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Everything posted by OldSnareDrummer

  1. Will this be (potentially, never count out Troop) Colt's first show win of the year? That'll build some confidence going into the last legs of the season. The few shows we won BITD, we were riding on Cloud 9 for a month. Then of course reality set in.
  2. I see these drum transcriptions all the time and just say to my self, well uhhhhh yeah sure I can do that. Can I try it a few hundred times at 10 bpm first?
  3. Thanks for the clarification, Richard. I presumed when you were talking about the whole BD organization, that included International and all the other ensembles they have going on. Great story about your son. You must be one proud Papa.
  4. No, that was during my Drum Corps Dark Ages when I was pretty much tuned out. I really wasn't a Born Again fan until the 2000's. Those are some pretty good credentials. Thanks.
  5. I really don't even know who he is or what he's accomplished, but sounds like he was a good guy to have lead the program. What's he doing now?
  6. Sure do remember Murphysboro. It was in mid September,, last show of the year. We won one year.
  7. Question from a dumb drummer - How does this all reconcile with corps marching and recruiting all of these talented music majors? "Ok, we're going to let you show off your musical talents for 6 min of this 12 min show. The other 6 you'll be running to your dots, prancing and dancing around the field. and push around props"
  8. Wonder if he's from BDC? @Richard Lesher (young son is in BDC) indicated this kid was the 3rd best guitarist in the entire BD organization.
  9. Pffft. Any drummer can play with the hands. You want to impress me, do some 32nd note paradiddles at 160BPM using the toes.
  10. Here's a guard question. Something I didn't even notice until Saturday. SCV goes for what seems like and probably is, 5 full minutes with no flags whatsoever. They dance and roll around some, but no silks at all going on. For a propless corps that looks already looks small (to me anyway) on the field, how can they visually get away with that? That's got to be costing them, no? That's nearly half of the whole show.
  11. I get that. Guess I should have clarified, I wouldn't have a problem if some corps did (yes, tactfully of course) And heaven help us the day corps do sing the entire show. That's when I find a new hobby.
  12. I don't know that I'd call them favorites above all, but I'm of the thought that both the Colts and Music City are the two most underrated corps out there. Colts should be beating the Cavaliers night after night. MC I don't think is getting the respect and recognition they deserve,
  13. https://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php?/forum/59-historical-junior-corps-discussions/ This where us old folks hang out time to time. Truth be told, there's nearly as much vintage discussion going on in WC Forum as there is in Historical. Us old folks don't accept change too well at times.
  14. Thank you. John Houseman. As a side note, Chief, you've gotta be the classiest guy on here. Homer, yes, but Homer with fairness and honesty.
  15. The drum execution scores from that final were a little suspect too, so it wasn't just GE M&M. John Blair had PR in 3rd, Paul Wojtena had them in 5th. Almost a point spread. On the other side, Blair had North Star in 12th and Wojtena had them 3rd. Over a 1 pt spread. Just about every other spread between judges was well under a point. I smell a 46 y/o rat. Someone call Oliver Stone.
  16. Hope the judges were driving in from other Texas shows rather than flying with the whole global IT outage going on. Obviously, DCP is up so people can beach and moan tonight like usual. 🙂 Anyone tried to use Flo yet for radio?
  17. Shirley you can't be serious. So that's where the term West Coast Bias came from?
  18. Great video and also a recruiting tool. How could any young musician/performer not watch a few shows, see a video like this and say, wow, I'd really like to be a part of all of that?
  19. Man oh man, with the DCP age demographics being an average poster age of what, 50+, Flo should seek advertising time from Idaho Mashed Potatoes and Five Hour Energy Drink.
  20. Naps = not just a luxury for me anymore. It's a requirement.
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