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2008: Worst Drum Corps Year Ever?

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There isn't a person alive who could believe that the changes that have been made in the drum corp activity have improved the product & health of the activity.

I just checked my vitals and I think the changes are doing just fine. Otherwise DCI would fall far behind BOA/WGI in regards to pushing the artform.

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if you don't like the change.. Go to Europe, or some other country.

Europe doesn't change??? :smile::smile::smile::unhappy:

Europe is a country??? :devil::smile::w00t::smile:

Edited by DrumCorpsFan27
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oh and btw the earlier legacy DVD's put me to sleep

Turn up the volume! :smile::unhappy:

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Oy. What a redundant thread. My suggestion is to broaden your horizons and appreciate each show for what it is. I would cheer on the Colts/Cavaliers even if they got out there and sang Happy Birthday, simply because my kid was in there living his dream. As for the overall quality of DCI: each year can never be totally better than the year before. There is a saturation point for every corps, and the years shows will go up and down the scale just because that's how it works. Otherwise, we'd have the exact same corps in the exact same place every freakin' year. Where's the fun in that? I love the Cavies show this year. My kid is in there running his butt off with a 25 pound contra on his shoulder. Would I like it if he wasn't marching? Yes, but maybe not as passionately.

My one take on the season is the guard. From my simple drum corps fan vantage point, the corps I have seen have significantly lost the edge on the guard quality. (And I am specifically referring to the corps lower than the top 5 placements as of now.) Maybe they'll get better as the season progresses; I hope so. One corps that comes to mind, and I won't name them, has a kick-butt corps, but the guard is horrible.....looks, execution, and uniform, and I know it will hurt them; it already has.

Just my 2 cents.

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Oy. What a redundant thread. My suggestion is to broaden your horizons and appreciate each show for what it is. I would cheer on the Colts/Cavaliers even if they got out there and sang Happy Birthday, simply because my kid was in there living his dream. As for the overall quality of DCI: each year can never be totally better than the year before. There is a saturation point for every corps, and the years shows will go up and down the scale just because that's how it works. Otherwise, we'd have the exact same corps in the exact same place every freakin' year. Where's the fun in that? I love the Cavies show this year. My kid is in there running his butt off with a 25 pound contra on his shoulder. Would I like it if he wasn't marching? Yes, but maybe not as passionately.

My one take on the season is the guard. From my simple drum corps fan vantage point, the corps I have seen have significantly lost the edge on the guard quality. (And I am specifically referring to the corps lower than the top 5 placements as of now.) Maybe they'll get better as the season progresses; I hope so. One corps that comes to mind, and I won't name them, has a kick-butt corps, but the guard is horrible.....looks, execution, and uniform, and I know it will hurt them; it already has.

Just my 2 cents.

Mom, you rock! I can't think of a better response than what you wrote. Nuff said.

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I don't think we've lost any quality in the last few years. Yes, I'm young, so maybe not too qualified to say it, but unless the difference is in their real life presence (ie the pure decibel level), nothing has changed. Cavies hit a rough spot last year having lost a lot of age-outs, Phantom's show didn't top Faust (not much can for me), Cadets were Cadets, SCV did Key Poulan. Blue Devils had a fine show, though, as did most other corps (and even the ones I mentioned, just not as good as the year before, perhaps). This year, from my limited knowledge, Cavaliers are back -- I don't know what you saw, but to see that and say the level of sophistication and good show design has gone down is pretty ridiculous. Cadets are still Cadets, a little better, but still with insipid narration. Phantom's show is turning out pretty good, I think it'll be at least as good as On Air. Business as usual. 2009 hasn't even hit yet, nothing has changed in terms of quality anywhere.

It's not the narration that bugs me, as mentioned, people have done it right, like Bluecoats. Cadets just need to learn to narrate. It always sounds Orwellian, programmed, and utterly uninspired. For real, their narrators need to take acting classes if they're going to be talking so much. It sounds like an amateur middle school play right now. And they still have a good chunk of the season to fix it. I just hope they do.

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...but I get tired of just listen to music music music....

I've never uttered these words in my entire life.

Sorry to remove the context for the sake of my cheap one-liner, because I agree with your larger point: that today's drill has taken the activity to a new level. I just have always been a "music first" kind of guy, and that one phrase just struck me.

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I dont like narration/singing at all either.......when I go to see a show, I go to see a drum corps, not a play or a choir.......

As far as the original topic of this thread..........

I think the point he/she was trying to make is that DCI may have gotten away from traditional themes.......

For example, my favorite shows have all been shows with a strong central theme, and idée fixé.........

Cadets 1998 was a perfect example. The show stuck to one piece of music, albeit probably drum-corp-ized, and they stuck with a strong central theme. The gaurd in that show was amazing. To me, that show was one of the best ideas ever.

PR 1996 was another one. They stuck to Shostakovich's music. They didn't do a whole lot of running around to make fancy visuals.......in fact, the whole opener, they pretty much walked! And everyone says that 1996 was their best year. I also loved 2003.

Getting to the part about where he/she says arcane music??

Well, Cavaliers have done a crap-load of innovation since 2000......It has been almost all original music. The music can be tedious at times......some minimalism, serialism, Machine was awesome......Cavaliers visuals are also awesome, because I like symmetry. LOL. Cavaliers are awesome because although their shows are magnificent, it leaves something to be desired......their shows never make you want to cry.

Have you ever cried at the end of a magnificent show?

Every time I watch Cadets 2000, I cry. Probably because I graduated in year 2000, so the show holds some sentimental value for me.

Sure, the music isn't from all one piece, but there are no medleys. The show holds a strong theme - "We Are The Future".

It was written for my generation, the last generation graduating in 2000 and before.

Every time I watch the show......

Their last drill move......they tie the knot of friendship and love. It was a simple move, but so powerful, so much meaning!

Anyways, I think that what the original poster is saying is that we need more shows with strong central themes, lots of emotion. Something the crowd can understand and follow, withOUT the need for narration.

Thats my 2 cents.

Boy Wonder

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Goodness no...not at all..I guess you can read it that way...my bad. The other way round....some legacy marchers come on here and trash what is happening today..and then act surprised when current MM don't give them props for what they did 20...30...etc years ago.

IMO it's the oldtimers who have to earn respect...it's not automatic "just because". While we can watch the marching members of today...they have no way to really experience our era at all...most of their contact is through people posting.

Ya know, I hear you, but I take issue with your basic point - that respect is something that has to be earned. Isn't respect one of the basic components of human existence?

I get the fact that it's not just DCP or RAMD - look at some of the comments that appear on YouTube! But to me, the fact that we share this activity should be enough to qualify us for respect, both from younger AND older DCPers. There were many things that my dad and I didn't agree on, and not surprisingly, many things that my kids and I don't agree on. But respect is as basic as air. You can't have a human society without it. Literally nothing works when you remove it.

That's not to say that you and I have not encountered folks in the activity, some of them very well regarded, who had litle or no respect for the people around them, or for the activity itself. But I don't think that means that respect is something to be earned on a case by case basis. Approval? Sure. Support? Show me the money! But respect? Man, if we don't have that, the rest of this stuff is simply "sound and fury, signifying nothing."

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