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Heat Wave Inactive?

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So, a while ago I asked the question about how this was "imposed" on the regions,.......................

Originally, it was only to apply to "DCA", not the regions. Vic Kulinski, DCA South coordinator, confirmed that right here on DCP. Some weeks later, corps started getting the word that things had changed, and it would apply to the regions after all. DCA South had an A-35 division of competition for corps of 35 members or smaller, designed to foster growth. Application of the 35-member minimum to DCA South eliminated that division. After that news came out, that's when Austin Stars and Masquerade opted for exhibition status in 2007 (both had previously planned on competing this year).

it would appear they were receptive to this idea, as I heard not one peep in opposition to this,................

Well, I can't explain how you missed that....geez, it's right here on this thread, and several before it. :ph34r:

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I remember going to shows that consisted of us (Cru), Brigs, Statesmen and Grenadiers. That went for a month of shows most of the time. So you can't say that adding Heat Wave or any small corps was a bad thing for the show. I saw Heat Wave at the Dream a few years ago and they pumped the crowd up. I just remembered a show in Belleville, ONT that consisted of Cru, Brigs and Grenadiers.

Maybe someone from DCA should explain this :ph34r: If it was explained I didn't see it. We know from some posters that this was the doing of DCA members, meaning directors. What was/is the justification for this rule? Was it talked about and researched prior to the vote? I don't recall seeing this idea posted before.

So lets hear from DCA and get their response to all this and then point fingers if you like.

I don't know if you are going to get a response. You can contact Gil directly, and I would hope that DCA's new PR person would respond to it.

As to the justification. I believe it has been rehashed in here already. It was to allegedly ensure a quality product for the show sponsors, and was felt that a corps under 35 did not present a quality product to those show sponsors. At least that is what I remember being the justification as was talked about here. My personal opinion is that is a bunch of bollocks.

I return to my original post on this thread. If the show sponsor WANTS a corps with less than 35 members to be there and be judged, they should be allowed to contract with them. DCA does not provide a slate of corps to the sponsors. It provides them an idea of who might be available and than lets the sponsor contract. If this was DCI, which does provide a slate of corps to sponsors, I can understand the governing organization saying, "hey, we are worried about the product you are putting out there, perhaps you should perform as an exhibition corps." And I do know this system from both sides and with both organizations.

The rule is chilling growth. As to the exact plans of specific corps, I do not know. But just like some of our laws in this country have a chilling effect on free speech, this rule has a chilling effect on the growth of DCA. My personal opinion, let everyone in. Let them perform, pay them what they and the sponsor negotiate as being fair and judge them. Is a 25 person corps going to have the same GE as a 125 member corps. Arguably no. That is the reality. But let them go out there and do what they love, and what some fans love seeing them do. By doing this, it is just a slap in the face of anyone who has marched a smaller corps for the love of the activity.



P.S. blah-blah, my own views...blah-blah--, no one else's...blah-blah-blah....something witty that I can't think of.

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So are you trying to say that size DOESN'T matter??? Hmm...vested interest there Rich!?!?! :P :P :P

Gee, I really don't know Stu..................Why don't you come back to California, get a few drinks in me and find out?


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How is it DCA's fault you can't get 20 horns, 10 drummers and 5 guard people and put out a respectable little corps?

Try it now, when they know they'll be relegated to exhibition status if one of them is absent.

People join competing corps because they want to compete. Given the commitment membership requires in money (dues) and time (rehearsing), they are far less likely to join a corps that's not already assured of clearing this 35-member threshold, and risk not getting the competitive experience they signed up for.

I agree with the the rule wholeheartedly. If you've been at it a couple years and can't muster 35 people, it's time to move on.

Per that advice, the Renegades should have "moved on" in the late 1990s.

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Question: What is the penalty if a corps lies about it's size, and no one finds out until they physically show up for the show?

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Question: What is the penalty if a corps lies about it's size, and no one finds out until they physically show up for the show?

(....................crickets chirping in the background......................)

Does anyone know?

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Question: What is the penalty if a corps lies about it's size, and no one finds out until they physically show up for the show?

You can't lie about size, eventually someone will find out...be honest! Take that however you want (I couldn't resist LOL).

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You can't lie about size, eventually someone will find out...be honest! Take that however you want (I couldn't resist LOL).

Ain't it the truth brotha, ain't it the truth ^0^

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Ain't it the truth brotha, ain't it the truth ^0^

Of all the people to answer that...Kay!!!

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What if a corps has 30-33 members, claims to have 35-36, how can they be proven wrong or how can ANYONE DEFINITIVELY know for sure just HOW big a corps is before individually counting the members on the field?

I'm not saying NO ONE would find out, I just would like to know what penalty a corps would face by showing up with fewer members than they claim.

And, will there be a membership counting official present? Who's job OFFICIALLY will it be to ensure that every corps that steps on the field is 35 or over?

Or, what if a corps REALLY does have 35 members, but two members are sick? Are DCA judges paid the same for a three corps show or a ten corps show? Will that then have a direct effect on their paycheck that wouldn't be known one way or another until the night of the show?

Seems to me the rule change could cause more complication than it's supposedly solving......

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