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Everything posted by PhantomCav

  1. 97.35 for Cadets that .9 gap is probably too big for the Green Machine this year, but we shall see
  2. Boo is really talking up the Cadets' show tonight. Sounds like they're nailing it.
  3. I bet you hope they're not, considering how the last TOC went for Cadets
  4. WOW. I thought SCV and Bloo might stay on their heels without the TOC sheets, but I don't see how they come close now. The question is...where will Crown score?
  5. hit's been hit or miss for me all evening
  6. And with good reason. College bands , at least for BCS schools, are usually in the midst of some pretty huge events with some huge amounts of $$$$ involved. And lots of people. College marching band can provide some pretty awesome and fun experiences. I really loved my time in the band at the Big Ten school I went to. Those words might be dirty around here, but I said it.
  7. Any inklings as to what that might mean for the tight bunches (SCV and Bluecoats, Cadets and BD, maybe even Crown and Regiment still?) I know it's just prelims, but just wondering since some on here have pretty strong opinions about certain judges
  8. Yes, but it was for college marching band. Several times, for that matter, but especially for bowl games. Most frequently was when my University was playing in the Rose Bowl a few years back, and we had a police escort pretty much anywhere we went throughout LA over a four day span. It's a pretty cool feeling, especially when you're in a caravan of 7 charter busses just ripping through typical LA traffic.
  9. I'm guessing they knew nothing about their timing vis-a-vis finals week, but I suppose it's possible. Suck though. Criminals blow.
  10. While we're at this 89 SCV thing, I have an embarrassing question... How did they make those people disappear in their late 80s shows? I know how I would assume it worked (trap door or the like into a hidden compartment) but the platform they were on seems to thin for a person to fit into from what I can see on the video. I'll confess that I was much too young to have seen any of those shows live.
  11. To it's own detriment, in my opinion. Otherwise, I agree. It was a simpler, different time as far as design and demand went with drill. But my goodness, I do love that show. I could listen to that kind of musical power and emotion all day long and never get sick of it.
  12. I'm admittedly pretty new around here, but I think you missed an important element of the post you were replying to: sarcasm.
  13. It might seem weird to some to put Regiment and the Cavaliers on the same list for music since they're so different, but I see what you're saying and certainly agree about the early 2000s. My only frustration with the Cavaliers is the amount of downtime for the brass in some shows. They generally make up for it with visuals, but when they DO play and showcase their ability, it makes me want more of it and sometimes I just don't feel like they give enough of it.
  14. +1 C'mon people! Let's not deviate into squabbles and fights.
  15. I generally like the music from Phantom Regiment. Keeping it classical and powerful is just fine with me.
  16. Definitely second this post. And think about it...I would guess the average person probably has enough crap going on in their life as of late. The Cadets show provides a little escape in a world that can seem pretty dark and broken at times. I know that sometimes the "dark" ending can be more powerful, but I don't think 2011 is one of those years.
  17. I'd love to see some of this at the end of Elsa's
  18. Hmm. I don't remember, but I would be surprised to see that being true. Even with a solid showing from BD and Cavies that year, that Spartacus final performance was a GE masterpiece if there ever was one. Not that I'm biased, or anything
  19. Stranger things have happened, but it sure isn't looking good for the Cavies shot at the top
  20. Excellent. I'm eager to hear them, even if TOC is a little different. I'm guessing we see someone break 96 (BD, if recent trends live on). I haven't actually looked into it carefully, but it has seemed like the TOC events have always had bit of a larger jump in scores from shows leading up to them.
  21. Regiment posted a picture on their facebook page a couple of minutes ago saying that they're getting ready to take the field. Looks like they're trying to finish the show.
  22. Agreed. Jokingly, a fan behind me at Show of Shows in Rockford commented the "true" message is how boys are "XtraordinarY" and girls have cooties.
  23. I generally agree with this. The brass is great but the sound is held back so much by those cursed Jupiter horns! Juliet sounds amazing. I can only imagine how great it would sound on the Kings!
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