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"what a Sound Sport team performance might look like."

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So... DCI just posted this video on their Facebook page saying "This is a what a Sound Sport team performance might look like. Courtesy of Ayala HS Winter Indoor Brassline."

I will refrain from saying too much about my feelings about this video... I'll just leave it at this; I hope this is not the future for the activity... I am sure they worked very hard on this, and may evolve from this show concept. Perhaps Sound Sport can provide more structure to develop a better design as far as playing vs dancing. We will see...


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I think what they are doing is pretty cool. I absolutely think the marriage with indoor guard/percussion is a great approach, and I'd love to see them integrate this with percussion as well as the electronics stuff, as well as a floor and props (if they fit the concept). The sequencing left me a bit flat, but I understand why they had to do it. The same music done live (via electronics) would have been sweet.

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The dancing and such, without playing, seemed a bit much for a 6-minute show, and it was hard for me to get into the live brass music with the repetitive canned beat in the background. Indoor competitive wind ensembles could definitely be done, but I'm not sure that this is the best of way doing it.

Of course I appreciate that they put time and effort into an uncommon type of performance like this. It's nothing on the performers, it's just the way the show is designed. This is a less-explored idea, so it will likely evolve and change as it goes along, as do all competitive activities. Incorporating some electronics could work if done right (maybe). I'd just like to hear more of the actual people playing the actual instruments.

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I'm still trying to figure all this out. Here it says the SoundSport performance area will be 50' deep and 70' wide, while here is states the SoundSport performance area will be approximately 30' by 30'. It's stated the area is to be determined, but that's a big difference.

My hope is that the performing ensembles don't get sucked into an "arms race" with things such as specially-produced floor coverings like what we saw in this video. Those things aren't cheap and could keep some groups from feeling they'd have a chance to make an impact when they arrive with a bare bones production focusing simply on the music. The "Fast Facts" states, "Enables affordable participation with low barriers to entry." I'm hoping those low barriers include minimal costs beyond getting on the bus to make it to the performance site.

We can probably expect that concerns such as these will be hammered out as everyone figures out just what is this new and exciting creature. Still, it's more difficult to pull things back.

Nothing would give me more joy than to see several ensembles from schools that traditionally don't compete due to limited economics to come out with a few kids and their instruments and rock the house down. Or, from youth centers, church groups, community centers and what the heck, nursing homes as well. Wouldn't that last one be a hoot? Seriously...such a group would would have the audience on their feet and screaming.

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Nothing would give me more joy than to see several ensembles from schools that traditionally don't compete due to limited economics to come out with a few kids and their instruments and rock the house down. Or, from youth centers, church groups, community centers and what the heck, nursing homes as well. Wouldn't that last one be a hoot? Seriously...such a group would would have the audience on their feet and screaming.

"...and then along came Bialy!"



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-I remember a thread a couple years back that timed how long brasslines played vs length of show...

It happens. The Cavaliers won their DCI Title in 2001 in which for a full 30% of the show the entire snare, tenor, bass line stood in the far right hand corner facing the back stands and never played their drums... never even moved a muscle as a matter of fact. They finished 4th in their brassline at Finals too, but comfortbsably won the 2001 DCI title.

Tell me how creative your visual program is, and how good your guard is and I'll tell you within your mix of Corps how well you'll do come championships. ( Cavs won their 2001 title as they are always won now...primarily visual & guard )

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