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Fans Not Clapping at the End of a Corps Show ?

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When you go to a concert hall....or similar show.....do you see people sitting down (On their hands) at the end of the show? How about a grade school Christmas show. Do you see parents not clapping for third graders because their performance did not reach them? No......Probably not. I am not saying you need to jump and scream for every corps performance.....but some form of acknowledgment is in order (I believe). Even if it is three small claps......

Thoughts ?????

Drum corps shows are not concert halls, and they're not grade school christmas shows. They're drum corps shows.

At a symphony concert, people clap politely for everything, except for that rare moment where the performance is so good and the music ends with a bang and the audience is DYING to clap before it's even over, but they can't because that's not proper ettiquette, so they erupt upon the final release.

At grade school music performances, people will applaud because they love their kids.

At drum corps shows, people will applaud because they liked what they saw and heard. As I talked about in the most recent thread on booing, drum corps audiences speak their minds. If they don't like you, they'll let you know. If they like you, they'll let you know. If they love you and think you were the most amazing incredible thing EVER, they'll let you know.

Applause must be earned.

Edited by madscout96
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Every corps, no matter the subject or content of their show, has put a superhuman amount of effort into performing the #### out of their show. That, in and of itself, deserves a standing ovation. When I see a drum corps show, I stand up after every performance.

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So like I said earlier, everyone's entitled to decline applause, but everyone who does so should put themselves in the shoes of the perform (which most fans have done): what if you busted your butt all day rehearsing, only to come to the show and give your heart out for 11 minutes.... and no one clapped? I'd be more than just "a little let down" when I leave the field.

I suppose I shift on my stance a little bit.

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well how about this: a show finishes, and i liked it so i clapped, everyone around me gets on their feet and give a standing o. now i didn't think the show was good enough for a standing o, it was good and i liked it, but not standing o worthy. everyone around me scowls at me for being rude. are standing ovations the new applause? is it expected now? cause i think you still need to earn it.

Edited by 2ndSop4Life
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I don't think it's rude. I've seen a few corps shows that I didn't clap for...they just weren't shows that elicited that reaction from me.

There is absolutely no excuse to not clap. You acknowledge the performers no matter what. I do not care if you liked the show, hated it, or it made you want to throw up, you acknowledge the performers because it is the professional, moral, and just flat out the appropriate thing to do. To not do so is a slap in the face of both the performers on the field, as well as the entire concept and tradition of performing arts. Those that do not clap should be absolutely ashamed. And yes, it is that important of a gesture.

*edited for spelling*

Edited by Hipposduck
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There is absolutely no excuse to not clap. You acknowledge the performers no matter what. I do not care if you liked the show, hated it, or it made you want to throw up, you acknowledge the performers because it is the professional, moral, and just flat out the appropriate thing to do. To not do so is a slap in the face of both the performers on the field, as well as the entire concept and tradition of performing arts. Those that do not clap should be absolutely ashamed. And yes, it is that important of a gesture.

*edited for spelling*

I've only not clapped for...I think maybe three or four different shows, and the reason I didn't had everything to do with the design of the show and nothing to do with the performance itself. Although I wanted to applaud the members for their incredible efforts, I was in no way going to support such shows in any way. But seriously, with almost every single show I go absolutely crazy...just watch the EnCorps! videos on the DCI site, and watch for the madman in the white shirt on the 50, about 20 rows up.

Edited by Hrothgar15
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It is absolutely fine not to clap. This must be a personal choice. I have much more of a problem with someone telling me that I am rude if I choose to not clap than I do with someone not clapping. How dare you dictate what I do? Arrogant beyond belief.

That said, I CHOOSE to clap for every corps to acknowledge the marchers' efforts.

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There is absolutely no excuse to not clap. You acknowledge the performers no matter what. I do not care if you liked the show, hated it, or it made you want to throw up, you acknowledge the performers because it is the professional, moral, and just flat out the appropriate thing to do. To not do so is a slap in the face of both the performers on the field, as well as the entire concept and tradition of performing arts. Those that do not clap should be absolutely ashamed. And yes, it is that important of a gesture.

*edited for spelling*

Excuse me ?

What is this? socialism ? When someone pays a price to see a preformance, they have the right to clap or not to clap.

Yes, elementary Christmas programs should get applause no matter what because they are little kids, but no matter how hard a group works has nothing to do with audiance enjoyment.

While I don't like people who boo, I respect the right of someone to clap or not.

As DCI puts it: "The Major League of Marching" ( or whatever )

If it's the major league then deal with it.

As a K through 12 music teacher I expect people to applaude the little kids, but if the high school band doesn't have a good performance ( and I have prepared them properly) they should not expect anyone throwing babies.

The polite thing to do is NOTHING.

Or, go get a hot dog.

How dare someone tell me I should applaude something I don't care for.

That fits in with social promotion. Lets pass this kid because he's 16 and in the 7th grade. Sorry, it doesn't work

If the show designers have not done their job or picked music that I don't care to see on a field I should not have to clap for anyone.

Solution ?

Have the corps announced................applause

Have the staff step up to the line and take it like an adult.

That way if you don't like what they did you can take it out on the staff, directly, but as long as the staff can hide behind the kids, I'll settle for people being quiet and not booing the corps.

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