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Profile Information

  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    See Phantom regiment win in 1996 & 2008 BEING THERE !
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Boston Crusaders, Phantom Regiment, Carolina Crown
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    TIE: Phantom Regiment 2008, 2015 "Carolina Crown", 2017 "Wicked Games", 2017 SCV - "Oroboros", 2018 Boston "S.O.S" and SCV 2018, Boston 2019
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
    2008 & 2015, 2017, 2018 & 2019
  • Gender
  • Location
    Northeastern Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Music, especially Classical, drawing and painting art, singing, teaching music to children as well as architecture and drum corps. A semi-professional photographer, I've done many professional events

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DCP Veteran

DCP Veteran (2/3)



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  1. Hey sunshine! Haven't heard from you in a gazillion years. I was cleaning out a few cupboards and came across the Regiment's "Through The Years" series on VHS. It has footage from the dark ages when I marched through the early nineties. You're more than welcome to them if you have a way of converting them to disc. I do have a Sony device that does it, but knowing you, yo...

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