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"Les Mis doesn't have enough music to sustain a complete show." - Jay Kennedy


I heard groans throughout the sparsely-attended theater when he said that. Someone loudly muttered, "Cadets?"

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On another note...My vote for next season is to add a second brass judge in the press box in addition to the field brass judge and then average the two scores...And along with that there goes DCI's budget right along with it :tongue:

Makes sense to me. I think we can just get rid of the field percussion judge to pay for the second brass judge, right? :w00t:

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Sound was great, but the synch between audio/video was a split second off. Just enough to be noticeable when the guys were talking or a closeup of the drum line/pit was shown.

We had the same experience. You really only noticed it on the extreme close-ups, but it was occasionally distracting.

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3. SCV is way overrated and Bloo is noticeably better (feel free to argue)

Traditionally, I like both corps, but I prefer SCV's show this year. More than that, though, it seems more demanding. Of course, I can't analyze every second of both shows, but my general impression is that SCV's show has more demand. Perhaps that is what allowed them to jump the big Blue?

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I was in attendance from Teal Sound on. Best moments were Crossmen (The whole package), Spirit is working that show and well, The long chord by Troopers is awesome, Madison and their emotion, SCV's total package, Boston with well put together show (the ballad is amazing), Bluecoats are better live than on FN, Crown was just real good musically and I like the cheese, Cavaliers x-games moves, BD's robotic way they play soooo well, Cadets and the fact t hat the move at high velocity and play difficult passages while moving, and Regiment...holy smokes...if only they had better caption scores cause the end tore my heart aout and asked for seconds. I cant wait til tomorrow

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Absolutely. BD's staging is fantastic and they're quite clean. But they just aren't TRYING as much as the other corps, visually. BD is almost never playing while moving. They do a ton of great stuff visually at horns down, then they screech to a halt and park 'n' bark or pose 'n' bark. Crown did a lot of the pose 'n' bark, too, but when they were moving, they were playing AND flying around the field.

That said, I liked BD's show more than I thought, and was surprised their brass and musical ensemble scores were so low.

For what it's worth, the theater in San Diego was mildly anti-BD. Biggest cheers for Phantom, Crown, and Cadets.

I think BD has a couple of big problems. For one, they gave the show a title that has virtually nothing to do with the music or the visuals. Secondly, the props completely distract from any great things they're doing. I found myself watching them move props more than I was paying attention to their marching and playing.

I will say that I like the show more now than I did before, but at best, it's a "meh" instead of the "what the #$*^%^ was that?" (which was my first reaction)

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Traditionally, I like both corps, but I prefer SCV's show this year. More than that, though, it seems more demanding. Of course, I can't analyze every second of both shows, but my general impression is that SCV's show has more demand. Perhaps that is what allowed them to jump the big Blue?

Yeah I think so too. SCV's drill is way more difficult and demanding, in my opinion. Not only that, but the brass and percussion books aren't easy either. The Vanguard's got an extremely difficult show this year! They're pulling it off quite well though :)

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Maybe it looked different on the field, but in [my] theater, the new ending got rave reviews. I'm sure most people smiled (thinking of 2008), but they were simultaneously cheering and clapping.

So, like, do they just do the Shakespeare thing?

Congrats Cadets!

Some of these scores seem weird to me... But at least the placements worked out nicely.

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I and the the two other Sunrisers alums watching the cinecast were impressed with the Blue Knights continuing their streak of "Sunrisers' greatest hits"....LOL.... Farandole (Sun 1978) last year, English Folk Song Suite (Sun 1977-78, 1982) this year. Seriously.... this is the most enjoyable show I've seen from BK. Great stuff.

I absolutely love BK's brass and visual these last two seasons...They definitely have NOT been a hot dog corps for me.

While on the "Sunrisers Pride" kick here, briefly... Cadets visual designer Jeff Sacktig and Blue Devils brass guru Wayne Downey are both Sunrisers alums. :thumbup: I'll bet most of you didn't know that. :smile:

That is quite interesting as I did not know that...

Scouts and Boston knocked me out. I hadn't seen Boston since late June, and their current ending really rounds out their show, compared to their "not-quite-getting-this" June ending.

I agree I finally like their ending! This is the very first time I actually think the ending rewrite actually clicks real well for a change...

Kudos to the theater manager at the Regal Cinemas location where we saw the show. When I got there, I asked her if she could make sure the volume was turned up in our auditorium, if she had any control over that... she said she would do so, and she certainly delivered. Volume was WAY up, compared to some previous years... and loud is good!!! :thumbup:

It only took me TWO attempts, but my persistence prevailed in time for Troopers. :smile:

Edited by Liahona
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