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Aaron Guidry

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Everything posted by Aaron Guidry

  1. wait a minute. what i think i'm gathering here is that electronicals are allowed in 2009? ugh! seriously, no one tells me a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.
  2. Catch Aaron Guidry’s latest interview with INT Corps Director, Billy Bob (Thornton) Buckingham. Check it out HERE.
  3. Love you, Jim, but no way that I'm messin' with Mr. Mouse.
  4. Las Vegas is a far cry from Catholic pews and Baptist hymnals, but Whiskey (from DCP) and I met up last night after my second show. Had it not been for drum corps and our precious DCP, bless her heart, I probably would have never had the opportunity. Yo, Whiskey...great to put a face to a (screen)name...hope you enjoyed the show and backstage tour...see you next time. Winner to the King.
  5. This post and exclusive iNterview is brought to you by the capital letter "N."
  6. Guidry is For-Biden. and Obama is pretty cool, er, kewl, too.
  7. Get pierced instead. I know I did. Thrice. In places where it counts.
  8. I mean, say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism -- at least it’s an ethos.
  9. I play a slide whistle nightly at Cirque's "Mystère," Las Vegas. According to my contract, I'm a Percussionist. Reasoning, then, indicates that a slide whistle, in the 'Real World,' is a Percussion Instrument. Now, the Woodwind Chair plays a cowbell during a tune...so, reasoning, then, indicates that... OMG...did I just say woodwind?
  10. One might want to turn away when watching or . And, for Heaven's sake, one might want to pass on Cirque's newest Vegas show, beLIEve; Penn and Teller might be best for the family. (seems these days, the words "family" and "Vegas" in the same sentence could spur its own controversy!) I know, I know. The issue is not the jacket, but what was presented in the jacket. I get it. But, to use the parlance of our times, "just sayin'."
  11. due to an electronic malfunction , the One-Sided-Commentary has been removed for the time being. once i figure out how to use this equipment, all should be back to normal. ...now if i could just find the On/Off switch...
  12. Listen HERE Navigate to The Crossmen-->Xmen 2009 Experience, Explore, Educate ...more to come... EDIT: due to an electronic malfunction , the One-Sided-Commentary has been removed for the time being. once i figure out how to use this equipment, all should be back to normal. ...now if i could just find the On/Off switch...
  13. Seven hundred and forty-three thousand posts later, and I'm still amazed that no one mentions the visual or presentational side of these new opportunities for drum corps. Listen Beyond Your Ears... Stay tuned for more audio commentary at Yata for Luda.
  14. PASIC. Austin. No-brainer.
  15. Although I do find the singular (synthesizer) of this thread amusing, this taboo isn't really about the number that is used. It is about the implementation, and, more importantly, the fact that "electronics" (such a generic term that I use here only because it's the word with which most can, or think they can, identify) are not an afterthought in the design process. If "electronics" are used at all, then their use should be considered at the root level of design and orchestration, and because of such, can then be integrated into the product in a much more streamlined, sophisticated, and coordinated manner. Unfortunately, this is generally not the process taken, causing the use of "electronics" to be careless and poorly represented.
  16. The most amusing part about this thread is the use of the singular: synthesizer. (as opposed to the plural: synthesizers). oh. my. god. how taboo of me to mention such blasphem(ies). :)
  17. I have a cape. Ta-daaaaaa! (and theme music)
  18. I'll one-nerd-up you: The chord in the commercial is a B Major chord, which, cautiously assuming this chord is tonic, would constitute an arrangement of Wayne's "B-flat Tuning and Warm-Up" or "F Tuning" or whatever is the parlance of our times, thus requiring a "Permission to Arrange" license, in addition to the appropriate mechanical license(s) required of media. Good grief! I'm glad I'm just a drummer. Flam paradiddle grids: best warm-up ever. Perhaps I'll contact Toyota.
  19. For those of you who find chain-of-events interesting, here is the VERY short story of it all: Mark Waymire was responsible for my moving to Texas, which led to working with Mark Chambers, which led to Reagan High School, which led to Blast!, which led back to Reagan High School, which led to Cirque, which led to George Hopkins, which led to Xmen relocating to Texas, which led to the-rest-is-history. Go Mark!
  20. The King of Pop and his kids came to the 9:30 show a month ago. While we didn't discuss his involvement with Xmen, I'm sure he has the time available. I'll have to text him. Shamone!!!
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