPER Program (formerly known as the Whistleblower Support Committee). Before I say more, I would like to be clear that I am speaking for myself in this moment and not the whole of MAASIN. This is to provide my perspective as the person who initially founded MAASIN and has been spearheading whistleblower assistance efforts for three years. I also created most of our original resources you see on Instagram as well as our current rotating workshop offerings. 

To my knowledge, no one in MAASIN has ever claimed we are "THE whistleblower/reporting center" but I and others have pointed out that we are the ONLY organization of our kind. I see why you may have been confused. For what it's worth, we always encourage people to report to their organization or circuit first before coming to us. We are not THE resource but A resource and I see us as secondary to reporting to your organization or circuit. We are simply the backup option for if you need additional support in some way for any reason. You can learn more about the PROSPER Support Team (and the Education Team) here.

As for the DEI and whistleblower support components existing together, the PROSPER Support Team is reactive and the DEI work (largely the PROSPER Education Team) is proactive. PROSPER Support assists people who request it AFTER something harmful has happened while the DEI work MAASIN does helps PREVENT misconduct situations from happening by helping others become educated and create better policies/procedures. Tackling these huge serious issues like sexual violence and bigotry requires a double edged sword. 

On an extra personal note, I have a master's in social work and before returning to my PhD I was a counsellor at a sexual assault center, an accessibility programming coordinator at a university, and a queer student community center coordinator at a university. It seems to be rare that someone with my educational and professional backing is involved in the activity so I am proud to make use of this by creating resources tailored to marching arts AND supporting others with taking care of themselves while they engage in the reporting process. That's actually the same way all my jobs have worked! Services I've worked with offer preventative education work AND reactive support. It is super common to have both. Something I wish more people knew is you actually don't even have to want to report to meet with us. We are happy to just help community members find low-barrier counselling/therapy and other resources accessible to them so they can heal. That's the part everyone forgets. Everyone thinks about the predator or person who did harm and what consequences they face, no one seems to think about the person who was affected and now has to live with that. 

This is kind of a sidenote but we are also filling gaps in existing DEI work in the community. There have been organizations in the past/present around empowering women in the activity like Girls March and we have PAISOC doing scholarships & advocacy/consulting for performers of colour but there seemed to be no one doing queer advocacy. We happen to have a lot of queer people, myself included, which is why we have multiple offerings for LGBTQIA+ related workshops on different topics, online resources, and of course the popular March With Pride Scholarship. We were naturally equipped to provide those resources so we did.

MAASIN has undergone a lot of changes in the three years we have existed so naturally there are a lot of misconceptions and outdated info out there. You may be pleased to know that we recently became an official 501(c)(3) organization with tax-exempt status so we are currently reorganizing around that! It is a very exciting time for us and I think we have a bright future. You can read more about that here.

No organization is perfect but we are always trying and want to do our best for the continued success and sustainability of marching arts, including drum corps. This is why we are always open to feedback. If you (or anyone reading this) have an issue with anyone in MAASIN, how MAASIN operates, or just generally have questions or anything please feel free to reach out to secretary@maasin.net and someone will be in contact.


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2 hours ago, Rand said:


I see I'm a little late to the party but I was waiting for my account to be approved. This is Rand, I coordinate the MAASIN PROSPER Program (formerly known as the Whistleblower Support Committee). Before I say more, I would like to be clear that I am speaking for myself in this moment and not the whole of MAASIN. This is to provide my perspective as the person who initially founded MAASIN and has been spearheading whistleblower assistance efforts for three years. I also created most of our original resources you see on Instagram as well as our current rotating workshop offerings. 

To my knowledge, no one in MAASIN has ever claimed we are "THE whistleblower/reporting center" but I and others have pointed out that we are the ONLY organization of our kind. I see why you may have been confused. For what it's worth, we always encourage people to report to their organization or circuit first before coming to us. We are not THE resource but A resource and I see us as secondary to reporting to your organization or circuit. We are simply the backup option for if you need additional support in some way for any reason. You can learn more about the PROSPER Support Team (and the Education Team) here.

As for the DEI and whistleblower support components existing together, the PROSPER Support Team is reactive and the DEI work (largely the PROSPER Education Team) is proactive. PROSPER Support assists people who request it AFTER something harmful has happened while the DEI work MAASIN does helps PREVENT misconduct situations from happening by helping others become educated and create better policies/procedures. Tackling these huge serious issues like sexual violence and bigotry requires a double edged sword. 

On an extra personal note, I have a master's in social work and before returning to my PhD I was a counsellor at a sexual assault center, an accessibility programming coordinator at a university, and a queer student community center coordinator at a university. It seems to be rare that someone with my educational and professional backing is involved in the activity so I am proud to make use of this by creating resources tailored to marching arts AND supporting others with taking care of themselves while they engage in the reporting process. That's actually the same way all my jobs have worked! Services I've worked with offer preventative education work AND reactive support. It is super common to have both. Something I wish more people knew is you actually don't even have to want to report to meet with us. We are happy to just help community members find low-barrier counselling/therapy and other resources accessible to them so they can heal. That's the part everyone forgets. Everyone thinks about the predator or person who did harm and what consequences they face, no one seems to think about the person who was affected and now has to live with that. 

This is kind of a sidenote but we are also filling gaps in existing DEI work in the community. There have been organizations in the past/present around empowering women in the activity like Girls March and we have PAISOC doing scholarships & advocacy/consulting for performers of colour but there seemed to be no one doing queer advocacy. We happen to have a lot of queer people, myself included, which is why we have multiple offerings for LGBTQIA+ related workshops on different topics, online resources, and of course the popular March With Pride Scholarship. We were naturally equipped to provide those resources so we did.

MAASIN has undergone a lot of changes in the three years we have existed so naturally there are a lot of misconceptions and outdated info out there. You may be pleased to know that we recently became an official 501(c)(3) organization with tax-exempt status so we are currently reorganizing around that! It is a very exciting time for us and I think we have a bright future. You can read more about that here.

No organization is perfect but we are always trying and want to do our best for the continued success and sustainability of marching arts, including drum corps. This is why we are always open to feedback. If you (or anyone reading this) have an issue with anyone in MAASIN, how MAASIN operates, or just generally have questions or anything please feel free to reach out to secretary@maasin.net and someone will be in contact.


I remain grateful to MAASIN for their support in my whistleblower case. Thank you for your work.

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2 hours ago, Rand said:


I see I'm a little late to the party but I was waiting for my account to be approved. This is Rand, I coordinate the MAASIN PROSPER Program (formerly known as the Whistleblower Support Committee). Before I say more, I would like to be clear that I am speaking for myself in this moment and not the whole of MAASIN. This is to provide my perspective as the person who initially founded MAASIN and has been spearheading whistleblower assistance efforts for three years. I also created most of our original resources you see on Instagram as well as our current rotating workshop offerings. 

To my knowledge, no one in MAASIN has ever claimed we are "THE whistleblower/reporting center" but I and others have pointed out that we are the ONLY organization of our kind. I see why you may have been confused. For what it's worth, we always encourage people to report to their organization or circuit first before coming to us. We are not THE resource but A resource and I see us as secondary to reporting to your organization or circuit. We are simply the backup option for if you need additional support in some way for any reason. You can learn more about the PROSPER Support Team (and the Education Team) here.

As for the DEI and whistleblower support components existing together, the PROSPER Support Team is reactive and the DEI work (largely the PROSPER Education Team) is proactive. PROSPER Support assists people who request it AFTER something harmful has happened while the DEI work MAASIN does helps PREVENT misconduct situations from happening by helping others become educated and create better policies/procedures. Tackling these huge serious issues like sexual violence and bigotry requires a double edged sword. 

On an extra personal note, I have a master's in social work and before returning to my PhD I was a counsellor at a sexual assault center, an accessibility programming coordinator at a university, and a queer student community center coordinator at a university. It seems to be rare that someone with my educational and professional backing is involved in the activity so I am proud to make use of this by creating resources tailored to marching arts AND supporting others with taking care of themselves while they engage in the reporting process. That's actually the same way all my jobs have worked! Services I've worked with offer preventative education work AND reactive support. It is super common to have both. Something I wish more people knew is you actually don't even have to want to report to meet with us. We are happy to just help community members find low-barrier counselling/therapy and other resources accessible to them so they can heal. That's the part everyone forgets. Everyone thinks about the predator or person who did harm and what consequences they face, no one seems to think about the person who was affected and now has to live with that. 

This is kind of a sidenote but we are also filling gaps in existing DEI work in the community. There have been organizations in the past/present around empowering women in the activity like Girls March and we have PAISOC doing scholarships & advocacy/consulting for performers of colour but there seemed to be no one doing queer advocacy. We happen to have a lot of queer people, myself included, which is why we have multiple offerings for LGBTQIA+ related workshops on different topics, online resources, and of course the popular March With Pride Scholarship. We were naturally equipped to provide those resources so we did.

MAASIN has undergone a lot of changes in the three years we have existed so naturally there are a lot of misconceptions and outdated info out there. You may be pleased to know that we recently became an official 501(c)(3) organization with tax-exempt status so we are currently reorganizing around that! It is a very exciting time for us and I think we have a bright future. You can read more about that here.

No organization is perfect but we are always trying and want to do our best for the continued success and sustainability of marching arts, including drum corps. This is why we are always open to feedback. If you (or anyone reading this) have an issue with anyone in MAASIN, how MAASIN operates, or just generally have questions or anything please feel free to reach out to secretary@maasin.net and someone will be in contact.


Spare me your useless PR spin. Why are the organizations not separate? Surely dedicating a sole focus to survivor support and then a separation to whatever adventures you want will serve you better. I’ve made my point pretty clear and understandably, I’ve had nothing but negative interactions with your leadership and this slight air of smugness demonstrates the illegitimacy of your organization. Answer this question, are you more focused on membership safety or “anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist” rhetoric. I seriously hope that someone new knows how to setup a true system that provides proper response and resources without the agenda. 

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6 minutes ago, Brass of the South said:

Spare me your useless PR spin. Why are the organizations not separate? Surely dedicating a sole focus to survivor support and then a separation to whatever adventures you want will serve you better. I’ve made my point pretty clear and understandably, I’ve had nothing but negative interactions with your leadership and this slight air of smugness demonstrates the illegitimacy of your organization. Answer this question, are you more focused on membership safety or “anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist” rhetoric. I seriously hope that someone new knows how to setup a true system that provides proper response and resources without the agenda. 

You are welcome to disagree with the ideals that buttress any nonprofit. That doesn't mean they're wrong or they have to change them, or even justify them to you.

Can you speak more directly to how these ideals have been problematic? In my direct case, I can attest that they helped.

No one is stopping anyone from starting another whistleblower org.

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1 minute ago, scheherazadesghost said:

You are welcome to disagree with the ideals that buttress any nonprofit. That doesn't mean they're wrong or they have to change them, or even justify them to you.

Can you speak more directly to how these ideals have been problematic? In my direct case, I can attest that they helped.

No one is stopping anyone from starting another whistleblower org.

They’re a distraction at best and at worst a serious attempt at using the cover of member abuse as a promotional of whatever radical ideals they come up with. Again, I have no problem with whatever they want to promote on their own time in a separate organization. But member safety above anything else. And you invalidate your reply with the playground “w—welll why doesn’t anyone else do it!1!?” if that doesn’t absolve them of any criticism. Please don’t waste your own time by replying.

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7 minutes ago, Brass of the South said:

They’re a distraction at best and at worst a serious attempt at using the cover of member abuse as a promotional of whatever radical ideals they come up with. Again, I have no problem with whatever they want to promote on their own time in a separate organization. But member safety above anything else. And you invalidate your reply with the playground “w—welll why doesn’t anyone else do it!1!?” if that doesn’t absolve them of any criticism. Please don’t waste your own time by replying.

At best they support people like me who were harmed by this activity, unequivocally. That is fact and I'm an actual whistleblower that's been helped by them.

My first comment about them on this thread included the fact that I have my own criticisms of their work, but I suppose you didn't catch that.

Sounds like you just don't like radical ideas. Well, it takes radical people to counteract the status quo that enables abusers in drum corps. The abuse that's happened for decades and continues to this day.

Feel free to lecture an abuse survivor in drum corps that actively supports other survivors on member safety. That'll go well.

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Just now, scheherazadesghost said:

At best they support people like me who were harmed by this activity, unequivocally. That is fact and I'm an actual whistleblower that's been helped by them.

My first comment about them on this thread included the fact that I have my own criticisms of their work, but I suppose you didn't catch that.

Sounds like you just don't like radical ideas. Well, it takes radical people to counteract the status quo that enables abusers in drum corps. The abuse that's happened for decades and continues to this day.

Feel free to lecture an abuse survivor in drum corps that actively supports other survivors on member safety. That'll go well.

Yup! I’m sure “anti-imperialism” is the main focus of saving the activity right now! 

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