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Everything posted by skevinp

  1. And didn't they go to Europe that year? That is bound to have diverted some of their attention.
  2. I think it is good for exposure, though some guard uniforms may not be appropriate for sensitive adults, impressionable children or small animals.
  3. Actually Crown beat BD a bunch of times last season, starting in late June.
  4. Oftentimes when some accuses you of being defensive, they are just trying to avoid responsibility for being offensive.
  5. 1. Blue Devils 2. Crown 3. Cadets 4. Bluecoats 5. SCV 6. Cavaliers 7. Phantom 8. Madison 9. Blue Knights 10. Boston 11. Blue Stars 12. Spirit 13. Troopers
  6. I have every confidence that people on DCP will think of something...
  7. Not Tempe. Can easily be 110, 115 degrees. Not even guaranteed dry weather as it will be monsoon season.
  8. It would seem to follow that some scores are more equal than others.
  9. Also to make it smoother and to keep them all easier to compare on a given day, in some versions I used to add something like .6 each non show day to capture the general increase of all corps. That way you don't have the line either stop or flatline on non-show days, and extrapolate some means of comparison each day.
  10. I used to do something very similar in Excel. Had a version with absolute scores and another with a 5 day running average to smooth things out a bit. Can be very helpful showing the groupings and trends. Of course, different shows on same nights are only so comparable. Might be interesting to plot Hostrauser's numbers as I think they do something to adjust for that.
  11. There is another thread about how manifestly unfair it is that west coast corps have to do so much more traveling and championships have only been there once in 40 years. So maybe these two things cancel each other out?
  12. I would much, much rather them continue to do classical and beautiful shows wherever they finish, than sacrifice their identity in an effort to place higher.
  13. He is called BRASSO because he is made out of isopropyl alcohol, ammonia, silica powder and oxalic acid.
  14. Well, I was really just throwing the thought out there for consideration if and to the extent it applies to anyone, not necessarily you in particular. I was responding to your statement, not necessarily your behavior. Perhaps if I had time to review all 71 pages I would find that each of your posts offers some unique point rather than being an attempt to monopolize opinion. Time is in short supply and benefit of the doubt is abundant aplenty, so no specific accusation should be inferred. I am not claiming to know what everyone wants or doesn't want, I am simply saying each of said everyone is equally important. If one or a few people dominate the boards with the same opinion over and over it distorts people's perceptions. There was a good bit of criticism of last year's show from a few on this board also, as I remember, and I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who really loved the show. I felt a little less alone after hearing from the fans in the seats, though. I keep hearing the word 'storyline' or 'story' used with disdain. I can understand why it may not do anything FOR someone but I am not sure I understand what harm it does TO anyone. Have I been complicit in failing to recognize this demon called 'story' lurking in the shadows waiting to do unspeakable things to puppies and kittens? Should my house be equipped with story windows to keep out stories and a story cellar in which to seek refuge from them?
  15. It's not selfish to want it. It's not selfish to express what you want. It IS selfish to elevate what you want over what everyone else does.
  16. I just heard from 2000Cadet's attorneys and, apparently, due to the substantial similarity of terms used, my attempts at term circumvention were insufficient to avoid licensing obligations. In order to avoid litigation, I will be sending a check for $2 with quickness aplenty. Whoops, $3.
  17. Probably alot, or abunch, or.... I can't think of quite the right word...
  18. Please don't say anything that causes me to envision the outcome of those two mating.
  19. Gotta say "blurb of coolness" is a really cool blurb.
  20. I have a large salad bowl they could have borrowed.
  21. It's one thing to make suggestions, but telling him what to stick where is a little over the line.
  22. Wow, Spirit of Atlanta is doing a lot better than I expected...
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