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Everything posted by fsubone

  1. Well, Brasso's mention of largest margin of victory came from 1976, so I was going off of that. In the modern era though, yes. This is the largest margin, and was pretty deserved.
  2. Couple of small points. Their margin of victory is .025 smaller than SCV's win in 1973, which was 2.5 over the Troopers. They do great in I&E year in and year out, but most corps no longer allow their members to enter and compete. So Devs are usually competing against themselves in most classes. Lot of corps want that rehearsal day right before Prelims, BD has proven again and again that they don't need that bonus time with all their members together. Otherwise, spot on analysis
  3. The weird thing about it seems to be that during most of the season when they competed head to head, Academy, PC, and Mandarins were scoring ahead of BDB and SCVC by good margins, then that evaporated when BDB and SCVC went on Open Class tour. It would seem like competing against World Class corps all season slowed down the rate of score improvement for those corps, while the "weaker" field of Open Class allowed for BDB and SCVC's scores to rocket up. BDB's score improvement- 29.625 points. SCVC's score improvement- 26.55 points Academy's score improvement- 18.075 PC's score improvement- 19.45 OC's score improvement- 14.1 Mandarin's score improvement- 20.25 So we see a much larger score improvement, especially on a show-by-show basis for the Open Class corps. A theory I've heard bounced around is also that DCI wouldn't have wanted there first Open Class champion on WC sheets to be the 70s for Finals. Would look kind of strange on the trophy. Probably just a conspiracy theory
  4. Doesn't numbers management play a role here? If a judge starts the lowest corps high, then there's less room near the top, and a higher chance of someone maxing out. Bd is phenomenal this year, but a 100 in GE2 content at Prelims? Seems like bad management during the day
  5. Didn't Quarterfinals in 1994 get rained out? I thought the top 5 did at least
  6. On the other end of the scores, check out Mandarins and Surf. Mandarins have a big drop, and now Surf is right on their tail. Did they have a bad show tonight, or just weird panel?
  7. Or maybe the change in brass pedagogy over the years has changed why we don't hear the same "cutting" sound from trumpets. Listen to old recordings, and it used to be play as loud as you can on impacts, on horns that honestly weren't built great. Now we have much better tone production on much better instruments. So no, it's not as loud and jarring as the old shows, but you can't honestly say that intonation and tone were better back then.
  8. and one of Jupiter coming out of the ballad
  9. Yes and no. A lot of the material from "Ballet for Martha" carried over, but some sections were cut, and of course the orchestration went from 13 to full orchestra. Very similar, but there are differences. Like how SCV 2009's drum solo is music from the original ballet that doesn't appear anywhere in the Appalachian Spring Suite.
  10. 2010 for the music book. Just for the sheer fact that they put Mahler 2 on the field with that kind of brass spread is one of the most impressive things I've ever seen. Even with the way the Finals show added can't take away from that great production.
  11. Looks like fades are the big thing this year. It's a good look, creates a cool blend into the pants.
  12. The over-reaction was hilarious. The attempts to get the hashes re-done wasn't really that funny.
  13. Not SCV, but there is another group from last year's Top 5 that will be having sections switching instruments.
  14. Wouldn't mind it. They did miss the chance to use that for their 07 show, but the color scheme would still work. They've used purple and green before
  15. And they're not the only ones doing something like that this year.
  16. They did mention that California Chrome was their "adopted horse" during this season, and that color scheme is purple and teal…. Could be a hint hiding in there
  17. They did end up live streaming the Birthday Dinner this year, so that everyone that couldn't make it got a chance to view it. Nice touch from SCV. They did a bit of the show music, but I doubt much of that music is the same as it is now. Three months of tweaks and re-writes can really change some parts of a show
  18. 1992 or 2000 have always been my favorite. Both years are packed with solid shows, and even great shows outside of the Top 12 (Southwind 2000 springs to mind)
  19. The trip to Oz was a few years ago. Other kind of "No Place Like Home"
  20. They abolished that rule last year or the year before. There used to be a system in place to break ties, especially going to the 3 decimal places. Now two corps can tie again, with no issues.
  21. Well, considering how Space Oddity and Major Tom are about someone going up into space and getting lost out there, "There's No Place Like Home" seems like it would fit well into the theme. The longing of someone trapped drifting up in the cosmos to get back to their home and family on Earth.
  22. Probably have people turn backfield to represent the different sides of the strip?
  23. Is Crown going to use the original Peter Schilling edition of "Major Tom," or will they use a more current version like the Shiny Toy Guns cover? The original song is fun, but certainly has a very distinctive new-wave vibe.
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