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Tim K

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Tim K last won the day on December 4 2022

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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
  • Your Favorite Corps
    27th Lancers, Boston Crusaders, North Star, Holy Family Defenders,Madison Scouts, Garfield Cadets (still like the Cadets, but loved them back in the day), Phantom Regiment, Blue Stars (back in the day), Kilties
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    27th Lancers 1980 DCI finals, Phantom Regiment 1979 close second
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  1. Hey, I almost never think of checking my messages on DCP because I usually access the site from my phone, and the message icon doesn't jump out at me there. Sorry to take so long to respond to this, but I deeply appreciate your vote of confidence. It does mean a lot.

    The reality of the situation is: If the Open Class directors ever decide the show should be elsewhere, it will be moved.

       On 9/5/2018 at 4:29 PM,  Michael Boo said: 

    The directors themselves voted to have the show in Michigan City, and having been there every year, it fills the stadium with a quite supportive audience that embraces the members. I've been at the "big" stadium the years Division II/III (Open Class) Prelims/Finals have been held there and it was sad to see so few fans come out. The year The Academy won there were less than 500 people in the stands of the large stadium, and that was even with DCI providing free admittance by showing a World Class Finals ticket. I speak to Open Class directors every year at the Michigan City show, and they love having their own championship there. Having it closer to Indy would not be beneficial in any way I can imagine.

    It’s interesting you say that, because I’ve heard the opposite, but I’ve learned over the years you don’t speak without the facts, figures, and sources to back up your points. :rolleyes:

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