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Everything posted by mikekhs

  1. Compared to 1993? ...They were Gods! Mike
  2. Quoted Poison - a rap/hip hop tune. Mike
  3. Snoopy versus the Red Baron and the Return of the Red Baron. I always thought they were British, but they were from Florida! MIKE
  4. Any more word on who all is joining Lee at Madison? MIKE Bill, you up for it?
  5. You should have been here for the Great Colorguard Caption Head Switch a few years ago! Mike
  6. Maybe toss in a few North of the border as well eh? Kavaliers Acadamie MIKE
  7. 27 Nortstar Suncoast Star Skyriders Freelancers Southwind Guardsmen I would take adding one back every year. Can we please start with Suncoast? Mike
  8. Congratulations Garfield! MIKE Bill, see you next summer.
  9. ...and the line between DCI and BOA blurs a little more....
  10. Nice classless sop hangover...hmmm...which Blue corps I wonder?
  11. Lots of openings for Conquest hits during the 1812 push. How about the two concert bass drum do it in stereo? Get your huhs warmed up Indy! Mike Bill, what do you think?
  12. Two Cadet DMs arrested for their involvement in the famous Blue Devil Bingo hall raid. DCI will not allow Dr. Beat as a guest conductor.
  13. Oh how I miss the good old days of camping out for tickets. Mike Bill, you in here?
  14. This was one snare drummer in the closer after they are scattered around the field and none of the other battery players still had white. Sounds like a missed signal somewhere, and I totally missed a prior plume change. Thanks for the answers guys. Mike
  15. I was at the Massillon show as well. We bought tickets at 4:15 that afternoon and I was on the 45, side two three rows from the top. While it was crowded, it was not standing room only. That is a great stadium to watch and hear drum corps, but it is old and not real convenient with a large crowd.This was a killer line up though. Having been to a million drum corps shows, I should have known better than to stay around once they announced an indefinite delay. Once I saw Hop, and two other directors walking around on the field with their phones blazing, I should have known to bail. Updates during the delay would have been great. Maybe telling the folks which side of the stadium was east and which was west would have helped too. (They had designated sections for taking cover.) This situation was handled poorly, but I have actually seen much worse and at major DCI events. We just happened to be talking to one of the field judges when they called it, or we would have wondered around for a bit longer. Three questions - all BAC related. 1. During the closer, the battery comes back to focus after being scattered during the ballad. One of the snares suddenly had a white plume on his shako instead of red like the others. I am assuming he grabbed the backfield DMs shako by mistake? Did anyone else see this? It certainly was not by design right? Anyone? 2. The lights under the scrim. How long has that been in the show? How often have we seen lights in a DCI show? It was trying to recall last night, but nothing came to mind. 3. I never caught a Conquest quote in the show. I seem to recall one in every show prior to this one. Did I miss it? I am usually quite good at catching that (to my wife's annoyance I might add) Is it in there? Some very strong performances by the corps that did get to do a run. Bummed to miss the last three. MIKE Bill, you missed it.
  16. Luckily, there were no open class corps there to mess up the scores or recap. Good work DCI! Mike Bill, you in here?
  17. Maybe some day, DCI can figure out the Open/World recap thing. BS! MIKE Bill?
  18. Great day for drum corps fans. Wish I was there live, but will settle for friends here and the internet. MIKE Bill, you in here?
  19. See you all soon. Good night John Boy. MIKE Bill, you in here?
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