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Everything posted by mingusmonk

  1. Amen. I stopped being this guy. And not just regarding RAMD.
  2. 😆 Oh, how I miss this man. 😢
  3. Oof. Just read it. Wild editorial choice to leave that in as written.
  4. I think I read he was in a booster-paid position. Around my parts that means you are still required to do the same background checks as School employees, but other than that, you are not under the purview of HR.
  5. Some kid created Corps Reps and then migrated it to DCX Museum. http://www.dcxmuseum.org/
  6. This is very exciting! Looking forward to your finished product!
  7. In some states, all adults are mandatory reporters. Including the state that hosts DCI finals.
  8. I was thinking at least one that was mentioned ... very early in this thread. Very early.
  9. He was 2 months away from the end of his contract when this came up. And was about to do another 2 years but this incident made his decision for him. He explains here, if this makes sense. Obviously you know more of the ins and outs of enlistment than I do. https://youtu.be/5LiHhybLnPw
  10. As mentioned earlier in the thread, the change was in the works this summer. I'm not calling it "old news" since it wasn't ever published, but ... there is a reason that plenty of DCP users who knew about it aren't starting threads on the topic. 🙃
  11. The pervasiveness of this thread over the remaining minutiae of points is fascinating. It has gotten parsed down to a couple of tiny cells that were a part of the full OP organism yet it still thrives. Bravo.
  12. Supposed to be the inaugural show this weekend? https://www.facebook.com/SoundSport/posts/soundsport-scholastic-is-coming-to-cincinnati-september-25th-register-your-march/3858797250913423/ Yet nothing but crickets chirping. I know Varsity is dabbling in some other scholastic marching band ventures as well, like US Bands. Nothing seems to have any teeth yet. Side note: Bearcats marching band and Varsity have had some other heavy cross-promotional stuff this summer/fall. Probably not a coincidence that they performed DCI "finals" night this year too. Was it paid for by Varsity/Stanbury? Interesting rabbit hole.
  13. I'm glad she is recovering! I had a high school student whose leg separated at the knee multiple times over the years while pushing keyboards post-rehearsal. ELIMINATE THE DANGEROUS FRONT ENSEMBLE! 🙃
  14. Hoping for all of the best for Crossmen going forward. I definitely got a vibe this summer that they are still battling to get on the right side of the financial chasm caused by the pandemic. These off-season changes are big. They have some great alumni fighting for them! Keep it up bones!
  15. It was a real joy watching this diverse set of performances. In a way, the connection to dated material was refreshing. And this scoring break was an fortunate by-product of an unfortunate situation for a few groups that needed a good "reset." Weather it was a corps re-presenting an entire classic show, or a group paying tribute to the entire long legacy, or one paying tribute to their community. So many different approaches! That being said, my interest in seeing groups publicly struggle with reconciling their past with their future in show format for the long term is very limited. I'm sure most folks on these forums have lived in this scene long enough to have seen some touchstone drum corps spend years trying to pay tribute to themselves as they wander aimlessly in a creativity desert. I don't want to see the bottle dance every other year. Or an obligatory repeated Bernstein-framed Z pull. Or a 22 snares playing drum to drum every year. The Crossmen can find a way to play "The Lick" and that is a fun and quick wink as fan-service. But circling the drain with retro shows year after year ain't it for me. So I guess that means I want scores as limiting framework, which puts group in a position to test and bend those limits. If you can do that with a retro lean, bring it.
  16. This was 6 PM last night. https://photos.app.goo.gl/28NyTW9mUWToAdCM6
  17. Thanks for the head's up. I have frequently utilized and referred people to this deal over the years. I remember that it started out as $10 tickets, then $15. But even at $19 it is a great way to get kids/students into the gate.
  18. Which reminds me of the fantastically ludicrous movie that takes it's name from Leakey's primate. A story about "what if drugs smuggled inside of Scarlett Johansson's gut leaked and actually gave her 100% Brain Capacity?"
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