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Everything posted by shaners

  1. i like the new uniform just the way it is! my only concern is that the short sleeves will expose alot of different color/sizes of elbows, thus making things look inconsistent or dirty... but maybe they are going for that look, exposing the different people behind the instrument.
  2. Pacific Crest has one Baritone opening. Private Message me and we can talk.
  3. shaners likes long musical phrases with an actual development. :)
  4. all visual problems aside, those 05 uniforms created by far my favorite SCV image.
  5. the name's Bond, Nervous Break-Down Bond.
  6. simple is good, keep that up. 3 factors of teaching a group to march that i think are largely ignored in high schools: 1. timing; the ability to move your body in time with the tempo. 2. a goal; each marcher must know what they should look like. they should have a model that they can emulate without thinking too much about the details. 3. correct repetition; once the group/individual does it right, they must re-enforce it with quality repetition. This will make doing the right thing a habit, not just luck.
  7. on first hand, it sounds like a waste of money to have 2 sets of instruments just for the sake of the different color. a. this doesnt sound like the whole story b. maybe the second line is for the band camps they host...
  8. UNT Wind Symphony played this last fall... a stellar work!
  9. advice? yea, know your dot. even if you are suppose to be guiding. whats makes the picture work is that each individual replicates what the little dots in Pyware can do.
  10. make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, the other gold.
  11. now this is a good thing on so many levels.
  12. SCV's feather will always be my favorite. I love that Aussie + Feather look.
  13. are you a college student? if so, find the link on your college's library website to NAXOS.com it will be there.
  14. it seems like everyone knows what the music is except for me..... ?
  15. allow me to clarify, 1. this comment was aimed at the people who say woodwinds wont happen just because it will take away from brass. when in the end, directors are thinking about the score more than decible level. 2. true, but woodwinds, or any other instrument, can make sounds that brass cant make. 3. disagree, if money is an issue when it comes to fielding woodwinds (if they are allowed) then, a corps that takes a sponsorship does not have to pay for them... this comment was aimed at the people who say woodwinds will cost too much in an already expensive activity. 4. you are right, but its also opening the playing field for more people. 5. same as above. PLUS, the 'market' im talking about are the people, youth, parents, woodwind players, who will now take interest in DCI because they have something in common. further, DCI now has many many woodwind manufactures to get sponsorships & advertising. i see what youre talking about in your response, and i see that I was not clear enough, but fyi, if all you do is negate what others say with every opportunity you have, then most will take you less seriously. I agree with you, in a competitive sense, adding woodwinds is just change, not improvement. But there are also many opportunities that arise if woodwinds are allowed.
  16. i just thought of something..... could woodwind manufactures be lobbying drumcorps directors?
  17. I voted yes because: 1. powerful brass does not equal a good score by itself. 2. woodwinds can set a different mood that brass might not accomplish... i.e. saxophone for a jazz show. 3. many corps do not pay for their instruments, I will bet my car that Yamaha would jump on the opportunity to give the Cadets a line of saxophones. 4. allowing woodwinds = more educational opportunities for a wider range of people. 5. a much much larger market. Even though it would be changing the activity, the "benefits" out weigh the "its not drum corp" argument. for the record, I say keep drum corp traditional.
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