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Everything posted by flugelswerebugels

  1. What's all this "recipe" stuff? Are ya'll just trying to make me feel old (which I am). I even (hesitantly) went to Urban Dictionary, but those definitions don't mention Flo Marching.
  2. So great to see you back, Hostrauer. I hope you are able to be around until all the corps are animatronic and levitating constantly. Your commentary will elevate to the same level, as it always has in the past.
  3. A finals Brass GE tape from a late '70's BD championship show is recently circulating. On it the judge says at the end "I would give you 15 out of 10 if I could". So, that score may not be as implausible as you think.
  4. We had a French Horn player whose nickname was Necky. But I like Bottlenecky better.
  5. This has to be the most the New York Times has ever published about drum corps. Aside from a couple of mentions of "band" (and really, what's the diff now?) its pretty accurate and complimentary, right down to the mention of PB&J! https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/01/us/heat-wave-south.html?smid=url-share
  6. Are you sure? Have you seen that picture of him in the Dashiki?
  7. 49ers! All they do is look at themselves in the mirror! Or sit in chairs! Or something!
  8. Turning on the lights in the gym in LA after a show to see thousands of cockroaches dashing for cover.
  9. This thread is almost old enough to graduate high school.
  10. I lived on the west coast for decades and b!chd and moaned about only seeing BD early season. Now I've moved east and look forward to seeing my faves from the West late in the season at Allentown. Why do you hate me?🤪
  11. I was going to comment using the old KOME catch phrase, but since this is a youth activity...
  12. And training at 7000 feet of elevation will get you in shape fast!
  13. The weather is getting more extreme, but its not like the seasons are going to flip. West coast winters are wet and west coast summers are dry. So, unless DCI is going to start a winter tour, the west coast would still be the best set of sites purely from a weather standpoint.
  14. The reason DCI doesn't take weather into account when scheduling shows is that such action would result in an all West Coast tour. And we can't have that!
  15. A lot happened to cause me to imagine things when I marched BD '78-'81, but I'm pretty certain the '80 & '81 seasons were not hallucinations.
  16. SCV was always the Yin to BD's Yang. Strange that SCV's unbroken finals run ends not because of competition, but because of funding.
  17. Of course they'll win in 2023 so half of DCP can say "BD finally 3-peated" and half can say "Its not really a 3-peat".
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