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Everything posted by Cavie74

  1. 1971 Cavaliers. Oops, I thought I saw INfamous! BTW I would rate 1984 Garfield at Whitewater an infamous performance. Edit: I just saw the "Infamous Show" topic. It takes the air out of my lame attempt at humor. Carry on.
  2. Several members of a corps whose colors are green, black and white (and not from Toronto Canada) were arrested over a bet. Allegedly One member bet all of his fireworks that other members could not touch Lincoln's nose on Mount Rushmore. The corps President and still Founder was faced with the prospect of a $1000 dollar fine or two years in prison for each offense. He was quoted as saying "Tell my wife I love her and I'll see her in six years." Allegedly
  3. Q: What's the difference between Ignorance and Apathy? A: I don't know and I don't care!
  4. If you go five miles north of Chesterton, you end up drowning.
  5. Is this the party to whom I am speaking?
  6. I could be wrong but I understood that the Cavaliers had speakers every 10 yards across the front sidelines and used them to cause an audio effect where the sound swept back and forth from side-to-side.
  7. Back on topic. One of my favorite drum corps sites during the season is the Blue Knights "Current DCI Standings" scoring graph. http://www.bknights.org/scores/standings.asp This will clearly illustrate who went up and who went down. Thank You Blue Knights for a great web page!
  8. Mark this day. Tony is right! From the United States Naval Observatory: http://www.usno.navy.mil/USNO/astronomical...rm=21st+century
  9. I can't help myself here. I'm not even voting but I have to debate which decade the year 2000 is in. Question 1 - Is the year 2000 in the 20th century or the 21st? Answer - The 21st century. Question 2 - Is the year 2000 the first year of the 21st century? Answer - Yes. Question 3 - Does the first year of a century begin a decade? Answer - Yes Therefore the year 2000 is the first year of the decade. QED
  10. I know that "back in the day" you were called a number of things. Clearly you've never been called late for dinner!
  11. Sleep is a big factor but so is nutrition. The Cavalier medical staff monitors calorie intake. That food truck is a major contributor to their success. The one day I volunteered, they ate as much hamburger, steak and chicken that they could pound down. They had a cart with Gatorade coolers in a rainbow of flavors. Despite the fact that they get about 3000 calories a day, a friend's son lost 30 pounds this summer. Dad says he in the best physical shape he's ever seen.
  12. Keep in mind that 2002 Finals in Madison was basically a home show for the Cavaliers. I was there that night and I know all of those flag wavers on a first-name-basis. Note: It was the Cavalier alumni that funded those new stands in the number 2 side corner. We didn't want Hopkins to phone 911 for the Fire Department again to boost his GE scores! A classic "I was there" moment in drum corps history.
  13. Alright kids, do I have to remind you tha this a "World Class Discussions" forum again?
  14. Go to the tube that must not be named and view an official posting by the Cavaliers titled "Faster Than a Speeding Bullet". You will see a fast-motion highcam view of the drill. You will note a lack of scatter drill and an amazing continuity to the drill. Michael Gaines has set the bar to a new high. Definately not an overrated show.
  15. I don't mind the spirited exchanges. I find them entertaining but... Does anyone else see the irony in the forum title "World Class Discussions"?
  16. Finals: 1) BAC 2) Colts 3) SCV 4) Madison 5) Cavaliers 6) Pioneer 7) Teal Sound 8) Spirit 9) Blue Knights 10) Bluecoats 11) Blue Devils 12) Troopers They're in color order.
  17. In 1976, the 27th Lancers truck broke down enroute to the Wheeling Illinois show and they borrowed our (Cavaliers) drums. 25 years later I mentioned it to a friend of mine who marched in Norwood Park Imperials (they hated us) who was in the stands for that show. He told me he and his buddies were up in the stands joking that that's the best those drums would ever sound!
  18. Kansas is not flat, I see a grain elevator and a grain silo on the horizon.
  19. My wife got me a VF pepper mill for Christmas several years ago without knowing their percussion roots. Also Grumman avaition got in to building aluminum canoes after World War II when orders for aircraft dried up and they asked "what else can we make in our factory?".
  20. All this Knights Blue excitement from a lysdexic tabulator!
  21. The only other TWO things in South Dakota: Wall Drug The Corn Palace
  22. If they bring back the tick system, you'll never see a 90. Also, it would drastically change the product you see and hear.
  23. Is Lucas Oil Stadium a good venue for drum corps? Did Muchachos win prelims back in '75? Discuss.
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