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It will be Glassmen's to lose. It's possible, but unlikely.

I'd agree with that. They might have to worry about Crossmen passing them for 11th, but I don't think Colts, Spirit or Madison have the total package to challenge for 12th this year.

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I think it's possible that xmen and madison will pass the gmen, but obviously, they have the better position right now. Gmen had a bad run in the afternoon show, IMO, but were better in the evening. In contrast, I thought Crossmen were better if the afternoon, and worse in the evening, which the scores also reflect. Madison has temporarily stalled I feel like.

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Well call me crazy but I think if the Glassmen can turn it up another couple notches they have a chance at overtaking Boston and Blue Stars for 9th, but hey, what do I know.

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I hope they don't fall out of finals. This is the only Glassmen show I've ever liked.

On the other hand...I also like the Scouts and Crossmen this year :tongue:

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Glassmen are a lock for Finals. Mark it down

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Though not wishing any corps to fall out of finals, it should be recognized that any group that makes it in for the first time after spending some time out of the Saturday show carries with it a certain level of excitement and underdog heroism. For this to happen for Crossmen or Madison, someone has to fall out of finals.

Here is how I answer the initial post's question for myself:

Between Glassmen, Crossmen, Madison, and Spirit, which show offers the most in regards to outstanding show construction in ALL areas, as well as solid visual and Musical GE coordination and pacing. It helps me to try to imagine each show in question performed perfectly by the most skilled members of the activity. If that were to happen, which show would show itself as the superior in ALL areas mentioned? Once I establish that for myself, I then look at the rate of improvement from each group over the past week or so and question if the actual talent level (member and staff) is enough to present the show at its intended best. (This part is of course highly subjective and one should consider that some weeks are better cleaning weeks than others depending on many factors, though we are now down to the final stretch). Hope that all makes sense.

My take on the four shows in order of what is written: Crossmen, followed by Madison, then Spirit and Glassmen so close I call it a tie.

My take on the rate of improvement in the last week or so: Madison,followed by Crossmen, Spirit, then Glassmen.

Both scenarios place Spirit and Glassmen at highest risk in my view.

The final shake up of things is of course up to each corps' improvements and what the judges recognize as the show(s) that offer the most in regards to show construction in ALL areas, as well as solid visual and musical GE coordination and pacing.

I feel we could possibly see two returnees to finals this season. Again, I hate to see anyone fall out of finals.

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I think they can easily be passed...moreso by Scouts than by Crossmen. I think their show is too clean right now while Scouts and Crossmen and even the Colts have more to clean and thus have good chance of closing that gap pretty quickly over the next couple of weeks. I enjoyed the Glassmen shows from the past couple of years moreso than this one. No offense to the members, but this year's show is just kind of lame...from a design standpoint. I'm not a fan of the girl in purple or the trunks that are rolled around the field. The guard is quite good this year; some very nice flag work. But the music and the sound just don't do it for me.

They may stay in Finals, but I see it falling to 12th. I certainly would be surprised if this moved up....Boston, Blue Stars and Blue Knights just have more to offer IMO.

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Anyone think theres a possibility of Glassmen NOT making finals this year? I think they are pretty safe , but wondering.

I've never been a Glassmen fan BUT, IMO, this is the most tasteful Glassmen show. Guard makes a great contributition to the program and I was just very surprised at this group this year.

Good Luck Glassmen....Whatever happens.

God, I hope so. Glassmen is my original 'hometown' corps. I grew up in the Detroit area - so I also pull for them (except when I marched against them, and they beat us :tongue: ).

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It will be extremely close, but I don't think they will make it. Looking at previous years, the elements (Guard, percussion, brass) tended to place some where between 10th and 12th. The percussion, which is usually a corps strength is not nearly as strong as they have been, the brass are not as good as last year and the guard, while entertaining, is really not that strong compared to other groups. Combine that with a poorly written visual package and you have the Gmen teetering.

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It will be extremely close, but I don't think they will make it. Looking at previous years, the elements (Guard, percussion, brass) tended to place some where between 10th and 12th. The percussion, which is usually a corps strength is not nearly as strong as they have been, the brass are not as good as last year and the guard, while entertaining, is really not that strong compared to other groups. Combine that with a poorly written visual package and you have the Gmen teetering.

That's not what the recaps have been saying. One show does not make a trend. Or otherwise Xmen's score last night would put them out of it completly. As far as how a show seems to be written is just as much opinion as anything else! And it's worth just about as much. Anyway this is setting up to be one very exciting semi and quarter finals showdown.

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