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Everything posted by Orpheus

  1. Yeah, but those are just regular fans who buy tickets and souvies and stuff. They're not like us super-smart DCP types! B)
  2. Great comments from everyone! ... wish I could've gone. :(
  3. Ummmmm ... P.S. Based on what I saw live & in person this summer, I agree with many of your comments ... but I thought the Glassmen had a great year. This was easily their most interesting and engaging show in a long time. They had me hooked from the first note.
  4. Good deal, Tim. Thanks. I hope you eventually decided to get yourself a little sleep or something, though. LOL Talk about quick service. B)
  5. Why does the fact that you already know what they're going to play a measure of quality? For every piece of music you know, it was unfamiliar to you at some point. Don't you ever hear a new piece of music and think, "Hey, that's great!" or hear an old familiar tune and think, "Boy, I'm getting tired of that one"? I, for one, don't think that entertainment value is determined by how well you know the music in question before the corps even plays it. ... just a thought.
  6. Well, they've certainly helped. You don't need to bow down, but the USMC certainly deserves their share of respect. He said nothing of the sort. <Woosh!> That's the sound of this a joke going right over your head.
  7. No, I disrespect you because you say things like "I have to disagree with USMC. they just get more and more boring every time I see them, and they usually play too long. rah, rah, rah, Sousa March, crowd on feet, clapping in time, standing O - please stick a knife in my back." On the other hand, if you had said something like, "I know the crowd loves them, but it's just not the style of performance that I have any desire to see at a DCI show," then I'd respect your honest and politely stated opinion. See the difference? Have a happy day.
  8. I think he meant that if you don't want to watch a particular performance, you could go down to the souvie trucks and support the corps you like by buying merchandise ... Aren't we over-reacting just a bit? P.S. You may not have used any profanity, slammed anyone, or named names ... but you do use big blue letters, which is really annoying and hard to read. You've also insulted people, carried on like a petulant child, made a nuisance of yourself instead of just politely stating your opinions, and failed to notice when others are joking or exaggerating for effect. You've also criticized people for making simple typos. If you want to endear yourself to the rest of the DCP community, all it takes is a little effort. Otherwise, don't expect to be loved until you treat everyone else with a little respect. P.P.S. Claiming that you have all this experience is all well and good, but there's no reason anyone should believe you if you don't use your real name. The simple fact is that people will automatically treat what anonymous posters have to say with less regard than people who sign their names. If George Hopkins, Jeff Fiedler, Chuck Naffier, Al Chez, and even Lee Rudniki can sign their names when they post to DCP, why can't you?
  9. Don't mind him. He was just trying to be ironic and his comments actually weren't directed at you in any way whatsoever. He's never marched, either.
  10. Boy, I hate it when corps are entertaining. [/sarcasm]
  11. If it doesn't matter what people think, then we fans can just go home and take our money with us, right? I wonder if Chuck Naffier knows that people "from the design/production side" don't care about these forums? B)
  12. I'm just sad that I won't get to see the Cadets live & in person this season. - :( - Sounds like a cool show. -- Fan #1 -- "Corps are too esoteric these days. They spend so much time trying to be innovative and artistic that they forget about the fans." Fan #2 -- "I've had it with these guys. All they care about is getting a positive reaction from the audience. Why can't they be more creative?" Me -- You can't please everybody. ^0^
  13. G... He was being sarcastic about people who are ragging on BD's show. :) Calm down, my BD lovin' friend. :) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL ... he even +SAID+ he was being sarcastic (several posts later). I thought it was obvious. P.S. On another topic, SCV's current uniforms are, IMHO, the best they've ever had. The "classic" ones were fine, but they always looked frumpy, ill-fitting, and ill-made to me. The "Miss Saigon" ones were okay for that one show, but I just don't like them on the whole. They're not right for Santa Clara, anyway. The current ones are sleek, streamlined, and look great on the field.
  14. I'm just curious ... upon what information do you base the above statement?
  15. Awesome review ... thanks! It felt like I was there. Someday I might have to fly out for a show just to see some of these corps that don't tour much outside the west coast.
  16. Oh, puh-leeze! This again? We don't like amplified voice, therefore we don't respect the hard work that the kids are doing? Give me a break. Many, if not most, of the people on DCP are former marching members. And we all know how hard corps members work during the summer. That doesn't mean that we have to like every decision that's made by the design staff of every corps. Practically every review I've read of Crown and BAC has said something like, "the corps is great, perhaps the best they've ever produced, but ..." We all recognize the quality of the young men and women who work their butts off as members of these corps; we don't like the way they're using amplified voice. Is that so hard a distinction to comprehend? And why should we respect them for doing something "new" when it's not "new?" It's been done for years in marching band, winter guard, and indoor drumline. It's not new, it's old hat and most most fans of the various "pageantry" activities don't seem to care for it in any venue. edit: The only corps I've ever really thought went "against the grain" were the Bridgemen, when they first adopted the banana suits and all the identity that went along with them, and the Star of Indiana in '93, who invented a totally new style of doing drum corps. Everything else I've ever seen was a product of gradual evolution and had built upon what had come before. It's easy to take advantage of a new element or to "stand on the shoulders of giants," as it were ... it's hard to actually go against the grain and invent something totally innovative.
  17. So? The flute is the oldest wind instrument in the world. We don't use them. I disagree. It is not tasteful. It's jarring, takes you "out of the moment," and is nothing but a needless distraction from an otherwise awesome show. BFD. How many corps have played vocal music over the decades? Broadway shows, pop songs, oratorios, sacred music, operas, etc., etc. None of them needed amplified singing to make their point. When the Cavaliers played John Rutter's "Gloria" in 1989, it was one of my favorite shows from a musical standpoint of all time. "Gloria" was written for a full mixed chorus and a British-style brass band. The Cavies certainly didn't need amplified voice to produce an awesome show or to successfully interpret the mood and style of the original composition. Madison played "Jesus Christ Superstar" in '99. Would it have been improved by some dude belting out "I Don't Know How to Love Him?" Going against the grain merely to be different achieves nothing. How selfish is the staff at Carolina Crown, anyhow? Wouldn't they prefer that fans be discussion how awesome the corps is doing this summer instead of debating the merits of amplified singing? We should be celebrating this corps. Instead, a silly design decision by a few staff members (notice I pointedly did not say "faculty") has all but guaranteed that they will be remembered not for putting on a great show, but for singing into microphones.
  18. I've heard current marching members and staffers (not in the Cavies, but elsewhere) still refer to them as "quads." Who cares?
  19. I hope you're not talking about me. I never intended to bash anyone, and I do think that SCV's show has legs. I was just trying to express my disappointment at the sound that their hornline is producing, that's all. I never said it wasn't good, I just think (IMHO) it's a little top-heavy and not quite top-four quality. At least not on Tuesday night when I saw them. This was also my first viewing of BD & SCV this season, and BD impressed me more, both in terms of performance quality and show design. So sue me.
  20. Same here. I liked being to able to watch the shows as the evening progressed. I mean, you still can with the DVD's but it's a pain. The corps ought to be in performance order, that's my opinion. And why on earth did they not include the announcement of the scores? I don't get it.
  21. I've only seen 'em on tape, but I'd love to experience what the corps could do with this material in this day and age. Bring back "Spartacus!" 2006 will be the 25th anniversary ... B)
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