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18 Corps in Class A at Dca and counting

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hey guys.... be sure to read what has been published so far...

I don't see more than 25 corps in Rochester. Since 26 is the record, I'm pretty happy with that number considering the "times" (that is: the economy and cost of fuel)

Tampa Bay has over 90 people - they are therefore, open and have passed evaluation - don't think they will throw out a bunch of people to go Class A.

SoCal Dream has announced publicly they will not be attending championships or leaving CA due to finances... most understandable.

several Midwest evaluations are pending.

Class A declarations must be made by May 30th - then and only then will we know the mix between the two classes at championships.

There is at least one of the remaining corps who must be evaluated that is struggling with numbers in excess of Class A - we should know how that shakes out soon. As always, I would hope no corps would take someone who deserves to be there off the field strictly to compete Class A. That is simply wrong.

Class A Has been a phenominal success, but its purpose is still to give new and returning corps the opportunity to be successful while they rebuild. The unique situations that exist aside (like Govies due to being located in nowheresville - I'm still looking for St. Peter on a map - just kidding Amber but you must admit you're a million miles from anywhere), All corps should be striving to grow and improve and become a voting member.

Length of show is a major consideration on numbers in finals. This is due to crack downs in noise curfews. Not only has Rochester cracked down, Annapolis will have the same restrictions.

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Corps you listed as definitely coming in Class A... after the name, my corrections via the latest information available

Cincinnati Traditions - YES

High Country Brass - YES

Excelsior - YES

Govenaries - YES

Gulf Coast Sound - Pending Evaluation

Shenandoah Sound - YES

Fusion Core - YES

So Cal Dream - NO they announced they were competing only on the West Coast

Vigilantes - NO they announced they are not competing this year

White Sabers - YES

Windsor regiment - YES (Passed Evaluation)

Tampa Bay Thunder - YES (Passed Evaluation with over 90 people on the field - this would be OPEN CLASS)

Music City Legend - Pending Evaluation

Chops - NO They announced they were not competing this year

Carolina Gold - YES

Sunrisers - YES (Passed Evaluation)

Grenadiers - YES

Derby City Knights - NO evaluation scheduled

Your list above widdles down a bit from your 18 potential... 14, maybe 13 max per my count... and Ark Thunder is pending evaluation...

If any of the pending evaluations occured today, I obviously have no information yet.

I stand by my prediction of 23 to 25 corps in competition in Rochester... most likely 11 or 12 in open class, the rest Class A but we're 3 weeks away from knowing for sure.

we'll know soon as the final season's preparations swing into full gear....

Edited by TomPeashey
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We all will miss seeing corps like SoCal Dream and Vigilantes in Rochester this summer.... but I salute the managements of those corps for making the best decision for their organizations' long-term health. :thumbup:

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the day is coming when we see 30 there. we just have to be patient. I mean we went from what 16 to 26 overnight?>

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Just to be clear up a coupl items posted :

Tampa Bay had "71" at their evaluation. and plan on marching 75 to 80 members. and YES they have declared Open Class at this time

Derby City Knights have been inactive for 3 years...

Sun Devils are inactive for 2011...

MCL and Gulf Coast Sound are pending evaluations still

and finally **** Class A Declaration is JUNE 1st to the DCA President

Thats it from here in the balmy South !

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This list is assuming no Open corps move to A.

I know two corps that are currently having this conversation. May not go anywhere, but something to think about.

Yes, I can see where this Might happen. Hate to see it though. Times being what they are. I would rather a group go down in Class than have to sit out or go under. Even if they are a Big Name. Take a year or whatever. Regroup and come Back Big again in the Open Div.

Remember also, it is the TOP 10 Highest Scores at Prelims that get Voting rights. No matter which Division you are in.

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Derby City Knights have been inactive for 3 years...

Dang... DCK was at our hotel when they were a Mini Corps and had a great time talking to them. Sorry to hear but thanks for the update.

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