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Girls in cavaliers & Scouts?

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Time for the Cavaliers and the Scouts to disband, the nerve of these corps attempting to carry on the tradition started 60 years ago in an inner city boys club, and a boy scout troop in madison, Wi.... Who do they think they are with their pride and history!! Its time for these guys to become like everyone else and and become politically correct, until they finally become also rans like so many other corps that paid attention attention to people with the best interestd of all in mind....

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What are the benefits of an all-male setting? That you can talk about boobs freely without feeling ashamed?

Well, I'm going to try and explain it to you despite the fact that your sarcasm will probably prevent you from hearing what I'm about to say.

When you put boys and girls into a 24hr/day, 7day/wk environment together, the dynamics and behavior between them is shaded by a lot of things.. social, sexual, psychological.. I don't need to explain to you that boys and girls are creatures of completely different psychological makeup -- particularly between the ages 15 and 22. Most will settle into a comfort level.. but there will inherently be innate competition to impress the opposite or desired sex. I'm not saying they're going to be overwhelmed by it.. it's instinct.. that's just what happens.

But when you put girls OR boys into the same environment without the influence of the other, the dynamics and behaviors change somewhat. There's a different comfort level at being surrounded by "your own" than there is being surrounded by both. It's not a better experience.. and likely both environments can provide for the SAME experience.. it then becomes a matter of preference.

This is NOT to say that the bonds of fraternity cannot be forged except in a single-gendered environment.. but it can come easier.. and make for a beneficial experience unlike that which the individual who chooses to be there can get anywhere else... because they prefer it.

It's not for everyone.. but it IS for some. Those who choose to put themselves into that environment should be able to do so and gather what benefits they will from it without the input and ridicule from those who DON'T choose to be there infringing upon it.

Sort of like.. We all have money.. but I don't tell you how you should spend yours. Don't tell me how I should spend mine.

Get it?


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This is getting ridiculous.

The Cavaliers and Scouts don't need defending. Know why? Because they aren't breaking laws.

They are allowed to do things how they want to do them.

The end.


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My God! Eighteen pages of this argument?

Is it just me, or is this a total waste of bandwidth? :grouphug: It's not going to happen so, let's move on to something more fun and constructive like “who’s up for the 2007 season”.

I am, I am! :)

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Lets Just say this:

Would they ever let a girl into the Boy Scouts?

Haven't they at some point? Seem to remember a few years ago.

Back on topic, the Cavaliers and Madison Scouts are traditionally all-male corps. Period. If someone doesn't like it, they could go to Phantom Regiment or Capital Sound, two great corps in around the same area. They have every right to continue that.

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Where's the 18 page thread about the Bandettes?


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