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San Antonio Predictions!

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Ok. Current standings up to Phansouth.

The boring stuff:

-I only counted 1-12 rankings (even if people gave more).

-Multiple corps didn't get more than 12th place so I counted how many times they got that vote and the most was highest, least lowest, etc.

The Fun Stuff:

RankCorps..................Average Rank..Most Frequent..Lowest..Highest..Times Voted In

01. The Cavaliers..........1.435897436.........1...........4.......1...........39

02. Blue Devils............2.512820513.........2...........5.......1...........39

03. The Cadets.............2.564102564.........3...........5.......1...........39

04. Madison Scouts.........4.435897436.........5...........6.......1...........39

05. Phantom Regiment.......4.461538462.........4...........6.......2...........39

06. Bluecoats..............5.538461538.........6...........7.......3...........39

07. Carolina Crown.........7.487179487.........7...........10......6...........39

08. Santa Clara Vanguard...8.026315789.........8...........Out.....6...........38

09. Boston Crusaders.......8.487179487.........9...........10......7...........39

10. Blue Knights...........10.26315789.........10..........12......9...........38

11. Glassmen...............10.61538462.........11..........12......10..........39

12. Spirit.................11.73913043.........12..........Out.....10..........23

13. Colts..................12.00000000.........12..........Out.....12..........12

14. Crossmen...............12.00000000.........12..........Out.....12..........8

15. Mandarins..............12.00000000.........12..........Out.....12..........4

Edited by boilerman_05
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What I WISH would happen:

1. The Cavaliers

2. Phantom Regiment

3. The Cadets

4. Blue Devils

5. Santa Clara Vanguard

6. Madison Scouts

7. Bluecoats

8. Carolina Crown

9. Blue Knights

10. Boston Crusaders

11. Mandarins

12. Spirit from JSU

What I hope WILL happen:

1. The Cavaliers

2. Blue Devils

3. The Cadets

4. Phantom Regiment

5. Bluecoats

6. Madison Scouts

7. Santa Clara Vanguard

8. Carolina Crown

9. Boston Crusaders

10. Blue Knights

11. Glassmen

12. Spirit from JSU

And in all things...GO VANGUARD!!!

Edited by PeeWee
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wouldn't it be sweet if SCV has been harnestering all there power, and at SA, they released everything, and 2 pointed the Cavies?


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Come back and give me a cookie when I'm right ;)

1 > Cavaliers

2 > Blue Devils

3 > Cadets

4 > Phantom Regiment

5 > Madison Scouts

6 > Bluecoats

7 > Carolina Crown

8 > Boston Crusaders

9 > Santa Clara Vanguard

10>Blue Knights



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wouldn't it be sweet if SCV has been harnestering all there power, and at SA, they released everything, and 2 pointed the Cavies?

Don't tease me :huh: :P

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#12 - The Newborn Horsies

When I marched, it was the "baby ponies from ####" BUT, in reality it's a gun, not a pony.


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I always thought that the Colt .45's were named alfter the liquor...lol

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Tier 4

Blue Knights

Santa Clara Vanguard

Another small tier, but BK's score has improved in the last week or so, making them a lock for the night show.  And while SCV beat them by a point or so not too long ago, I honestly predict SCV will not be at Murfreesboro, putting them here.

Wow, look at tonight's score and tell me that grouping these two corps together wasn't right on. Heh, we'll see what happens on Saturday, but could BK pass SCV??

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Ok..thought I'd give it whirl after seeing tonights scores...



3-> Coats

4-> Devils....Coats and Devs will be a dogfight


6->Scouts ( though a week ago I had them sitting in 4th...dunno )




10-> Blue Knights

11-> Glassmen



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