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Everything posted by DCIfan90

  1. Troopers were also standing on the endzone that said "Colts" at finals. Yes, they were standing on the Colts at finals. Ouch? Yes.
  2. Jeff Cleveland of the Madison Scouts, just because he was extremely good looking.
  3. They played those in 2008. TrooPerformance I wonder what would come from a show with that title.
  4. they cut their other drum major. They're still looking for a back field conductor I think
  5. I think Cascades might be more in Pioneer's neighborhood.
  6. On their website, it says they have 5 colorguard spots open. Using that, we can speculate (on DCP? Never!) that their guard is near full. What their guard numbers will be, I don't know. However, I'd say their guard is in pretty good shape this season. Guard + stellar hornline + stellar drumline = Good contender for finals. Plus, look at what they placed the past 2 years: 2007 - 20th 2008 - 16th (up 4 placements) If that trend continues, 4 placements above 16th is 12th! I'm just having fun now...the season needs to start.
  7. I will have to check that out. I also think the theme from The Next Generation would be a very good opener.
  8. I think the music from Star Trek: First Contact would make an excellent ballad.
  9. If you guys want to sponsor some people. Go here http://micromarching.com/doc/sponsor2009.php They are some great kids, and drill writers.
  10. So I did a search for those and this was the only thing that came up. That song is awesome! Does anybody know what drill program that is? The person who did that drill is really good.
  11. http://members.troopersdrumcorps.org/staff.htm
  12. Wow that's cool, and I'm sure their show will be EPIC and not EPIC FAIL. They have some really great names on their design team.
  13. I knew what the show was, but look at the date he posted it.
  14. Whoa, is this a coincidence or did you know that this was their show when you posted this? Props.
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