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Everything posted by Phantom&Phitch

  1. 1) its a tie, go figure : 1996 and 1993 (top 3 were amazing) 3) 99 4) 91 5) 98 6) 90 7) 95 8) 92 9) 97 10) 94
  2. A little off topic i know, but can someone explain to me what "streaming" is? thanks- john
  3. And its funny how so many people complain about the holsinger era for the cadets.... i thought their stuff was amazing...
  4. Loudest on recording: PR93 Loudest I've seen in person to date: PR05 at Allentown: way louder then the cadets were
  5. they said the backfield drum major slauted.... and whats wrong with giving the crowd some more marching and playing to watch?
  6. Cadets- the whole concept of the chess game was brilliant and amazingly conveyed to the audience. just an amazing piece of musice played beautifully the drumline played SOOOOOOOOOO much. how many corps can acheive what the Cadets did with their drumline writing and playing in the ballad? only reason i didnt pick crown was b/c it was too long and didnt really go anywhere... it was nice and pretty, but just that. i felt it lacked depth.
  7. how do you think that girl would have felt? this is all speculation of course, but if i was here and was being mentioned on tapes and being a cause of concern, i'd pull myself out... and another thing i just thought of... what about the other 134 kids? you're concentrating on this girl, but should the other 134 "suffer" b/c of her? would drum corps be about them then?
  8. Prediction- everyone is going to go on and on about the BD screamers.... what i say - PR 01 the mello in festive overature....
  9. hmmm... was Phantoms umbrellas props or equipment then?
  10. which show or shows have receievd the most standing o's?
  11. I liked BDs little tag ending in 2000... was that in there the whole season?
  12. A little off topic but, do you think they'll ever have finals in a dome?
  13. yea, but i consider 2000 to be their real breaking point... IMO, its taken over their shows, nothing wrong with that, but throw in some curvy forms once in a while will ya! lol
  14. a bit off topic, but how do you think finals attendance will be in 07 in Cali? more, less, or about the same?
  15. 2000 it was the begining of their new geometric type drill, now the drill just doesnt do much for me b/c its been looking the same since 2000 also, the music. its really the only time they have captivated me with their pieces.... yes they have played well and clean in all of these years, but nothing they have done musically has made me go "wow" since 2000....
  16. you know stef, i have been to RCA superdome, just not for the DCI show and i disagree with you, you can hear whats going on on the field. most of the crowd was wearing green.... one of the luxury boxes right near the 50 was a cavaliers box, the whole crowd was cavaliers people, it was basically a home show for the cavaliers.... so who do you think was booing then? hmmmm..... just b/c i wasnt there didnt mean it didnt happen stef... you're being a little naive on that.... plus i'm sure there are a few people on this site who must;ve been there and witnessed this booing....
  17. from what i heard from one my friends who marches in a corps, who was on the field....
  18. Phantom and Cadets.... amazing, simply amazing
  19. eh, i wasnt at finals so i cant coment on the crowd there, but from what i hear about the crowd at Indy, it was mostly cavlier fans, and they did boo the cadets quite a bit....
  20. does anyone know the history of where phantom picked up the cheveron is their logo? any help is greatly appreciated... thanks-john PS- if anyone knows how madison picked up the fluer de lis (sp?) i would aprreciate that too... :)
  21. Cadets- 03 Z pull to 5 yards outside the endzone 00 had a little but of everything in it 98 wow wow wow.... crazy legs.... SCV- 00 LOVE the soft ending 99 love the power ending 89 love the company front ending Cavaliers- 95 Phantom- 03,93,96,05
  22. Pretty simple here... which 99.15 show did you like better? for me it was The Cadets, just because their show had soem depth to it... i felt that both shows (cavies 02 and cadets 05) we designed for the judges, but at leats the cadets provided great entertainment for the audience... so yea... go vote!
  23. The Cadets - Cadillac of the Skies Phatom Regiment - Elsa's Procession....
  24. The scores might sound right, but there is one things judges cant get wrong, the spreads.... even if cadets got a 93.15 that cavies still qould have gotten a 91.whatever.... Cadets beat the cavaliers at their own game...
  25. Carmina Burana in the Black Unis.... and i dont care what people say about them looking small in them... who cares if they look small? different corps, different drill, maybe they'll look big?
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