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If you had to choose one show to define drum corps

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Well, there are things that appreciate in value after you purchase them, and things that depreciate in value after you purchase them.

Those who purchase antiques that others freely cast away sometimes are the most financially saavy and smart people around. And they find themselves handsomely rewarded for preserving other people's stuff that other people thought was just junk to toss away.

As they say,... one peson's trash is another person's treasure.

Just ask the guy who got a few million dollars last month for a single Honus Wagner Rookie Year baseball collectible card.

Lots of people over the years thought keeping that baseball card was " dumb "...... but somebody else was as smart and saavy as they come.

yeah yeah, i know all about how some things can appreciate in value, you have to have "financial savvy," and so on, and so forth.

for every guy that makes a couple million on this or that decades-old vehicle, there are a couple thousand who have a broken car, period.

you can win the lottery and make more money than you know what to do with, but that doesn't make it a good investment :tongue:

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My answer to this question is officially easy after this summer--2008 Regiment. What an excellent show to define drum corps to someone who's never seen it before and doesn't know anything about it. It's high drama on a big stage--clearly something unique from "marching band." Grand music in a grand manner, as they used to say. A refined product performed in a way that is appealing to all levels of fan understanding. Just drum corps goodness, through and through.

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For me, I would have to approach it like I teach my Jazz Appreciation class. As much as i love early jazz and dixieland, I always start at bebop because it is more accessible for the average kids who listens to rock,blues, alternative, etc. It is fast, driving, exciting and as close to their style of music today as you can get without going to far overboard.Usually gets them hooked at the begining and I can back up from there to show them the "roots".

So, I guess as much as I would like to say 80 27th Lancers or 78 Vanguard, based on my own teaching style, I would have to pick 3:

86 BD

95 Scouts

PR 03

Each one embodies the deal of each decade, but is still new and modern enough form a performance standpoint and musical selection to get new kids excited on some front about drum corps. We could then add 27,79 and 80 Spirit, 75 Scouts, Muchachos, etc and they would appreciate more at that point.

Just my take from a jazz cat and die hard drum corps fan. :tongue:

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1984 Garfield, hands down the best drum corps show ever. It's the one I show my friends today that have no idea what drum corps is. This show would win today if marched and performed exactly like it was in 1984.... (imo of course).

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I don't know if I can even really answer this question because, as I read the responses that have already been posted, I find myself agreeing with a huge number of people. I don't think there is any one answer for me...

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Percussion? Spartacus.

Visual? Just about anything Cavaliers 04-06.

Guard? Crown 07.

Brass? BD 93, Star 91.

Crowd effect? PR 93 and 08.

Perfection? Early 00's Cavies.

Overall? Cadets 87, Appalachian Spring. Simply amazing.

That'll get you started. If they make it through all of that, they're hooked. If not, they're, like...meh. Don't bother.

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C'mon people. You don't need an entire show, you just need one song: Malaguena - Scouts 88.

But if that's too old school (which I can agree), then the best show would be the most current. And the best current show is PR 2008.

But after thinking about that show, I think all the "killing" and guard/slave motif might be too far "out there" for a newbie to comprehend.

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I'd really have to pick one or two per decade to illustrate how drum corps has evolved in the dci era.


1975 Madison Scouts

HM to 1976 Blue Devils


1989 Santa Clara Vanguard

HM to 1984 Garfield Cadets


1995 Cavaliers

HM to 1999 Santa Clara Vanguard (my personal favorite show ever)


2000 Cadets

HM to 2003 Blue Devils

Sorry, HockeyDad. I can't pick just one. One show does not define drum corps.

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