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Everything posted by 2ndSop4Life

  1. I think you got something going there. Also, the picture is of a tightrope walker. I made the connection.
  2. Do it man. Don't miss an opportunity to march if one's open for you.
  3. God I love that pic. I wish a picture of me could be taken, then turned into the logo for my corps.
  4. It's 06/07 though... I can't believe I can't find a picture of Scott Dean.
  5. Ha. Good joke. I lol'd. Speaking of over-zealous Madison alums, where has Thirdcoast been? I haven't had my reading skills tested in a while. I kid I kid.
  6. But that's not the staple green tops white pants Madison that everyone loves. I found a picture of one Madison Scouts in full mojo from 03/04/05. But it's an individual shot, not one of the hornline.
  7. I agree about Madison. The 06 uni looked....nice. The bubbly fleur looked odd and couldn't be seen from the 10th row let alone the box. But 07 was worse with the jumpsuit. Way too much green. Didn't like what Cadets did in 05 and 06, and I'll leave it at that. No need to start bashing them, they've received enough. Not a fan of the new bloo uni either. The gauntlet on the chest just looks silly. I wish BD would go back to their previous uni. The new track suit doesn't cut it for me. Phantom last year. They light blue doesn't say Phantom to me. They shouldn't stray from black and white. Bluestars. The half and half doesn't work for me. And those shoes...Oh God, those shoes.... Pretty much what I'm saying is...everyone should go back to the beginning of this decade. That would work for me.
  8. Charge your stuff while you're sleeping. While rehearsing, I had my iPod and my phone in my rehearsal bag. My PSP was a little big for that so i buried it in my suitcase in some clothes. Throw it in your laundry bag if you're really worried. I don't know too many people who would dig through a bag full of smelly socks and underwear.
  9. Wow I'm an idiot. When I first saw the thread I thought it was in relation to corps switching to all green unis, like Madison did last year. Floating aussies and horns anyone?
  10. Wake up at 6:45 am, be outside by 7 to do pt every day of everydays. Breakfast came after. One morning we woke up and did ladders (that's what I call it) the entire football field including the end zones. That's 2760 yards without stopping. Granted that's only a little more than a mile and a half, but when you're supposed to be sprinting, it can get tiring. "Hornline, I want all of you to run over *there* and get me a blade of grass." ...we all come back... "That's not the one I wanted, go back"
  11. My most awkward moment: reading this thread now. Way to go Kekkles.
  12. That's funny. Whenever I saw the show I never even thought of the connection. But I guess I could see how someone could make that mistake. I mean, they're both chorales sung by men, but that's really the only connection. In their defense, it's kind of soft in the recording, so that doesn't really help. But whatever gets new people interested in activity works for me.
  13. No, he already covered the change. Finals were going to be in Lucas Oil Stadium (home of the Colts, blue and white), but now it's in Memorial Stadium (home of the IU Hoosiers, red)
  14. Corn dogs! Run through "We're going to give you an extra hour of floor time tonight"
  15. I knew it was a joke right away. Only cause I fell for the Southwind one earlier, and was trying to think of one all day. Almost forgot what day it was.
  16. Very nice My initial idea was announce Madison's show. I've been thinking about what I could do all day, but haven't gotten to my computer until now. I like your idea a lot better.
  17. Ha, 6th year in a row... I disagree. From the box they looked like a bunch of floating ausies and horns. I wish they'd go back to the 03-05 uniform concept. Or even better, the uni before that. Green jacket, red sash. It'd have to be updated a little to fit the times.
  18. For sure. I thought that's what we were supposed to do. It IS dcp
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