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Everything posted by BST07

  1. The pit and the hornline would sound a good deal brighter with the oldschool show I would think. Balance might not be as good between the hornline and pit. I guess theres only one real way to find out though
  2. I really don't think so. Other than the little race section at the end I can't see there being many similarities. If you look at horse racing and the actual Tour de france, other than the fact that both are races there are almost no similarities at all. And from the looks of it the music won't even be close. Hopefully it's just as enjoyable as Crown 07 though
  3. I know they were 11th in brass in Semis this year. I think they were just comparing the semis scores
  4. There are plenty of Middle schools and elementary schools in the area as well. With the shrinking number of corps each year I don't think finding a place to stay for all of them is going to be difficult.
  5. They both used the same brass technique in 07 as well. I think the blue stars should somehow incorporate a witch on a bicycle into the show
  6. It's kind of related in concept, but only in the sense that they are both about racing. As far as the music side of things go, which in my opinion is the most important part of the show, I would say the shows are going to be completely different. In other words, I wouldn't call the Blue Stars copy cats because there show is kind of similar to Crowns 07 show.
  7. I really thought Vangaurd should have won in 98. That being said I really loved the top 2 shows that year. 98 SCV just happens to be my 2nd favorite show ever. That and it was also the first drum corps show I ever saw, so I guess I owe my obsession to that show : )
  8. hmmm....assuming theres 30,000 people at finals thats $30,000 for just one event. Sounds like a good idea to me
  9. I would love to see a Speed Racer show to coincide with the new Speed Racer movie.
  10. I would assume the yellow would = the yellow jersey at the end of the race if that were the case.
  11. Reason 4.0 > FL Still a pretty cool video though
  12. And I think the introduction of woodwinds is probably the most likely way for most brass players to stop marching. I just doing think its ever going to happen. I suppose it could...but hopefully not
  13. Something like that will never happen. But it would be awesome to see how bands like L.D. Bell, Marcus, Carmel, Avon etc. matched up to a drum corps. At least in my opinion it would
  14. I agree with your point, however I think that is only because the quality of the top corps is becoming more and more consistent, and more corps are starting to "figure it out." Not so much a factor of the judging system
  15. Says who? Crowns last year was close to 50 or so...I cant imagine something being almost twice that long. I think a 40 second chord would be overkill
  16. http://www.yea.org/site/PageServer?pagename=brassclip Just got this in my e-mail. Its a short clip of Vesuvius. I can't wait to hear this in august!
  17. Here is my opinion on the matter. Drum corps is still, and always will be drum corps. Just because it has changed and progressed does not make it different. This is a bit of a stretch but , look at video games in the 80s then look at them today. The ones of today are much more complex and generally much more entertaining, but they are the same basic idea/concept. You could say this with a number of different sports/activities, that was just the one that made the most sense in my head
  18. I really like the site and the music sounds great. I'll be sure to check it out at TMEA
  19. you could say that a huge number of things are going to be different in 2030 than they were now. looks at drum corps 30 years ago from today, it was completley different, of course it will be different in another 30
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