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Allentown 2013

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Maybe the BD's feathers are an homage to Crown 2007's pheasant feather.

As are the guard's imitation of antelopes an homage to Crown 2007's guard being horses. The music selection is clearly an homage to Academy 2012. The dubstep bass, I think we've covered that somewhere, is an homage to Cavies 2012. The poles represent fenced-in "free-speech zones" at political conventions, an homage to Crossmen 2013, as well as trees, an homage to Phantom 2013. The outstanding drumline is an homage to Phantom Regiment 2010. The miked soloists are an homage to Bluecoats 2010.

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That's true Soccerguy....that's because they are the Cadets :tongue:

On the flip side, if George Hopkins were the director of Carolina Crown and Jim Coates were at Cadets, Crown would be DCP's whipping boy.

C'est la vie

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A wormhole, also known as an Einstein-Rosen Bridge is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that would be, fundamentally, a "shortcut" through spacetime. For a simple visual explanation of a wormhole, consider spacetime visualized as a two-dimensional (2D) surface. If this surface is folded along a third dimension, it allows one to picture a wormhole "bridge". (Please note, though, that this is merely a visualization displayed to convey an essentially unvisualisable structure existing in 4 or more dimensions. The parts of the wormhole could be higher-dimensional analogues for the parts of the curved 2D surface; for example, instead of mouths which are circular holes in a 2D plane, a real wormhole's mouths could be spheres in 3D space.) A wormhole is, in theory, much like a tunnel with two ends each in separate points in spacetime.

An example of a (traversable) wormhole metric is the following:

ds2 = -dt2+dl2+ (k2+l2) (dØ2 + sin2 Ø dØ2)

End Transmission



Man, those worms are smarter than I realized.

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I want to make an important distinction. Narritive, as defined from wikipedia is as follows:

People use "narration" on DCP to mean "spoken voice" generally. I think the bigger distinction between Crown's voice usage this year and BD's last is that BD's was recorded, and was not synced in any way with the music. Crown's is (mostly) live and is either part of the music (the counting), or plays off it directly (in the ballad).

My issue with Crown's narration is I don't quite see the argument for it. It appears to be used in large part to make the ballad and very end of the show more emotional. I would appreciate the product more if they were able to achieve this without the narration.

I think Crown was trying to capture Einstein on the Beach on the field as effectively as possible. If you had someone unfamiliar with EotB listen to the opera and to describe a couple of important elements, they would probably list first the counting, and second the lovers on the park bench story. Without those two elements, IMO, they would have failed to capture the essence of the material.

Perhaps they should just not have attempted EotB, but if they were going to do EotB, I think the park bench story was necessary.

The line I feel most ironic is "so profound was their love for each other, they needed no words to express it." Yet... that's exactly what we need in this show it seems.

Yeah, this is pretty funny on the face of it. I think the intent is that the woman knows John loves her, but he's clearly a poet of some kind, and she enjoys hearing the outlandishly baroque language he can come up with to describe that love--the astounding depths of exaggeration he's willing to describe. In that sense, perhaps it can be seen as a commentary on the great lengths the top corps have to go to to demonstrate their technical skills, going above and beyond what might ever make sense musically or visually to fit in a crazy run or a hundred flams or the ability to play their instruments in increasingly more contorted and bizarre physical positions or to perform crazy feats of flexibility and strength on the field.

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What Crown's show really needs...


An unborn Fetus? Hmm

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People use "narration" on DCP to mean "spoken voice" generally. I think the bigger distinction between Crown's voice usage this year and BD's last is that BD's was recorded, and was not synced in any way with the music. Crown's is (mostly) live and is either part of the music (the counting), or plays off it directly (in the ballad).

Yeah, true... but it becomes so hard to describe why I like one show's narration and not another's without what I feel are important distinctions between the uses of spoken voice.

I think Crown was trying to capture Einstein on the Beach on the field as effectively as possible. If you had someone unfamiliar with EotB listen to the opera and to describe a couple of important elements, they would probably list first the counting, and second the lovers on the park bench story. Without those two elements, IMO, they would have failed to capture the essence of the material.

Perhaps they should just not have attempted EotB, but if they were going to do EotB, I think the park bench story was necessary.

Ah that makes some sense to me. Operas by minimalist composers were never my forte and I really wasn't that familiar with Einstein on the Beach until this year and I thank Crown for that (and also Blue Stars for getting me into Nixon in China).

I have to give some credit to them for trying to be true to the Opera though it still feels to me to be a weaker part of the design of the show but at least now I can see what they were trying to do.

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