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Phantom Regiment 2023

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14 minutes ago, SJugster said:

Let me also add that the staff is 100% committed to keeping the members hydrated while in Texas. Was with them most of the day yesterday and it was very apparent that this is a top concern. Not sure if it was learned due to the what happened in Broken Arrow but I am pretty confident that it wont happen again.

As a former director I can say it’s easy to forget hydration. I always kept a parent around who made sure water breaks happened regularly. You get so into your head that, before you know it, more time has gone by than you realize. Kids are afraid to say anything, more so afraid of their peers thinking they are weak. 

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10 hours ago, TOC said:

All the other corps practiced in the heat and marched the show.  Pretty sure their mm/staff took extra breaks. 

I'm just not sure what the big deal is. They missed one show. So what. It doesn't even really matter what the reason is. 

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As to the percussion feeling they are letting down the rest of the corps, if you’re reading this I want to remind you that you are among the very best in the entire world. Not being the very best is all in context. Stick with it and make improvements, but remember, you are at a level that most dare not dream of. You have a lot to be proud of for even being selected. We are rooting for you, and placement isn’t the be all end all. All of us love the show, and you are a part of the resurgence of a great and storied organization. SUTA!

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6 minutes ago, PRomoter said:

As a former director I can say it’s easy to forget hydration. I always kept a parent around who made sure water breaks happened regularly. You get so into your head that, before you know it, more time has gone by than you realize. Kids are afraid to say anything, more so afraid of their peers thinking they are weak. 

As a staff member I too forget often. I can say at Cadets rehearsal, their drum major often pushes a lot for water breaks which is a great reminder. 

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As I said the day of the show that they pulled out, for them to not even do a standstill performance instead, shows that it was a serious problem with the performers and they made the right call. If you're mad about that then you need to reevaluate your life. 

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4 minutes ago, Vuitton said:

I'm just not sure what the big deal is. They missed one show. So what. It doesn't even really matter what the reason is. 

Yes. Let’s move on. This topic is stale. Unless you were in leadership you can’t know all the ins and outs of the day. Let’s discuss something else. 

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2 minutes ago, SJugster said:

Was at practice yesterday... More tarps for tonight

Oh? I hope they don't saturate the field with them. I like the ones they have now, but don't fall down the hole of "more cowbell". Lol

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3 minutes ago, SJugster said:

Was at practice yesterday... More tarps for tonight


I'm still not a big fan of tarps but the way the ones revealed so far are being used is pretty brilliant.  

Maybe its the new expression of Phabric Wedgiment for the 21st century... Heh.  

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Actually I think percussion has improved the most of any section since the beginning of the season.  The percussion designer posted the drum judge tape from the Olathe show and it was actually a very detailed and positive review of the writing and performance, with some great comments on where things need some work. 

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