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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. Oh! I Thank you for enlightening me and now i know who he is lol. Now he's been trolled in court lol. Lets see how much of a trolling he can take.
  2. Goodbye my Love until we meet again. We spent every summer together ever since the day we first met. Now we don't get to meet this summer and it's breaking my heart. I never knew how close we've become until this very day. Take my love with you as your's with me. Reminiscent on the summers we've spend so closely knitted, touring through the hot, sizzling sun. With our eyes and hears fielding fields with visual lust, filled the air with musical cheers of our passion endearing to hear. You sang to me and i to you, with only the music our hearts shares. Beating our beats as we percussion together, conceiving babies on blissful joys of conceptual thunderous cheers. Today we separate, but only for a moment, only for one short year. I miss you my love, and nothing can stand between us forever. See you again on our next summer, when we shall surely meet again. Hopes To us My Love.
  3. I kind of expect some sort of leaks here and there on the web, of what corps might have done this summer. I hope not!
  4. Hmmm.. This is such a left field post or maybe i just don't get it. ?
  5. BD won by default. (In Brandt Crocker voice) Recieving the default gold medal, and reciepient of the founders trophy, The 2020 Default Drum corps International World champions, with a score of 100, 100, THE BLUE DEVILS! Lol ๐Ÿ˜
  6. Yes Terri, The movie industry aka Hollywood is greatly being impacted. If we really dig around on the web, Industries around the world are being impacted, and i do understand the precautions to prevent the spread of the Covid 19. I really hope in all honesty that the virus will die down as much as possible, that it will be safe in atleast two months time, so DCI 2020 season can be saved. If not, then so shall it be, and good bye 2020 season. I'll be very sad, very much! but i cannot be mad with the current situation.
  7. Oh yeah.... all we can do is hope for the best and, do our parts every day to help reduce and limit the spread of the virus. As long as there are Scientifics /Medical progressions being made steadily towards making the vaccine and possibly cure. for many other enduring infections within this at time troublesome but beautiful world, we all want to live in, As long as possible to enjoy. Lets pray for the world and it's leaders who are fighting on our behalf to keep us safe and healthy. for the doctors and nurses working closely to help bring healing to lives. Lets pray for our elsers and our families of all kinds. Lets keep the poor in our hearts, lets give an helping hand to those who need it. Lets keep DCI and all it's memebers and all MM in our thoughts and prayers all day long. If anything we all need is wisdon, unity, love and care.
  8. Agreed. But, do you believe it wont have any side effects on the vulenteers as quoted in the video ? Personaly i find that hard to believe though.
  9. In Respect of global recovery and DCI 2020 SEASON. WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCeMsha5lP4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8aueQXQ2H4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEv8oUWwTD0
  11. Seem like Madison existence in 202 establish them to be supremely old and immortal among mortal drum corps. Let the Ancient one rise within the modern world, and take it's rightful place. ๐Ÿ˜†
  12. This year i really wanted to experience Dci Live, But i have to push it back to next year. I wanted to be up close and personal with those Devils. My dream will come through some day (looking up in the clouds๐Ÿ™„โ˜).
  13. Yup. Good for them, i hope good for us too. Its seemingly pointing to many more drunk shots to come. Cheers mate
  14. YES No more complaining of not enough shows streaming. Esp me lol.
  15. BDers.. A thought i've had since Dec. In my opinion, without knowing anything for the 2020 season, much more for 2021 with either knowing the show or show music. I believe it's a good chance BD might achieved the three peat, even though they don't really need it. Yes i know it is not going to go down well from many fans of other corps if it happen, however it's nothing new. I FEEL it's align for them this time around to really do it. I have a feeling and, i just want to know if anyone have the same feeling or thoughts. If so, kindly share why you think so ?
  16. Going to Assume that Licensing might have gotten cleared for that 2+ minutes. Happy it worked out. As for "Beneath The Surface" unfortunately 3+ minutes Risen above and floated away.. It's very sad because that is the entire ballad of the show. If i am wrong i stand corrected, but i don't think i am.
  17. Yes it is going to be. Sadly. This piece was such a cellebrated part of the 2019 season for CC Fans and alike.
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