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Everything posted by JeffBanyots

  1. Say it isn't so! No more going "Commando" says the Scottish Tartans Authority But only on rentals!
  2. You should probably wait until finals night. But that may just be me. Sorry, couldn't resist. Happy Thanksgiving!
  3. Old Skool? Pashaw. Dem Europeans was playin' on dad-blammed band instruments! This is Old Skool... And cleaner to boot. One valve, open holes, and string tensioned FTW.
  4. hay Fran, Many orchestral professionals, musicians and conductors are sick and tired of playing the same things over and over again. They program the familiar warhorses purely to draw in the audiences which only seem to respond to more of the same old same old. And yes, they very often feel that the music they are forced to program in order to survive, is, in fact, beneath them. The fact that DCA and DCI essentially provide a built-in audience, allows the individual corps to decide what they think the most interesting use of their 11 minutes will be that year. It is like a buffet of different flavors at a show. And I think that using unheard and obscure music is an exciting part of the drum corps experience, and honestly is has been that way for decades. An example: As far as familiarity goes, was the general public really that familiar with the music that SCV was playing during the 1980's? Unless they were big fans of "Classical" music, I doubt they were "familiar" with the music before hand. We played Phantom of the Opera in 1988, hitting the field in June. The show had just opened 6 months earlier on Broadway (London late 86). Had that many of the people in the stands rushed out and bought the cast recording before they saw us? No. Did they hear the original London cast belting out Masquerade on over the air radio? Doubt it. So, essentially they were hearing new music. And we all got along just fine. My point is this. Corps have been playing music and performing shows that have challenged the spectator for decades, and the activity is still here. And honestly, all tales of doom and gloom aside, drum corps seems to be doing pretty well. To each his own. So bring on the evil, dark, corny, obscure, familiar, catchy, crazy, sucky shows! I love to see them all, and I am not the only one. Just perform them to the best of your abilities, and people will be there to cheer you on. Or not cheer as the title of the thread implies!
  5. We are playing some stuff. Things too. See you all Friday!
  6. That being said, the contras are the god**mn bedrock of the entire activity. Recognize.
  7. I can tell you that me and my crew played just as loudly indoors as we did on the field on Sunday night. (And I personally don't play all that differently indoors than when I am out on the field.) Drum Corps is Drum Corps! And hundreds of hornlines over the years have proved that intonation is always critical! r.e. control, speaking about Star specifically, if you listen to the DCA video, the one where the mics were 10 feet from the stage, you will hear plenty of stuff right on the edge of control, and some things that were well past it! Now onto the real reason for my post, as far as the G vs Bb debate, my dream would be to build an entire King G line for Star United and play on those. Seriously.
  8. It is kind of a shame that the mics are so close to the stage. Another 20 feet of space would make a huge difference in the blend of all the groups, including Star United Dave Valvo's video from the Judge's podium and from in the Stands provides a better blend for us,and Golden Eagles on Friday night. And he has great photos of all the corps over the DCA weekend Dave Valvo's photos and videos
  9. Well, it won't matter to me, with all of the gathering interest in the group, I think I'll probably get cut 'cause now I'll bet they can get a decent tuba player for my spot! But in any case, the Kilties' show concept and music selections looks good. Anyone who knows me knows that I have been a big proponent of the type of more symphonic music they are now finally exploring. Best of luck in 2010!
  10. I am sure that I can speak for all of the members of Star United when I say that we would be happy for Frank to return to the Kilties. As soon as possible... BTW, I believe it is spelled Guano /Oh yeah, it's a thread-jack/smack-down //also McBump
  11. NO but Patrick Stewart has an idea you may be interested in...
  12. Hey Ed, We did in fact have 22 playing members on the field Sunday night. One of our mellos couldn't do our show with the Illinois Brass Band in June, so Angela, a former member of Cap Regiment and Brigs was with us all year to cover that gig. And I think I can say unequivocally, that we were all thrilled to have with us in Rochester and to have her perform with us on Sunday Night. That is what being a great member is all about. The willingness to do whatever the group needs without complaint or regret. My hat is off to you Angela! Although, did we really need 19 of them little horns and only two tubas, geesh!
  13. How bittersweet to see this post on the way to my drum corps rehearsal. Lothar and I didn't see eye to eye on everything, but I loved the guy just the same, and that fateful day is forever seared into my memory. Goodnight drum corps man.
  14. He is, but I understand he is not playing too much, he has one of the band members play all of Tommy's solos. But what can you expect from an 91 year old guy! When I was on tour he could still play, but his health was not the best. I was also on tour with Sonny Russo, and saw the end of his playing career while I was there. A real shame. But from that I learned to protect your hearing at all costs! Also, for you Marty, Lyn Blaisdell was still on the band at that time too. Three guys who played in the band when Tommy was still alive! What a treat. The stories these guys could tell... well, they are definitely not family fare!
  15. When I was on the road with Buddy Morrow, he played on a double cup mouthpiece. And at 78 years young he still had a triple Bb in him, partly due to the piece.
  16. Interesting. I will take that idea to the group, and we will see what we can do. I am just sorry that it has been three years since I could just sit and dig on what everyone does on Friday night! But at least we can still have a great time after at the Clar.., Bennig..., O'Flann..., umm whatever generic loosely Irish themed restaurant/bar in major chain hotel across the street from the show site like last year!
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