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Everything posted by drumcorpsfever

  1. I think INT should be penalized because it always exceeds to 11 minutes. INT is boring and has no place in DCI!
  2. I believe the general perception of DCP is that it is a toxic waste land of a small band of posters. Corps members are commonly advised to stay away. But, I read it anyway and enjoy participating in the threads!
  3. Looking at the recap from Lisle, did Crown's percussion beat Bluecoats percussion? I know it wasn't a full panel, but am I reading this right?
  4. Going to bed. Mom says if I don't, then Santa and the Easter Bunny won't come to my house. I'll have to wait for the scores tomorrow! Good-night all!
  5. I read George's blog. I have no problem with it. Mr. Hopkins is one to speak his mind. It's probably unusual when he doesn't. Those of you who enjoy the openness of The Cadets when it suits you: periscope, early season camp videos, sharing of show ideas, etc., can't have it both ways. If you don't like what he had to say and don't want him to say it, then speak up and demand that all the other sharing they do is stopped. Wait. What's that? You like some but not all? Sorry, it doesn't work that way. George speaks of passion, dedication, focus, achieving high levels - I appreciate that. Not only that, I get the sense that George is one to spill his gut, not hold back, and is honest to others as well as to himself. I think that's awesome. There is more to drum corps than scores. Those that achieve in the activity as young adults are prepared more for the real challenges of life than most who casually let their summers pass by without much fanfare. Thank you George. Keep the lines of communication open. Keep leading. Keep developing leaders of tomorrow!
  6. I'm not buying it. Bloo simply is better than The Cadets now. In fact, Crown is better than Cadets too. Judges will figure this out sooner or later. Why is there always such an early season bias with Cadets? No matter, it WILL HAPPEN! This is not Cleveland PS - no disrespect intended for The Cadets.
  7. Why the predictions of Cadets beating Bloo tonight? Folks, don't hesitate to join the Bloo Corpswagon. There's plenty of room for all. Embrace the noise. Bloo is worthy to be in front of The Cadets right now.
  8. Aside from Akron, one of the better acoustical stadiums.
  9. Turibul. Simply turibul website! - Chuck Barkley
  10. Brass tonight was incredible! Guard super! Drums, getting better. Somehow I think GE and Visual is something this team can address better than most any corps. Love this show - it's going to be in the discussion the entire season. It's got legs!
  11. I'll have to wait to see BD and SCV first-hand. They sound like they have terrific shows. I have seen Crown, Cadets, and Bloo. I think there will be a lot of suspense as to who takes the gold, silver, and bronze this year. After less than 1 week in the books, it's shaping up to be an very exciting and competitive season! Great for drum corps, great for us fans!
  12. Overheard 2 dinosaurs talking to each other while watching the Bluecoats: "It's too loud! They should turn it down! Where's the remote?"
  13. Only 2 hours? Live versus on your computer? Really??? Are you freakin kidding me??? :>
  14. Can anyone explain what the guard members are supposed to be. We couldn't figure out what the headgear is supposed to be. Also, what is the "game" in the Game On.
  15. I disagree with the solid identity to point. An identity (heavy brand) can also be crippling. The fact that Bluecoats have lacked that heavy identity has actually been a positive for them. They have been free to explore many paths throughout the years. As a result, they have produced a wide variety of excellent shows. Be careful of what you wish for!
  16. We went to Indy yesterday for the premier. There is a striking difference in the speakers that Crown uses compared to the others. Crown's speakers are comparatively small - but that horn line... wow, they're loud as they are great! Big speakers, Crown don't need no big stink 'in speakers!
  17. DCI website is horrible. Poor design, not mobile friendly... who the heck designed it? Fan Network has gone backward (extinct), presentation of the flagship website representing the activity is a disappointment. DCI had months to prepare for a new launch and this is the best that they could do? Those of you who always long for the "good 'ole days" of drum corps should be happy! We're not quite back to the stone ages, but awfully darn close! I'm going to dig out my old cassette tapes and DCI World Newspapers - gee whiz, I'm so excited!
  18. ...and, it's gone! It appears as though the video archives have all been removed from The Fan Network. Only thing I could find was downloads. It was great while we had it!
  19. What's the reason for your question? I would assume there's a very high percentage of folks that are very knowledgeable. My guess would be something north of 80-90%. A high percentage such as this represents both a positive and a challenge for DCI. One of the benefits of having championships at Indy each year - in addition to a central location for many corps, indoor stadium, etc., is to cultivate regional attendance growth for the event. In 2013, DCI offered greatly reduced ticket prices to those living in Indianapolis. As a result, attendance for the 2013 finals was the largest at LOS to date. So, one of the challenges DCI must continue to meet head on is to market the heck out of championships week and continue to bring new fans to the event.
  20. Crown always has outstanding brass. Now the percussion is quickly becoming a factor. Really like what I'm hearing and seeing. Strong guard and visual, music off the charts = ? I like it!!!
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