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Everything posted by DcFr3aK

  1. Just got this message from TheFN: We are currently on a weather delay. The broadcast will start soon.
  2. /sarcasm Why can't Crown simulate perfect outer space experience...if you can't do it right...don't do it at all... /sarcasmoff
  3. This is all apart of the PreShow...it's not judged so why would judges call them out on it? The fast notes are what I believe to be the beginning of the show.
  4. So who's excited to see the unveiling of their show this evening?! HAPPY FATHERS DAY INDEED!
  5. I don't know if it's because I read these reviews that were not so happy with Crossmen's progress as of now, or that I really had not idea what they were going to be doing this summer, but I found this show to be just amazing! For a first performance, there was a massive amount of musical and visual issues. Clarity will come with time and they have tons of that! The music was engaging; brass has an amazing full sound, the percussion is performing well for the material they have, the guard is the least engaging section to me. This show screams potential! I see this group fighting for a finals spot. Might just be me, but who knows...it's June!
  6. All of the links have been posing a problem, that being that they are private? Why is this happening? is this just me?
  7. I've seen the positives and negatives of both sides. The directors that encourage DCI and the activities that come with DCI have usually experienced it themselves. I was lucky enough to have a Director who marched tenors with the Cavies mid to late 70's and was enthusiastic about getting information from ALL of the local drum corps audition times and helped us work on audition music and what we should know going in. Now the other side. I've worked for a few bands that dislike the "elitist" attitude some of their students come back with after tour. This I do put fault on some corps. It is an advantage to have marched with a top notch corps, but when you go back to "real life" of Band Camp and concert season, some kids don't come back to it. They feel they are better and are very cocky. They are great (sometimes) at what they do in the marching band season, but it can cause a lot of issues if they don't turn down those levels. I will always be a huge advocate of the Music Marching League and will always will and encourage people to join and take advantage of this very short lived life experience.
  8. I would love to see Phantom or SCV do some sort of tribute to Roger and Hammerstein. They would do a great job of creating the best vibe from those music selections!
  9. I am truly amused by the amount of effort you're putting into your disdain for Crown this past week. They are both performing their shows at superb levels. It could go either way. Haven't they been back and forth all season? Why is this win for Crown such a shock?
  10. This is absolutely hilarious. He prefaced that he has loved the BD shows of the past (ie. 2010) but his classification of tonights show as "flat" is pathetic? BD fans sure come out with some gems during finals week.
  11. Am I hearing this correctly? Are they looking at a replay to watch a certain section again? I didn't know judges could do that.
  12. Some people have likes and dislikes. I don't understand how people don't like grilled onions. I don't get how people voted for who they voted in the last election. To each their own. Some just don't like the show. Some do. I for one am apart of the former.
  13. May I inquire as to where you found this information?
  14. All I could think about after reading the OP was, "Who uses MySpace anymore?!" Haha
  15. Been there since the first minute of Crowns show...I can't stand to listen to such a wonderful show like that...totally ruining the end of this TOC season for me. Never complained about a performance before this...yuck.
  16. Seriously #### this performance. I might as well just stayed at work for the extra hours. If anyone payed for the finals live stream...I'm truly sorry......
  17. So proud of PC! Glad they will be getting a ton of visibility all across the US! This week can't go by fast enough! Who all will be in Indy?
  18. Just thought I'd post this here. This is one of the reasons why I loved being apart of this horn line, and why I will always enjoy listening to these clips I find on the interwebs!
  19. That was a week ago...and Crown has beat them since. So again, what is this 1 point deficit you speak of? *regardless of the lack of percussion judge
  20. Sad that I was the only one to vote for BD 1997. This show started and ended with stunning visual by the corps proper and this difficult choice of love to be made by the young lady stuck between two loves. She makes her choice as the music from the start of the show reprises. Stunning! Will always be my favorite soft ending!
  21. I believe he's one I&E once, and I don't know about legend! But yes, he's a very talented performer!
  22. I was just amazed at how these two judges had COMPLETELY different likes/dislikes about these two great shows! I haven't seen that kind of scoring in a while! As someone else said just a few posts back, if Fugett hadn't had SCV as low as he did, this contest night would have ended with a different victor.
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