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Which 2010 show did you change your opinion on the most?

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I enjoyed SCV but that might have been because I got to see Star live in '93 and so the music was familiar (since I've listened to '93 Star no telling how many times).

For me it was Crown. I went to finals expecting to not enjoy them. After watching them at quarters in the theater, I didn't really think it was all that special or anything. But hearing that hornline live and experiencing the performance level up-close, I was really taken aback. Listening to Nimrod now, as a matter of fact. What a beautiful piece of music! Thanks Crown!

Oh, and not to mention that DVD's daughter is a HOTTIE...and one hell of a performer! :sad:

Edited by BigBadMadMan
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BDs show. I saw it on family day, and really did not like a lot of what I saw. But, by the time that qtrs came around, it was my favorite show. Like another poster, I did not like SCV's show at all in june and even less on finals. Phantom's show was my second favorite while the cavies show was the one that was the most discussed in my circles. Thanks to one of you for your cogent explanation of the show... I did not understand why anyone liked Crown's show this year as it seemed filled with major chords played from set positions that screamed "please clap now." BD's show was the opposite. Except for about a minute in, there were very few obvious, "let's applaud" moments. Even the ending was that way. But, my favorite show of the year.

My #2 show for changing my mind was the cavies show. I felt like the show engaged my intellect and emotions.

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I enjoyed SCV but that might have been because I got to see Star live in '93 and so the music was familiar (since I've listened to '93 Star no telling how many times).

For me it was Crown. I went to finals expecting to not enjoy them. After watching them at quarters in the theater, I didn't really think it was all that special or anything. But hearing that hornline live and experiencing the performance level up-close, I was really taken aback. Listening to Nimrod now, as a matter of fact. What a beautiful piece of music! Thanks Crown!

Oh, and not to mention that DVD's daughter is a HOTTIE...and one hell of a performer! :thumbup:

Glad you gave it a Second Chance! :thumbup: <I know cheesy...I just could't stop my fingers from typing it> I'm such a dork :sad:

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BD -great corps , much better than ALL the rest.

Cavaliers , man did that guard SELL the program.

Bluecoats -peaked early again

Crown -first half great ,maybe most musical first minute ever. second half , very ZZZZ-7 or G7

Cadets -liked it early , then more cheese ruined it for me. brass was really turned down

and was hard to hear. Is Gino still there ?

Phantom-beautiful show , emotional , drums for days.

SCV-cool take on Bartok , good drill.

Blue Stars-great show n great drill

Boston -also peaked early.

Madison great beginning and ending, rest very safe .

BK ,peaked way early remember beating SCV ?

Glassmen -good drill, a bit different than the rest, ruff brass sounds

Colts -sold this show , a little hard to like . color theme was used 100 times already.

Academy- ok. did not see them enough.

troopers-good corps , not as good as 2009 but good.

Spirit-nice program , good drums,

Crossmen -got much better last 2 weeks , hard guard work good brass.

PC-very clean

Mandarins-good brass sounds

Teal, hard to like but good job

Surf ,sounded like same song for 12 minutes

Cascades better also

Pioneer -better

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Oddly, I'm going to say The Cadets. I saw a lot of shows very early in the season, and as others have pointed out, seeing Cavaliers and Madison and Crown live makes a big difference in one's impression. But seeing The Cadets in person I was just bored. And for the rest of the season I couldn't shake the boredom with the show and the embarrassment over the sound clips. But I did start to enjoy the music more and more, and then just yesterday watching the two finals VODs, it finally won me over. Still not one of my top six shows this year, but it did make it into the Like column.

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Definitely the Blue Devils. When I saw them live at Quarterfinals I was blown away!

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Probably the Blue Devils.

Only saw them once.... but going in, I admit I was skeptical after reading the stuff about them here on good old DCP. LOL.

But I found the show fascinating and engaging, no question. Not my favorite Devils show ever, but, for me, definitely a better experience than their '09 show.

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Bluecoats -peaked early again

Yep, peaked right into their highest placement and score in corps history.

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