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Pay to Play?

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nooooo thanks :tongue:

sometimes i see the on espn though...

My daughter did it for a couple years but with some of the squads it can easily be over $10k per year. The squads she was on were less, so I'm not 100% crazy. Now, she likes snare. Phew...

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My old high school just started doing it this year. I come from an upper middle class neighborhood where just about everybody has enough money for extra activities in their lives, and the school is only charging $50/year for sports. I have never heard more complaints in my entire life! Guess that's why I'm the only person from that school that has done drum corps. =/

The marching band is still free because it's a graded part of the music curriculum.

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Not sure I entirely agree -- competitive (and exhibition, for that matter) marching band is seperate from the music class. Not entirely, but it's kinda like math class vs being on the math contest team. One is curricular, the other extra-curricular. Also, there are often members of the marching band who aren't in "band" -- color guard for example may or may not be in a graded "band" or "music" class.

So I do get what your saying about it not being the same as sports, but I also don't think it's necessarily the same as the curricular music or band class, imo.

Here in the NJ area many HS have made the MB a purely extra-curricular activity...like a sport. In the band I teach, there are 130+ in the concert bands, 200+ in orchestras and 100+ in choir...all graded classes, while the MB struggles to get between 45-50 including guard. We do have a fee for MB, but there is none to belong to the graded classes.

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Pay to play...hmmm. Not sure how I feel about it, but I do know this:

Some bands have numerous trips, high dollar staff, new equipment annually, custom flags etc. If the band marched and played and did home games, then no pay to play. If they want to compete all year, have the school open in the evenings, light the football field every night to do drill etc.....the money has to come from somewhere.

Same goes for football. Good old fashioned football is great. Add trips to the gym, five coaches, super stadiums etc.....more money.

Please remember that the tooth fairy isn't paying for the school system and the activities every student should enjoy, your tax dollars are. We'll built monsters out of some of these football/band/cheerleading programs...we can't expect the tax payers to foot the bill every time. If it is after school hours I can expect a portion of the budget to come from the school system, but please be reasonable with what you expect the public to pay for.

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The majority of Ohio schools now have PTP fees. The cost varies greatly. Most charge considerably more for sports than they do for fine arts because the associated costs are so much more, but a few districts charge the same. I know one school in central Ohio is charging their students $800 per activity this coming year. That same school system eliminated about 75% of their music teaching positions for next year. All of the district's band directors were "riffed" because they were on the bottom end of the seniority level...even with 15 years or more experience. I believe a general music teacher is now in charge of the band program.

The fees are having an impact in membership at most schools, especially if the fee is charged at the middle school level. The fee is also having major impact of the non-revenue generating sports such as cross country, tennis, golf etc.

$800??? Thats about $400 less then what I paid for a 500 level grad course at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania. CRAZY!!!

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One question: D0 you get a grade for Band? YES (and Jazz Ens, Marching Band, Choir, etc...at least where I went to school!)

MUSIC IS CURRICULAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't get this at all. Since when did band become EXTRA-curricular? Sports do not get grades (maybe there are exceptions)

My father-in-law (huge football fan...band, not so much) used to say "If you fail a class, and you're in band, you shouldn't be allowed to play the concert/halftime" basically equating the football player who has to miss a game b/c of grades. I always came back with "Band is CURRICLUAR! You get a grade for it. That's like saying that if you get an F in Math, you shouldn't be allowed to take a Science test!"

The video above continues the myth that band and sports are somehow morally equivalent....that is, expendable. If sports are THAT important, then make them CURRICULAR. History has shown that music (all creative arts) deserve to be curricular.

At the school I teach at, even marching band is curricular. Our normal day is 6 periods, and marching band is a graded 7th period class.

But for many schools, marching band is not curricular. So given what you're saying, there should be different rules applied to concert band vs. marching band.

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For my 2 girls at the local high school. Band color/guard fees were around $400/season. To be in band or color/winter guard they had to be enrolled in a music or performance class, for which they got graded. So band was $800 year (marching season and symphonic season). Guard was $800/year (color with marching and winter).

One daughter also wrestled for the varsity team while also doing colorguard. No fee, but she did have to provide her own shoes. Don't think sports participants are charged.

Fair?? Who knows or cares. I tell my kids that if you expect fairness in this world you will be sorely disappointed. If you want to change that perception, than work towards a solution that evolves the structure, otherwise work within the structure. They both got part time jobs to help defray the cost of participation.

Funny thing is that the state high school athletic association just reduced the number of contests for all sports (except football and competitive cheerleading) due to costs. They did not put those same limits on band/guard. Sure, marching band may miss out on a performance if the football games are included in the reduction, but they can fill that date in by competing at a festival.

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I did not read anything prior to this i am going to just go off the title. At my school i have had to pay for marching band every year for 5 years. Its around $500 a year. i played tennis also and didnt pay for anything. our school is 100% for sports and not the Arts. Also marching band was not a class until my 4th year of it.

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