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What's In A Name?


39 members have voted

  1. 1. When is it appropriate for DCI to remove "Drum Corps" from its name and replace it with something else?

    • It should have been changed already with the addition of Bb instrumentation.
    • It should have been changed already with the allowance of amplification and electronics.
    • It should be changed now with the allowance of additional brass instrumentation.
    • It should be changed in the future with the allowance of woodwind instruments.
    • It should never be changed.
    • Other (Specify in thread)

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This is kind of like asking "are palm trees and pine trees more similar, or more different?"

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funny to watch the spin on DCP :silly:

the folks who say "DC has always been MB" think drum corps still has an identity separate from HSMB


folks who say "DC was always different than MB" think drum corps no longer has an identity separate from HSMB.


Indeed, it does get confusing doesn't it. Probably why DCI is having more issues than it should succeeding.

From the Matrix, but it really does fit.


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I will admit that I have not been in love with many changes. Some I've grown accustomed to, and some I do not care for somehow work when done correctly. I love tradition, but let me explain:

We forget far too often that tradition is more in drum corps that what happened yesterday as far as instrumentation and color guard. I love the shows of yesteryear and when I watch drum corps DVD's, which is fairly often, it tends to be the shows between 79 and 89 I watch most frequently, but that's not to say I do not enjoy today's shows. I've watched each DVD from 1974 to 2013 and while the brief clip of the 74 Kilties may be vastly different than let's just say 2013 Bluecoats, you can see the same level of pride, accomplishment, and intensity on the faces of those competing. I have witnessed people who marched in the 1950's speak with kids marching today, swapping war stories, and there's an instant connection. We don't always see that on DCP, but you see it in souvenir booths in Indy, Allentown, Quincy, MA or Bristol, RI. It's the alum who picks up a tab in a fast food joint for current marchers because summer is coming to an end and kids must be running out of money (BAC Senior Members, you know who you are) or the three or four generation photos that are taken at shows: three or four generations of marchers, some who have joined rival corps. Thanksgiving could potentially be a nightmare.

These are things that do not change and things that make drum corps special. Take these intangibles away, and you can change the name of drum corps, but don't call it band either because the BOA folks will let you know some of these things are true for them too.

Edited by Tim K
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Indeed, it does get confusing doesn't it. Probably why DCI is having more issues than it should succeeding.

it's not really confusing. the actual arguments are just hidden beneath the rehetoric. one side is saying "im ok with the changes in dci " and the other side is saying "im not ok with (some|many|all of) the changes in dci". the rest is just semantic fluff.

we LIKE our fluff on DCP :ninja:

Edited by corpsband
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As long as there exist organizations who call themselves drum corps, the name qualifies.

This goes along with: As long as there are people purposely vomiting on other people, and they call themselves Performance Artists, the name applies.

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As long as there are drums the name qualifies.

So, by that qualification you have to also mean that when all of the DCI corps are no longer using Bugle Sopranos but Bb Tumpets; we must not call them Drum & 'Bugle' Corps any more, correct?

Edited by Stu
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Holy cow. It only took 2 pages for Stu to get back to vomiting. :silly:

But what is in a name? Millie Brown and Gaga naming themselves Perfoming Artists is no different than the people in DCI naming themselves Drum & Bugle Corps; correct?

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But what is in a name? Millie Brown and Gaga naming themselves Perfoming Artists is no different than the people in DCI naming themselves Drum & Bugle Corps; correct?

I'm not sure. You continue to post as "Stu" when everyone knows "troll" is more accurate! :tounge2: By your logic, you should immediately change your username!

Back to ACTUAL discussion!

I would support a name-change after woodwinds...

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Please don't feed the troll.

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