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Everything posted by gak27

  1. This is a LOOOOOOOOOONG setup, and the cake isn't ready either 😏
  2. Very aggressive show...ballad had too much goo on the climax parts! Let the horns play
  3. Section 4 row FF seat 17...vintage teal SCV horn shirt
  4. I miss the U.S. Open show... I miss the smell of white shoe polish and that funky mix of spit and valve oil that would permeate your gloves by the end of the season...
  5. This year, or any year, SCV (with a special exception for Phantom 2008)...felt that way since I first saw them in '74 My last year of actual marching was in '82 with 27 - loved it
  6. HouserCD, Audio plus stills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2uPhqhqSo4
  7. Fabulous! Ever since they first enthralled me in 1974, I've felt the same way about them. ALWAYS thrilled when I get to see them live.
  8. How about "average member of a broad, statistically-relevant sampling of drum corps show-attending people"? I guess I was trying to imply non-fanatic show attendees.
  9. In general I agree with your points (I went to my first show around 1967 and marched from '75-'82). As a "seasoned/experienced" fan, I'm willing/look forward to learning about the shows prior to the season and, while I don't necessarily go ga-ga over all the dance/body movement embodied in today's shows, I truly appreciate the talent level and there are times that I am blown away by the performances. What today's shows do, however, is tend to diminish the appreciation/enthusiasm of the casual/walkup/non-fanatic fan for the shows versus yesteryear. Your points that I emphasized lend credence to this - you have to spend time learning/studying/viewing these shows (in many cases several times) to truly get them. This doesn't necessarily mean that someone is "unwilling to grow". For example (not a comprehensive one by any means), if you went to a show in the late 70s and saw the Blue Devils, you would likely experience a thorough "WOW!" from what they were doing. Even if that was your only show that year, you "got it". Contrast that with the past few years: going to a single show and seeing the Blue Devils would just as likely cause a "HUH?" from what you just experienced. Is this always the case? No. In general, however, I would say that the one show a year/casual fan is likely to be less entertained/drawn in to the shows than in years past. Not all of them are dinos/old-time fans that remember "how it used to be". A lot of them don't have the time or level of interest that we do to LEARN about the shows to appreciate them. The shows have become more sophisticated and thus less likely to be FULLY enjoyed on first/only viewing. I can't wait for my lone show this year in Massillon!
  10. ...and in a strange way, you tied figure skating and current drum corps design methodologies together rather tidily...
  11. I would settle for tears of joy...they've done it to me before...
  12. FYI, "compulsories" are no longer performed during international ice skating competitions - they typically use a Short Program and a Long, or Free Program
  13. They're in the uniforms thread also, but deserve to be here:
  14. With apologies to Mr. Eastwood: "You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those who want uniforms and those who want costumes. You get costumes."
  15. First off, I would like to say that I, too, really like their sound this year! I do have to ask, however: I'm assuming MOLM refers to "Man of LaMancha", correct? If so, the first piece played by the brass certainly sounded like the title song from the musical...so what was actually left out?
  16. For the FB-impaired and for a close to side-by-side comparison w/ the PR pic... Couldn't decide which part of the battery showed the finish the best, went with the tenors:
  17. In 1976 we were part of DCI's inaugural tour through the South (with Blue Stars and others) and we had the wool cadet-style jackets. Hot Springs, Arkansas. July. Wool. I can feel it now.
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