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2008 Cadets show

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I wonder what quality of narration you will be using as the trips progress and the beer "disappears". :laughing:

Well Mike,

I'd say by beer 4 I'll give up on narration and go straight to singing. I will probably be wearing my "Drumming Suit" which consists of one very small item of clothing, (that's all the detail you want to know - trust me), and staying indoors. My neighbors will be happy about that. :angry:

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I've only heard preseason recordings. Love the music, and I think the brass book might be one of my favorites of the 00s. The amped voice stuff doesn't really work (for me) as well as it did last year. Last year, the voice stuff was reflected by the guard and the music sections. I'm not getting that from what I've heard this year...at least not yet. Just to clarify what I'm about to say, there's a difference between narrative and narration. Narrative refers to the overall story as portrayed by all sections of the corps. Narration is an extra way to convey narrative. Now, it's one thing to give some of the show's narrative (story) to a narrator/character, but it's another to give basically all of the narrative responsibilities to narrators, and to relegate the hornline and drumline to background music. I have faith that the Cadets staff will figure it out, which, in my opinion, will require getting rid of a lot of the amped voice stuff. I guess we'll see.

I've only seen a few snippets of the show on youtube but so far I would totally agree... this year's show isn't working as well as last year's show... YET... like you said... we'll see :)

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Im not following you, I "talk to people" meaning, if I have to spell it out, People directly involved with ticket sales for the Clifton show, people I have known a long time, made friends with years ago and talk with throughout the years.(Not everyone is childish like most of the Cadet followers here on DCP, you can disagree with something and even state your felings, but when you do it with adults who know that there more important things than narration/Hoppys vision/Narration, etc.....it doenst come across as so volatile as on DCP) I dont form my opinions on anything but narration when it comes to narration, Wether it be "This I believe" or "Yowsa, yowsa, yowsa" I live in NJ, I have attended every Cadets show held here and been parto f the activity for almost three decads, allwoing me to form friendships with people from all walks of life. Its not that odd, when ou do the same thing for three decades to get to know poeple, and some might have knowledge of things you dont.

Fact: Clifton sales are down, I could care less how this relates to narration, but I am inteested because it totally sets up how things are going in regards to the state of the activity. If I lived in Iowa, I would probably be talking about the Colts home show.


And all I was asking was proof that sales were down because of the type of show Cadets are putting out. And not all Cadet followers are childish. And since you want to call the kettle black, take a look at most of the Cadet haters.

There's no need for the namecalling.

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My mother, brother, brother-in-law, and aunt are all cancer survivors. Several years after the fact my mother continues to have some issues as a side effect of the radiation treatment she had.

I have not seen the show yet.

But I'm offended that they would take such a subject and throw it in their show in the way reviewers have described.

I can understand your sensitivity on this subject being presented in a drum corps show, but I also think it's important to know that Hopkins does not take this subject lightly either.

He's not just using it as a gimmick for a concept.

He's also doing his small part in trying to make a difference.

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Well Mike,

I'd say by beer 4 I'll give up on narration and go straight to singing. I will probably be wearing my "Drumming Suit" which consists of one very small item of clothing, (that's all the detail you want to know - trust me), and staying indoors. My neighbors will be happy about that. :laughing:

Regarding this one article of clothing....what type of knot do you tie your tie with? :angry:

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And all I was asking was proof that sales were down because of the type of show Cadets are putting out. And not all Cadet followers are childish. And since you want to call the kettle black, take a look at most of the Cadet haters.

There's no need for the namecalling.

I didnt say all, I said some, its right there in what I wrote. Look, I too respect you and your opinions a great deal,I have no intention in battling with you so Im just gonna leave it at that. I bet you could also find the information regarding ticket sales should you choose to persue it. Its not holy grail material.

I will not engage in this back and forth over something so trivial.


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It's amazing, I've been reading this site for years. I happened to be home to witness the madness on here over the 2004 Crown and Boston shows (both of which were great), and then for BD the next year (another great show). Four years later, and people are still arguing about the same nonsense. I honestly don't get it, because it's the same people arguing. GMichael, MikeD, and a few others. Wow...

Edited by spanksregular
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Hopkins is responsible for the rising gas prices!!!

That's why people aren't going to shows!!!


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Hopkins is responsible for the rising gas prices!!!

That's why people aren't going to shows!!!


no, but I could argue his general ideas when related to a political spectrum ARE responsible for the rising gas prices, but that would bring in a political element that we really don't want to broach...

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