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Everything posted by jbeatty89

  1. Dave MacKinnon is awesome! He has been with the Bluecoats since the Ventures and Dutch Boy folded. He spent some time with the Patriots as a consultant too.
  2. 6:38 Muchachos 6:55 Crusaders Senior 7:13 Spartans 7:31 7th Regiment 7:49 Jersey Surf 8:07 Troopers 8:40 Crossmen 8:58 Carolina Crown 9:16 Cadets 9:34 Blue Devils 9:52 Boston Crusaders Also I looked at what was left for seating and its pretty sparse. I'm estimating there will be over 5000 people there tonight!
  3. I don't think there is a Boston Parade. Crown must be doing either Bristol or Wakefield or both.
  4. @dciqueens has been scoping most of the bowling green show.
  5. @dciqueens has been scoping most of this show.
  6. 2nd place in field percussion and 4th overall percussion speaks for itself...
  7. So looks like it was June 13th. http://dcacorps.org/historical-scores/1992.pdf Whoever posted this video posted a couple of Archie classics this week as well. Quarters Finals and some bits from the guard, score announcements, and Journey Under the Sun encore. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDgrX-BouHiEwnnIKR9xLdw
  8. Probably still one of my favorite shows ever. I just came across this video today and wow it is rough! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R_QDDmz8p0 I'm not certain of the date but it is prior to their first competition on June 25th of that year. It's hard to believe it's the same corps in Late August! I definitely don't remember them being quite so dirty when I saw them in early July but then again I was 13 and that was 23 years ago. One thing that amazes me is how similar the final product is two months later. Very few changes to that show. Just LOTS of cleaning! Since they were beating Cadets I really wish somebody had an early season video of that show. I have heard many times the Cadets looked pretty raw that year.
  9. It was weird at first but I think they are starting to get some real support from the alumni organization. In the past few years the Crossmen have made some moves and become much stronger than in the early Texas days. Whether that will translate into placement closer to what the corps did in the 90's is hard to say. I can say however this year does seem to me as the year they bump up to 9th or 10th. I could very well be wrong, but there is certainly something very different about the hype this year. I haven't yet seen the show live, but from video it seems they have a fairly solid corps. I'm hoping to see a surge at the end like the old days.
  10. Why? I like the Crossmen's show more than I like Boston's. I fully expect them to stay ahead of Boston and pull ahead of Blue stars and Madison!
  11. I couldn't agree more. I would love to see Crossmen at the top of that grouping tonight. It could really go any way though...
  12. They are on periscope. They have three warmup vids on right now.
  13. The drumcorps community, especially the "experts" that post here and (RAMD in the past), are overall not very accepting of new ideas. B-flat, props, electronics, narration, t-bones, french horns, sousaphones, woodwinds, WGI influence. Eventually they will get over this change and pine for these uniforms once they're gone. Kinda like they did with Star of Indiana.
  14. New Vic Firth Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KblFMYGpMM
  15. I was browsing around some corps calendars to try and figure out where everyone will be housed for the Foxboro show when I noticed BD was flying to the east coast on June 30th. I wonder how they are doing this since they have a rehearsal day on the 29th in California and a rehearsal day on the 1st in Rhode Island. What exactly are they shipping on the plane? Pit equipment? The drive from California would take nearly 2 days without stopping. Maybe they will be sharing resources with another corps for a day or two? Or eating at Mcdonald's a lot? Just curious really...
  16. Looks like cheap gas is here for the summer! http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/afcf2658-0b5b-11e5-994d-00144feabdc0.html
  17. I think they will probably turn some heads this year.
  18. My last year marching one of the baritone players received a care package from a friend. One of the items was the latest issue of Plumpers that made it's way around the bus that evening.
  19. I totally agree. I'm amazed at the quality of the top 12 these days. Drumcorps pull off some pretty amazing shows compared to the early to mid 90's.
  20. UConn Women's Basketball 1999 to 2015 (ten championships in sixteen seasons, including three consecutive championships twice from 2002–2004 and again from 2013-2015, four undefeated seasons in 2002, 2009, 2010, and 2014, and a record 90 consecutive wins from November 16, 2008 to December 30, 2010. Not too shabby... And to be honest going back 30 years might not help make your case. 1987-1993 there is a drop in placement for that strech. Maybe you should go back 20 years and start at 1994. Comparing the 20 year strech to a 16 year stretch that UConn had, I would Say UConn beats BD.
  21. I can't think of anything I would rather do less than listen to drumcorps or read about drumcorps in the middle of tour. I would say anything written by David Sedaris, or Anthony Bourdain would be a good mind cleanser during off time.
  22. I wonder if anyone wants to change their Crossmen predictions for the year.
  23. Enjoy it while it's up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FljT141wchE Seems like they have a pretty good start so far.
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