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Everything posted by Cappybara

  1. You never know. DCI did say that they are revamping the Fan Network when they issued a statement over shows being pulled.
  2. Are you freaking kidding me? Just because the depth and severity of one type of discrimination is less severe than that of another does not reduce the importance of the injustice in ANY way at all. I'm not associated with the LGBTQ community in any shape or form and I've tried to stay out of this whole topic (I think I've posted once total in here) but the ridiculousness of the implication that the discrimination of gays is less profound got me to post this.
  3. Really well said! Thank you for the insight.
  4. Take into account, however, that it's not just SCV that's been improving its position through better designs. Phantom Regiment and Cavies have done more than their share to help the rise of SCV lately.
  5. A game of thrones themed show would be great.
  6. Considering you in the above post stated that we should simply wait to see if anyone makes use of this law in order to judge whether this law is a good or bad thing DOES say something about you. This nature of this law isn't a difference of opinion. This isn't homophobic vs not homophobic (which is a matter of opinion). This is about discussing whether this law allowing for discrimination is a good or bad thing. I'm not sure if one can have an opinion on that unless someone believes that discrimination is a good thing (and I'm not suggesting that you are pro-discrimination at all).
  7. They are involved because it concerns them. It's as simple as that. I assure you that them issuing a statement is not going to change the "loud, driving, emotional" nature of the corps. So I don't understand your faux outrage over this.
  8. What exactly about that 2nd one makes it a miss? It looks nearly identical to the hit
  9. Agreed. I think dialogue has been pretty civil and I appreciate the mods for letting this topic be discussed.
  10. Again, I really would not like to derail this thread as it would be unfair to all the SCV fans in here. But once I get some time, I'd be happy to discuss my views in more detail with you over private message. I think you'll find that they're a lot more nuanced than what I simply presented above.
  11. I personally find the authoritative/suppressive attitude of the mods and some DCP members repulsive. Suppression of ideas is never okay. But I won't say anymore at the risk of this topic getting axed.
  12. Just stop using one of them... Simple solution. The other one only has 2 pages.
  13. Oh my god Crown has so many awfull awfull misses (like 2009) im curious which one people will choose.
  14. Honestly, I think BD should've won in 08 but lost in 09. But I'm probably in the minority.
  15. I, for one, really can't wait to see the minor changes BD makes this year. I really liked their unis last season.
  16. I will never understand people's love for Crown 09. I can't stand to listen to that show
  17. Everytime phantom does their music in the park performance. The changes they make throughout the season fix them.
  18. You're probably right. I'm not very familiar with SCV
  19. 1. To be more specific, SCVC starts around 3:35:25 and SCV starts around 3:54:45. 2. This corps sounds amazing and I really hope that last piece they played was their ballad. That was gorgeous.
  20. Oh, but you are equating no with being pessimistic. Someone saying "dwelling in the past" IS their reason for not traveling to see an old fashion DCI show. As a result, you're equating their "no" response with pessimism.
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