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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. They look realy good. But i am concern they might be distracting
  2. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯πŸŽΊπŸ“―
  3. Exactly Terry. I am guilty of that too, and just happy to see them looking and sounding so great as they should, you know ? Being phantom Regiments.
  4. I am blown away! I am inlove with phantom this year. The music just gets me. I never did pay much attention to 2003 phantom until this year. Yes i watched it, enjoyed it a-lot, but not as how it has been grabbing my attention in 2021. I do have a little minor criticism, but nothing i'm sure they won't be working on, and no don't ask me what it is. This is the phantom i missed, and it was painful watching them kind of struggle for the past few years. I hope this year sets the stage for the return of the PHANTOM REGIMENTS.
  5. I've had my faire share of attacks, just trying to enjoy posting about my favorite corps. Sometimes it reaches the level of being bullied, which was MY experience. I don't know if they weren't happy with what i posted, or they just simple disagree, but boy oh boy, was i in for a surprised. Those two posters ganged up on me, to the point it became a very personal attack. It started out with one aggressive poster telling me, he don't get what i am saying, i realized the direction the poster was heading, so i decline to further any conversation with the poster over my own post lol. Who told me to do that ? Oh, was i in for it. I told the poster i am not in the mood twice, the poster insisted, determined, and just wasn't satisfied. He ferociously ensued to insult me and my english, which by now another poster joined in along with him. He further went on, to how my grammar is terrible and there's no punctuation, he was going on and on, in for the kill. Good thing i can stand my ground. By this time i started to get pulled in and enraged, as i didn't want to engaged in anger, so i keep telling them to stop and just leave me alone. I make it clear to them, but they just keep going, as we kept going back and forth, i went into the settings and put them both on ignored. All i wanted was to have fun, and enjoyed the season with everyone, i wasn't in a good mood and came here to just find a little happiness, but was bombarded by two posters. People need to have love and respect on the inside, doesn't matter where you are, who you are, what you do. We don't need to be mean to each other in any circumstances. We can disagree with out being disrespectful. Ps. The sad part is, no one jumped in to stop what was going on, good thing the Moderators stepped in after a while. I didn't let them posters stop me from coming here to have fun the way i want to. But i had limit my posting up till this day.
  6. I'm in love with the sound, so good to hear a full show.
  7. I'd say Cavaliers 2012 lol.. The concept was just bad and needed a complete redesign all over from scratch. It had cool elements by the end of the season. If this show was done right, could have been another innovated monster of a show in cavies history but, did the opposite. To end on a positive note, this show also proved how strong and, how much of a fighter the Cavaliers Organisation was that year going forward. The SnyderCut is actually the original and is superior over Whedon's version. Whedon version is more of a hack of the Original version of justice league that should have been. I personally thought it was great and enjoyable, as i have watch it multiple times. It was four hours long but didn't felt like it. The time for me felt like a fly by and didn't felt long. However i can't say the same for persons who doesn't have the span to sit through a four hour movie.
  8. I know right lol. Well..... i'm sure it'll be anything else but.. Tune in tomorrow and you'll find out, like my curious self here.
  9. Don't want to be a party pooper. Please be mindful of sharing these private links which is from a private facebook group, on public spaces of the internet.
  10. Wow. Have not heard anything. But maybe anyone who knows or heard anything may not willing to comment.
  11. In my opinion. 2020 season don't exist, so if BD should win 2021 i count that as a back to back which means by 2022 if they should win, would considered to be a three peat. 2020 is non existence season, no competition, which means the competition continues from 2019 to 2021. Still would be a back to back in my logics and understanding.
  12. πŸ˜›πŸ”« i'm actually willing to do that. Lol
  13. YES! 😁 with either, i'll still be happy. Yes it's BD world indeed, that is how it is like it or not. Any group going for the gold have to rise to the occasion and best BD. Even when BD don't have the most popular or liked show , or having a challenging year, they are still dangerously great. That says alot about a group. That is just one point out of many what made it BD world.
  14. Oh! I Thank you for enlightening me and now i know who he is lol. Now he's been trolled in court lol. Lets see how much of a trolling he can take.
  15. Goodbye my Love until we meet again. We spent every summer together ever since the day we first met. Now we don't get to meet this summer and it's breaking my heart. I never knew how close we've become until this very day. Take my love with you as your's with me. Reminiscent on the summers we've spend so closely knitted, touring through the hot, sizzling sun. With our eyes and hears fielding fields with visual lust, filled the air with musical cheers of our passion endearing to hear. You sang to me and i to you, with only the music our hearts shares. Beating our beats as we percussion together, conceiving babies on blissful joys of conceptual thunderous cheers. Today we separate, but only for a moment, only for one short year. I miss you my love, and nothing can stand between us forever. See you again on our next summer, when we shall surely meet again. Hopes To us My Love.
  16. I kind of expect some sort of leaks here and there on the web, of what corps might have done this summer. I hope not!
  17. Hmmm.. This is such a left field post or maybe i just don't get it. ?
  18. BD won by default. (In Brandt Crocker voice) Recieving the default gold medal, and reciepient of the founders trophy, The 2020 Default Drum corps International World champions, with a score of 100, 100, THE BLUE DEVILS! Lol 😝
  19. Yes Terri, The movie industry aka Hollywood is greatly being impacted. If we really dig around on the web, Industries around the world are being impacted, and i do understand the precautions to prevent the spread of the Covid 19. I really hope in all honesty that the virus will die down as much as possible, that it will be safe in atleast two months time, so DCI 2020 season can be saved. If not, then so shall it be, and good bye 2020 season. I'll be very sad, very much! but i cannot be mad with the current situation.
  20. Oh yeah.... all we can do is hope for the best and, do our parts every day to help reduce and limit the spread of the virus. As long as there are Scientifics /Medical progressions being made steadily towards making the vaccine and possibly cure. for many other enduring infections within this at time troublesome but beautiful world, we all want to live in, As long as possible to enjoy. Lets pray for the world and it's leaders who are fighting on our behalf to keep us safe and healthy. for the doctors and nurses working closely to help bring healing to lives. Lets pray for our elsers and our families of all kinds. Lets keep the poor in our hearts, lets give an helping hand to those who need it. Lets keep DCI and all it's memebers and all MM in our thoughts and prayers all day long. If anything we all need is wisdon, unity, love and care.
  21. Agreed. But, do you believe it wont have any side effects on the vulenteers as quoted in the video ? Personaly i find that hard to believe though.
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