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Everything posted by rmurrey74

  1. What crutch? He was still playing that part. In your opinion it was badly designed. I loved it and many others did as well. I hope they do it more. It fit the show perfectly.
  2. I LOVED the electronic effect! I hope to hear what else the Bluecoats can do with that in the future. Great job with that solo. Thanks for posting!
  3. Good review. I agree with everything you said about Glassmen. I was hoping that Glassmen were ready to take a big jump with Pete Weber writing the drill and designing the program. I loved what he did with SCV. Glassmen seemed like an afterthought.
  4. The crowd looked pretty strong. I ran into two locals that had no idea what DCI was after retreat (at two different times). Both watched all night and were asking tons of questions to me. They wanted to know how they could follow it in the future and find more shows. They thought the groups were tied to colleges.
  5. Here's the story. Believe it if you want. Blue Stars were staying at the school BD was supposed to house out earlier in the season (recently). The BS drumline was tracking on a road around the school. A car was behind him, waiting and waiting, I believe honking, for the drumline to move out of the way. The drumline finally stopped, cleared and let the car through. A legendary percussion arranger/instructor preceded to make a gesture to the car. Turns out to be the principal. So, no more housing for BD. Staying at a hotel was out of BD's control.
  6. I'm looking forward to seeing them, but I wish they would have only allowed Star alumni to join instead of opening it up to others. Unless they changed it, they also allowed alumni of Crown and Blue Stars to perform with them.
  7. It must be because everyone hates the activity now and is no longer coming to shows. DCI is bleeding customers and fans are turned off by the recent programming, amps, etc. Oh, wait. It was bigger than last year. Nevermind.
  8. I saw the Bluecoats for a little while yesterday near Pittsburgh. Wow, those kids are working. They have four straight rehearsal days before quarters in stadiums with great vantage points. Maybe they won't catch BD or even hold on to second. Who knows. But, I can tell you from how they were performing yesterday, they are fighting to the end and they were still adding vocab to the show. Still more to clean and I can't wait to see them after this four day stretch! Congrats to the organization, staff, members for an incredible product.
  9. Wait....SCV is not doing that well because their members use their cell phones and update facebook? Or are you saying that all corps do not work as hard as corps from 10 years ago? I'm confused and also think that's a ridiculous comment.
  10. Good review but Fackler has never written for the Bluecoats. He bailed on the corps a few weeks before move-in last year.
  11. From what I've heard, Mason and his team were only planning on being on board for 2010 and 2011. This involves the movie that Mason is working on about Zingali. Should be interesting to see what happens in the future for the Scouts.
  12. I love the new sounds in the activity and therefore love the synths. I love what the Bluecoats are doing, although it would great to see them push what they're doing even further this season especially considering the show. There are some cool sounds being used, and I got chills the other night from the mix of strings and mellophone. Simply beautiful. So, count me in as someone that would miss them. I've been around this activity marching and teaching for the last 18 years so I'm not someone that just discovered drum corps. I have an open mind when enjoying the performances going on today.
  13. The opener's my favorite part of the show. Love it.
  14. Saw the show at Bowling Green last night. I love the sound their getting from the baritone solo! It would be cool to see what other sounds they could come up with using the effects and mic. It fits perfectly into the vibe of the show. The mellophone solo I also thought was very effective. The sound was "in-the-mix" of everything since it came from more areas (all of the speakers) instead of just the bell of the instrument coming straight at you. I thought the blend was extremely effective. Both soloists were great by the way. The baritone player is playing tons of notes!
  15. It's free so you might as well download it and give it a try
  16. What the heck, here's my prediction: 76.1 Crown 75.2 Cadets 70.9 Bluecoats 68.6 Glassmen 68.3 Phantom 66.4 Spirit
  17. DCI is making their own app that they'll finish and release in 3-4 years.
  18. Yes, there are some corps that sell off their full line or a part of the line every year. Some of the other corps sell off of their horns every other year. It depends on the brand of the horn and the corps. These horns are not "utterly worthless" but if people are willing to buy them (schools and individuals for a reduced cost), the corps is making a little money, and new horns are going into the hands of the members every year, it's a great way to cycle through top-of-the-line equipment. It helps the horn manufacturers get more of their product in the marketplace. This is a great benefit to having Bb horns. Corps were not selling used G-bugles to high schools (if they did, it was extremely rare). I played on the same G bugle for 5 years. Now the corps I teach has replaced over 90%+ of their horns each year with brand new equipment for the past 4 years. Almost all of the new horns they will be playing on this summer have already been sold.
  19. There's video online of them moving and playing with them.
  20. Just to clarify, there are a lot of reasons that they did not make finals and the music book is included. They were 16th in Music GE. Their highest placement was percussion in 14th. Everything else was 15th-17th.
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